Hexagon Tile Floor Transition Entrance Hexagon tile ...

hexagon tile floor transition

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Full width view of the wood floor to hexagonal tile transition. Kitchen to family room.

Full width view of the wood floor to hexagonal tile transition. Kitchen to family room. submitted by hints1037 to woodworking [link] [comments]

DIY Tutorial: Hexagon Tile to Hardwood Floor Transition

DIY Tutorial: Hexagon Tile to Hardwood Floor Transition submitted by buildxyz to DIY [link] [comments]

[Let's Build] d100 Distinct Locations in a Fancy Estate

d100 Distinct Locations & Characters in a Fancy Estate

Channel your most Downton Abbey or period-piece drama, places where a fancy party, drama, folk or gothic horror, or violent excitement can occur on, or near a large estate.
  1. Seaside Boathouse: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding. Down at bottom of cliff, complete w/ sea-wall, & 5-man ketch. Large enough for three bedrooms, servant's bunks, extra kitchen, & small stable! Its own little mini-estate! Loyal sailor mans place, w/ hook hand & peg leg, lost in war.
  2. Apse Oceanus: Underground. Secret grotto at base of wave-wracked sea-cliffs; cave entrance just above high water line. Inside cave, beach-gravel floor; an apse, seemingly carved by nature - semicircular recess covered w/ hemispherical vault. In center is ancient granite cauldron perpetually filled w/ fresh, clear water, as if by magic.
  3. Moaning Cavern: Underground. Partially natural staircase in cavern & sea-cliffs. When wind blows strongly from right direction, it moans & whistles w/ ghostly sounds. Staircase seems natural (but has actually been artfully worked to appear so), it heads further in, up into cliffs beneath Manor.
  4. First Lord's Tomb: Underground. Remains of First Lord of Manor & few relatives, interred in carved grotto in stone, deep beneath Manor. Occasionally trick of wind & strong draft make moaning noises... nothing to be frightened of, surely.
  5. Ossuary: Underground. Vaulted ceilings somehow make underground crypt feel imposing & cramped. Ossuary walls hold recesses for stone boxes nearly impossible to move alone, each box storing interred bones; mortally departed going back to start of noble name of the Family. Some ossuary chests currently empty in preparation for family members whose remains are still in earth, either in Cemetery on grounds or Elsewhere. (u/crimebiscuit)
  6. Garden Wilderness: Estate Grounds, Garden, Wilderness. Transitional area between formal gardens & large park surrounding the house known as “the Wilderness”. Originally as meticulously planned as other areas of Estate, but here plantings more irregular & included native plants and trees; gravel walkways; lawns that resembled meadows; & areas where the vistas were framed to deliberately look natural. Now, without groundskeepers, the real Wilderness is overtaking the Garden. A “Ha-Ha”, low wall & ditch designed to blend into landscape separates area from Common Pasture & errant farm animals.
  7. Gardener's Cottage: Estate Grounds. Leaky roof, made of thatch; needs repair. Single room, w/ hearth. Dried herbs & flowers hang throughout. Gardener is old, but has v. young & precocious niece or nephew.. too young to do much work.
  8. Old Vegetable Garden: Estate Grounds. Said to be haunted at night in Fall. Nothing but weeds grow here, since Gardener is getting too old to do any gardening. Enclosed by a dying hedgerow & rotting wooden gate.
  9. Orchard & Vineyard: Estate Grounds. Fruit-trees in need of pruning & an arborist. Medlar, Quince, Apple, Cherry, & Pear. Several long rows of trees, growing on terraced hillside, interspersed w/ sad, underperforming grape-vines; surrounded by hedgerows in need of maintenance. Small shed & woodbox hides an old copper still & moonshining equipment, along w/ shears & saws for trimming fruit trees, tubs for mashing grapes & other fruit. Still a few jugs of Orchard-keeper’s secret reserve “White Lightning” Fruit-Schnapps buried beneath Wood-pile. Also, that tree over there is where Orchard-keeper was found hanging by neck, five winters ago.
  10. Apiary: Estate Grounds. Much of Estate’s Honey was cultivated here, until plague wiped out hives two years ago. Those that survived have flown off or been slaughtered by hornets this year. Next year’s fields will likely underperform without bee-driven pollination. Bee-keeper abandoned their post, too depressed to continue. Now all that is left is bunch of earthenware hives infested w/ killer hornets.
  11. Main Stables: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding. One of several, for all the work animals that pull the carriages, etc. Hidden behind a wall from view of Main House & Gatehouse by wall. The Stable-master is dour, sullen drunk.
  12. Gatehouse: Estate Grounds. Outbuilding. Literally built across front gate of Estate, part of wall surrounding Main House, Courtyard; 3-story house w/ lower level garage for carriage, small foyer, sitting room, 3 bedrooms, privy w/ new interior plumbing, small kitchen, basement & attic bunk for servants. Used to house Old Lord’s mistresses while Lady was home. Plaster fresco above main bedroom fireplace features prominent image of Lady’s stern & displeased face, supervising the activities in room.
  13. Courtyard: Estate Grounds. Cobblestone & gravel driveway past the Gatehouse, Old Wellhouse to the Front-door of House. Drive around side of house to Coach-house, East Stair & Servant’s Entry. During parties, lit up w/ outdoor braziers, torches, & lanterns.
  14. Petite “Cour de Marbre”: Estate Grounds, Entry. Former Lord, some generations ago, fell in love w/ foreign Ruler’s palace so much, decided to replicate it here in miniature. Striking, intricate patterned, polished black & white marble courtyard patio, up short flight of steps; Courtyard driveway goes right up to foot of it. Front Door opens onto it. Terribly slick in wet weather.
  15. Main Kitchen: Servant’s Wing. Row of iron stoves & warming counters, wide hearth & spit w/ an excellent draw, butcher-block, slate, & flagstone everywhere. Several large copper tubs, pots, & pans. Room itself smells of smoke & food permanently etched into its soul.
  16. Upper Battlements: Upstairs. Highest walls of Estate are adorned w/ stone merlons. Several gargoyles lay in stony wait perched atop walls. Some say they serve Master of the Estate; need only be summoned in order to come alive. (u/Milkslinger)
  17. Morning Room: Upstairs. Small, high windowed office w/ excellent light. Wallpaper has cobwebs & mildew spots down by corner & floor, behind worn bookshelf loaded w/ moldering books. Close inspection might reveal secret behind bookshelf.
  18. Batmen’s Quarters: Servant’s Wing. Long, narrow hallway w/ only one window at end, runs length of the entire Main Estate building. Chief Servant of the Master takes calls for whatever They may need, using this hallway to swiftly move from one end to another, unseen. Each room in House, adjacent to this hallway, has a secret door (DC Medium, Investigation) one may use to enter. Should PCs find this, may also find blueprints of Manor w/ all hidden passages; also rations & diary of Master of the House’s comings & goings. (u/TheBeginningOfMe)
  19. Portrait Gallery: Upstairs. Series of interconnected rooms featuring most-recent portrait work of the artist the family currently patronizes. His idiosyncratic manner captures Family in a striking stylized fashion. But the real oddity is addition of one handsome scion who reoccurs in paintings that no one seems to have any recollection of. (u/crimebiscuit)
  20. Long Gallery: Main Floor. V.long, tall ceilings room turned into something more than hallway, w/ other rooms, v.tall dbl-doors, opening into it; stretches entire length of Mansion, has excellent light, wooden parquetry floors, three fireplaces, two full sets ancient plate-armor, several large taxidermied curiosities, giant decorative vases, etc. Nobles take exercise here when weather is inclement.
  21. White Stateroom: Main Floor. For meeting important people. Large room all in white, ornamental plasterwork on ceiling in shape of fluffy feathers & clouds. White & Cream wallpaper w/ motif of feathers. Cream curtains, nearly completely covered in embroidered silky white feathers. White furniture w/ white & cream upholstery. Pale hardwood parquetry floor, w/ gigantic cream & white ornamental carpet. Silvery, platinum-leaf decoratively applied to plaster mold-work. Maids work extra hard to scrub soot from fireplace’s white granite hearth.
  22. Marble Hall: Main Floor. black & white chequered marble floor; stunning oak carvings, by famed craftsmen. On wall hangs a portrait of Ruler, inscribed w/ motto ‘Non sine sole iris’ (No rainbow without the sun). 23 sets of ivory & stags’ horn scrimshawed into chandeliers w/ scenes of ancient life. Carved Stone Fireplace w/ marble busts.
  23. Green Salon: Upstairs. For entertaining guests at intimate parties; tall ceilings, cream & vibrant-green trimmed “boiseries”, ornamental wood panelings. Room imitates the Salon of a Foreign King; everything is given names that are fancy words in other language. In pride of place, matched set of “fauteuils á la reine”, ornamental armchairs wide enough that even largest panniers on court-dress can sit comfortably w/out wrinkling. V. large, gilded mirror above gigantic fireplace & mantle, v. expensive porcelain vases on display. Oval plasterwork bas-relief fresco of Old Lord’s (embellished) military victories.
  24. Mirrored Ballroom: Main Floor. Colonnade supported large ballroom, surrounded in full-height mirrors. Mirrors enchanted to record & display glories of masquerades & balls past, dancing in time to whatever music is being played. Several large crystal chandeliers. Balcony over entrance overlooks Ballroom from Master’s Chambers, 2nd Balcony over musician canopy connects to Green Salon; Balcony in rear opens to Gardens.
  25. Grand Dining Room: Main Floor. Marble walls, w/ magnificent painted murals higher up and on large vaulted ceiling. Large chandeliers, decorative magical sconces provide light. Grand dining table, seating for 30. Marble tile floor. Fancy dinners here.
  26. Room of Abundance: Main Floor. Continuing decor of Grand Dining Room, but w/ more Gold, Silver. Painted walls & murals of abundance, statues of wealth & opulence. During parties, silver platters full of food placed here by caterers. Connects to Ballroom & Grand Dining Room.
  27. Secret Passages: Hidden tunnels, hideaways, spider-holes; behind every statue & painting. The walls have ears. Eye holes in carvings, etc. Useful for clandestine maneuvering through House. Every major room has secret access routes, in addition to back-hallways used by servants; it’s just a matter of finding them.
  28. Grand Office: Upstairs. Stateroom pretending to be an office-chamber, white, gold, & warm wood color-scheme. One lord was into business, decided to convert stateroom into fancy meeting-place. Square room made to look vaguely hexagonal, w/ facets carved into walls, low bookshelves mirroring & follow hexagon motif floor. Gold hexagon pattern tiled into floor. Huge desk placed on hexagonal raised step; supplicant must approach dias, placed in low, uncomfortable chair. Arched ceiling, ornamental plasterwork suggests beehives, hexagons, bees touched w/ gold-leaf. Wide hexagon fireplace, ornamental gilded plaster mantel of dripping honeycomb & bees. Single large circular window; ample light, hexagon shaped leaded panes & amber colored stained-glass bees. Hexagonal double door w/ stained glass beehive to enter. Bees magically enchanted, reflect attuned user of desk’s mood, move when no-one looks at them. “Secret” door on wall to Petite Office, concealed within woodwork.
  29. Petite Office: Upstairs. Smaller office, (compared to the Grand Office, anyway) w/ private bath & privy. Wood paneling, lots of books, old gas & (new electric lighting from Galvanics). Worn, comfy executive chair. Wood paneled “secret” door connects to Grand Office. Knick-nacks & Taxidermy everywhere there isn’t books & paperwork.
  30. Thinking Room: Main Floor. Small Alcove off Main Library; small table & chair. Eerily quiet, architecture baffles sounds from Library, making anything quieter than shouting easy to ignore. Encyclopedias, dictionaries & other reference materials usually found here, & upon finding books missing from Main Library, inexplicably one’s first inclination is to sit down & look up whatever one wants to know, instead of taking it back. People found after being missing for minutes or hours, sometimes looking up things unrelated to the subject they originally intended to; usually their reaction to being asked about this is a simple, "I got kind of curious." (u/thecomputerking)
  31. Main Library: Main Floor. Wall to ceiling books, w/ brass rails & rolling ladder to reach multiple levels of books, v. little else. Grooves in well-worn wooden floor show extensive use of ladder happened at one point in history of Estate. Books may or may not be just for show. Roaring fireplace & lanterns provide warmth & light; "Thinking Room" & "Study" are adjacent.
  32. Study: Main Floor. Large, padded leather, comfy chairs w/ high backs, resembles throne, along w/ small side-tables, lamps, & writing desk; all oriented to face set of v. tall, wide, windows for the best natural light. Adjacent to Main Library.
  33. Nursery: Upstairs. Filled w/ all manner of children's Toys & complete w/ crop of Ankle-biters & accompanied strict Nurse. Alternatively, room that has been abandoned & seen much neglect.
  34. Children's Quarters: Upstairs. Tiny beds or cribs where children sleep. Patterned w/ toile wallpaper, simple furniture. No doubt filled w/ ghosts of murdered children, there is no joy here. A small room adjacent to this is where Nurse sleeps.
  35. Nurse's Chamber: Upstairs. Actually two small rooms, cramped bath, & privy w/ cranky, indoor plumbing. Nurse uses one tiny room to sew, & to lock naughty children in as punishment, there is one specific corner that is noticeably stained by tears & snot of unruly children. Second tiny room has bunk for Nurse to sleep & chest to keep things in.
  36. Billiards Room: Main Floor. Huge table, ample room around sides for cues. Chandeliers provide ample light. Gilt trim & mirrors make room bright, opulent at same time. Cards tables, other entertainments available. Notable artwork in room: triptych story of Noble who hosted other Noble for fancy dinner, but failed providing standards of hospitality. Last panel of triptych: host is murdered by offended guest.
  37. Attic: Museum of failed & forgotten dreams; furniture covered in tarps, dust, leaves, and bird nests. Surely haunted. Don’t let the Creepy Urchins scare you.
  38. Garret: Attic. Habitable space, at top of House; small, dismal, & cramped, w/ sloping ceilings, often leaky roof. Where “unfortunate” members of the Lord’s family are kept. Optional: Set of manacles, collar, chain, other irons mounted to one beam, slop bucket. Alternatively, the cramped room contains small bunk & tiny writing desk, stool, & campy unfinished manuscript or private diary by servant w/ literary aspirations.
  39. Servant’s Wing: Back of the house, covers several stories, many rooms & store-rooms; shared bunk-rooms for servants. One half has locked hallway to keep male staff & female staff separated. No shenanigans!
  40. East Stair & Servant Entrance: Servant’s Wing. Steepest, Narrowest, most treacherous stair in house. Connects to Servant Entrance, Mud Room, lots of traffic as staff hurry up & down w/ tasks about House. Servant Entrance has Mudroom, none DARE use Front Entrance for Business.
  41. Boot Room: Servant’s Wing. Where cleaning of boots, shoes & certain items of clothing take place. Don’t scuff the Lord’s Boots, worth more than lives of three servants in price.
  42. Servants Hall: Servant’s Wing. Place of congregation for Staff House; sit & relax by fire during break, eat & play music on battered piano. Large table, chairs lines length of room. “Bell Board” w/ every upstairs room listed on it; each w/ their own bell, linked by clever pulley.
  43. Butler’s Pantry: Servant’s Wing. Contains large desk, cupboard storing expensive silverware, & keys to House, wine pouring accouterments, & many other furnishings & fittings. Everything is always tasteful, & professional; even the stuffed fish & list of awards on the wall. Situated opposite Kitchen & alongside Housekeeper’s Sitting Room in the Servants' Wing.
  44. Housekeeper’s Sitting Room: Servant’s Wing. Serves as Housekeeper’s Office; full of books & paperwork as well as small desk & swivel chair. Connected to small Housekeeper’s Bedroom; located next to the Butler’s Pantry in the Servant’s Wing.
  45. Laundry: Basement. for washing loads of cloth generated by Estate. Large blue-ish stone cellar-room w/ tables, tubs, washboards, dry-lines for hanging. Of course entire place is moist & smells of soap/mildew, or filled w/ great billows of steam, depending on mood. (u/mr_earthman)
  46. Gymnasium: Basement. Old timey barbells, medicine balls, & other implements of self-torture in the name of “health”. Room always reeks of cigar-sweat & sausage.
  47. Sauna: Basement. Fiery Furnace, Hot Water Tank, & unholy mess of pipes & valves combine forces to create a steam-room sauna that can steam hams in just a blink should anything go awry. Some staff think there’s a poltergeist that writes things on mirrors, leaves blood everywhere - others doubt one exists, blame the blood on Estate Lords being.. “Oh so clumsy!”
  48. Wine Cellar, Cheese Cave, & Tasting Room: Basement. Barrels & bottles gathering dust inside enormous, climate controlled, vaulted, brick-lined wine-cellar deep underground. Even deeper, perfectly climate controlled cheese-cave w/ cheddars older than most of Staff, just now achieving maximum ripeness! Includes medium sized tasting room, lit by lanterns (and recently, electric light from Galvanics). Secret entrance, perfect for clandestine rendezvous & intimate cult meetings. Secret exit to surface, good for villainous escapes.
  49. Mad Laboratory: All sorts of creepy-crazy-unholy-weird in here. Scary experiments. Possibly long unused, at risk of catching fire any second now & burning whole place to ground. What are you doing w/ that match? Either located deep in basement, in secret dungeon in garden outbuilding, or in highest attic of furthest tower, in case of accidents.
  50. Cozy Dungeon: Basement. Several cells, a vaulted torture chamber w/ flickering gas-lamp (also recently installed electric light from Galvanics), manacles, custom graffiti & wall scratches, etc. A Lord, three generations ago, had water piped in to have dankness adjustable, & to hose out cells whenever they got too filthy. Now mostly just used for illicit cult-sex-stuff & occasional dungeon-orgy. One wall is suspiciously bricked over, looks like it used to be another cell. Second wall has sconce that when pulled, reveals another secret entrance, for secret comings & goings.
  51. Star Chamber: Basement. Every Estate needs an Occult Ritual Room for Cult meetings & such. 8- or 9-sided large underground room w/ polished marble terrazzo floor, polished marble walls, intricate design of clock face & zodiac motif on floor. Domed ceiling painted midnight blue, w/ magical pin-pricks of light to resemble stars in night sky. Pinpricks magically focus light on whoever is in room, so they glow & are lit, while giving illusion of everything being night around. Gold & Platinum magical braziers burn to represent sun, moons, levitate across ceiling in time w/ astronomy. V. special, v. mysterious. No less than 3 secret entrances, plus special dumb-waiter access, chair & table storage for multipurpose room.
  52. "Family" Chapel: Small, single room w/ shrine, where house-staff & family practice religious devotions, away from prying eyes of yokels; who knows what dark deities Estate Lords worship?
  53. Rooftop Observatory: Upstairs. Great domed contraption built into a tower; magnificent 360 degree view of sky. All sorts of equipment & charts strewn about benches crammed into this space, dominated by huge brass telescope. This behemoth, covered in all sorts of gears, cranks, & levers, can easily bring craters on Moon into focus, or... spy on midnight rendezvous in garden. In a place dedicated to the stars, what could possibly draw one's attention away from the heavens? (u/Longjumping_Piano55)
  54. Local Chapel: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding, Church. Where yokels worship. Father Ted presides. Small brick structure w/ tile roof, seven pews, & small altar. Within sight of Manor-house, but far enough away to be "separate". Has small garden where Father Ted tries & fails to grow sweet-peas.
  55. Vicar's Cottage: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding, Church. Even smaller than Gardener's Cottage, this one is at least still in repair. Father Ted lives here, Has but small bed & tiny desk to write sermons on.
  56. Cemetery: Estate Grounds, Church, Cemetery. Small, lonely grave-site filled w/ locals from Village. Estate "lovingly" donated to Village Church by former Lord. Rusty mort-safes protect some of the remains.
  57. Mausoleum: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding, Church, Cemetery. Imposing structure on grounds of Cemetery; may be connected to Underground Caverns & Ossuary. Occasionally haunted.
  58. Widow Row: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding. When former staff families are retired, or die in service to Estate, their widows, children, & infirm elderly are offered small rooms in run-down worker's cottage-house that existed on site before even Grand Manor was built! Rooms barely bigger than a stall for horses in a stable have several family members crammed into them, but includes free use of tiny patch of garden. Hidden from Main House by wooded bit of hills & muddy track.
  59. Mad Muckbang's Lab: Estate Grounds, Wilderness. Out near river on far estate edge; small cave w/ brambles growing over entrance. Inside, lab full of strange glass tubes & bubbling pots, liquids in thousand colors, & heavy cloying mist in the air. Alchemist & Inventor Finias Muckbang rents use of cave from the Nobles. Ignore occasional sound of explosions; possible entrance to Old Mines within.
  60. Hermit's Shack: Estate Grounds, Gardens, Wilderness. Home of official Estate's Garden Hermit; resembles nothing more than few large stones & brush lean-to w/ tiny fire inside to keep warm. Out of the way part of Estate, but famously favorite destination for party-goers at former Lord's big shin-digs. Garden hermit gives guests fright; the Lord would enjoy themselves w/ their terror!
  61. Rose Bush Labyrinth: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Wall of tall & sturdy rose bushes towers around exterior; suggests much the same inside. Plaque affixed by entrance to maze w/ message embossed: "To find your center, follow your heart." Hint to navigate labyrinth; always turning left leads you to center. Nearer you get to it, clearer the burbling, rippling sound of fountain that sits at heart of maze. (u/crimebiscuit)
  62. Garden Fountain & Statues: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Statues or Ornamental Fountains throughout Gardens. Weeping Angels, Prancing Cherubim, Fanciful Animals, or Heroic/Historical Figures. Stone & Brass. Sometimes accompanied by water-feature.
  63. Animated Topiary: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Large bushes trimmed to look like creatures, animated to patrol the garden-grounds.
  64. False Gazebo: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Vine-covered gazebo oddly recessed without broad view their type usually affords. Stone cobbled floor, interior has moss extruding in strange geometrical, almost artificial shapes; might betray presence of subterranean level, cellar accessible through means not immediately evident. (u/crimebiscuit)
  65. Stone Exedra: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Depressed semicircle in ground lined in fieldstone & tiles,; lichen covered limestone & granite benches. Old marble or granite columns, some toppled, decorate the semi circle. Little known, this area predated Estate by many centuries. Acoustics inside circle are excellent.
  66. Tiled Stoa: Estate Grounds, Gardens, Ruin. Existing on site before construction of Manor; ancient weathered marble columns in Doric style, line black & white weathered marble tile walkway, covered w/ cracked earthenware roof tiles. Some columns & portions of roof left to collapse, artfully. From these spots, Gardener is apparently allowing wildflowers & vines to bloom.
  67. Amphitheatre: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Small open-air stage built at bottom of gently sloping hill. Seating on the slope; audience looks down at stage. Mostly unused, apart from occasional travelling theatre troupes passing through... however if you go on moonlit nights, might just witness an otherworldly performance. Be warned though, it may not be to your taste... (u/Zawoopdoop)
  68. Garden Ambulatory or Loggia: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Located few dozen yards away from Main House is rubble & freestone structure w/ stone slate roof, six bays of arched columns, flagstone lined arcade filled w/ comfortable looking wicker furniture. In crest of each arch, crude medallions of several different figures, now weathered & worn beyond easy recognition.
  69. Old Treehouse: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Small hut in branches of reat oak, hideout of noble child long since grown up. Accessed via rope ladder; within shouting distance of manor, it's rather peaceful once inside. Wooden building, still holding strong, contains only simple chairs & table, tattered rug, some forgotten toys. Perhaps there is secret item hidden within - an old child-treasure, or someone else taking advantage of abandoned space. (u/Zawoopdoop)
  70. Coin Tower: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Given fancy name, Folly guards one outer-entrance to Manor-grounds. Miniature castle tower, complete w/ battlements & arrow slit fortifications; only two stories tall. Metal-clad door w/ slot sized for gold-piece; place one piece inside & it locks main-gate to toy-tower via clever clockwork mechanism. Gate & anyone inside is locked in for 12 hours. Locking coin box on the inside holds deposited coins.
  71. Dungeon of Wayward Toys: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Inside Garden Folly that looks like miniature castle tower; guards one outer-gate to the Manor, small alcove w/ rusted jail cell, palatially sized for several small creatures or v. cramped adult. The moldering remains of several stuffed animals & children's toys locked in or chained to the wall w/ rusty, miniature manacles... the toys have been long forgotten. Close inspection might reveal the mummified or skeletal remains of poor animal too.
  72. Overgrown Polo Field: Estate Grounds, Gardens, Ruin. Off in a corner of the estate, long overgrown by woods & ivy. Tournaments held here regularly some one or two generations ago but the sport's popularity decreased, & so did this once well manicured plot's use. It is rumored that the field is inhabited by feral polo horses left in the stables to rot & anyone who enters the green must be ready to face their wrath! (u/Win5get1free)
  73. Trucco-ground & Terrace Estate Grounds, Gardens. Soft green square for leisurely form of ground billiards played w/ heavy balls; brilliant beds & borders of small brick-walled gardens, gray flags of great terrace; rows of little orange trees, once heavy w/ flower & fruit, set in blue delft-ware tubs; now cracked and dying. Oriented to catch the last light of sun & remain warm in early evening. Lit at night during parties by great copper braziers & torches. Big Portugal Laurel grows in the back corner, conceals secret entry into the house.
  74. Decrepit Mews: Estate Grounds, Wilderness, Ruin. Just beyond estate-walls, still within the watchful, downcast eyes of smoke-stained windows; a modest hillock. In days past affluent gentlemen of the Manor took fancy to falconry, doting on birds like dearest children. In those days the mews was fine building constructed mostly of wood & wire mesh cage; playfully built miniature clone of the larger estate. Time has lain itself upon the estate like a smothering blanket; little remains of this once proud roost. One of the walls has rotted through, eaten away by termites until the whole of the tiny house sagged to the side, a precarious arrangement of warped wood & bending metal. The falcons are gone, replaced by the occasional dirt-feathered barn owl or nest of starlings. (u/Knightheart777)
  75. Ye Olde Dovecote: Estate Grounds, Ruin; Back in the day, one of the Estate Lords decided they liked the taste of roast pigeon & doves, as well as using them as reliable message carriers, they decided to breed them. Homing, Roasted, Boiled, Baked, & Stewed; the dovecote was the home-roost of these flexible multi-purpose birds. Now-a-days, chicken & pheasant is tastier, & the roost is in disarray; feral pigeons infest the place like winged rats!
  76. Wind-Swept Sea-Cliff: Estate Grounds, Wilderness. Battered by waves, where else will forlorn lovers throw themselves to their doom?
  77. Wrack & Ruin: Estate Grounds, Wilderness. Wave wracked sea-cliffs at base of Manor; brutal & often site of beached wreckage & powerful currents. Who knows what poor soul has met demise here?
  78. Common Pasture: Estate Grounds, Wilderness. Vast, rolling field of un-farmed grasslands & moors; nearby villagers pasture animals for small fees to Estate. Sheep are common, as is occasional howl of a spectral & terrifying black hound at night!
  79. Wheal & Woe: Estate Grounds, Wilderness, Ruins; Ancient coal or tin & copper-mine sprawls beneath Estate. Don't fall into one of many unmarked, open shafts or pits! Known Hazard, scary.
  80. Old Pumphouse Engine: Infrastructure, Ruins; Rusting clockwork & steam powered pump-engine w/ tall brick chimney; maybe powers Estate, or maybe used to pump out Old Mines beneath, if it can be made working again. Ghosts of several rage-filled engineers no-doubt guard it; must be exorcised before repairs begun.
  81. Oak Forest: Estate Grounds, Wilderness. Where bulk of Estate’s wood comes from. Home to wild boar & truffles; also a well groomed section w/ lone-giant tree, twelve foot trunk; stone benches & small swing.
  82. Common Right of Way: Estate Grounds. Locals are still furious Old Lord enclosed Right of Way; posted “No Trespass” on old trail that runs thru Estate & Oak Forest; short journey to Mines & Coast is now made longer by several miles!
  83. Game-keeper’s Shack: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding, Ruin. Built in hidden ravine, deep in Oak Forest. Shack built on huge fallen log; straddles small but swift flowing stream. Also here: decrepit smoke-house, abandoned kennel for hunting hounds, & vacant, rotting butchery. Rotten animal hides hang on rusty hooks inside, literally every surface coated by thick layer of sprayed blood, gore, & viscera. No clue if it is human-blood, it is gory nonetheless.
  84. A River Runs Thru It: Estate Grounds, Wilderness. Fast flowing brook, w/ gravel, & large rocks perfect for trout, salmon, etc. Just deep & wide enough for small boats or canoe to navigate it, out to sea. Several small ponds connect, including one large pond from Old Abandoned Mill. Sportsman’s Paradise.
  85. Old Abandoned Mill & Bridge: Estate Grounds, Wilderness, Outbuilding. Used by villagers, large mill-pond, spillway dam from Old Mill, & Bridge. Pond is several dozen acres, near Commons; large enough for locals to boat on, even fish when given permission by Lord. Mill has seized, hasn’t been repaired for three generations. Bridge across Spillway is stone w/ several arches. Children play games by dropping sticks off one side, racing them to the other. V. Scenic.
  86. Lonely Sea Wall: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding, Wilderness, Infrastructure. Long wall blunts majority of sea's rage; protects v. small harbor, dock, & boathouse. At end of brick & stone structure, former estate owner installed an ever-burning torch & large brass bell. When wind blows strongly, bell rings by itself. No doubt several former estate owner's family have been brought to sad end here.
  87. Groundskeeper's Shed: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding, Infrastructure; filled w/ rusty tools & pots for wintering plants. Rusty nails & hooks, no doubt able to give one tetanus, simply by looking too long at them.
  88. Old Courtyard Wellhouse: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding, Infrastructure. 100 feet of dark, dangerous shaft down to water table; in disrepair, unused for years, & possibly poisoned. Hidden cavern connected to who-knows-where. Large covered house w/ locked iron gate protects pulley; keeps fools from falling in.
  89. New Wellhouse: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding, Infrastructure. Provides fresh water for Estate, w/ aqueduct & pump to rest of village too. Clockwork or wind-powered. Brand new, 100 years ago! Up on hill in copse of trees behind House. Probably not poisoned.
  90. Great Oven: Estate Grounds, Servant’s Wing, Gardens, Infrastructure. Fire-brick, the size of a building; detached from House because of prodigious heat, w/ small awning to keep out rain. Large enough to cremate bodies, it has several openings. Used by Estate daily; bread & baked goods. Privileged members of Village who charm Chief Cook may use.
  91. Hot Water Cistern: Infrastructure. Made of wood & iron, several thousand gallons of boiling hot water, in Attic, kept at temperature by Fiery Furnace in Basement below. At least one servant's children, playing around, have fallen in & boiled themselves to death over last 100 years. Occasionally leaks onto Servant's Quarters one or two levels below.
  92. Galvanic Array: Infrastructure. New-fangled Storage Battery, charged via generator or magic. Used to provide power to House, or for current/former Lord's magical or scientific experiments. Serious risk of electrocution; pay no attention to creepy hunchback.
  93. Garden Privy: Infrastructure. Gardeners & groundskeepers have to go somewhere, you know. They say that 3rd Earl's grandfather was brutally murdered & unceremoniously buried in muck here, a hundred years ago, their ghost still haunts it!
  94. Enclosed Kailyaird: Servant’s Wing, Estate Grounds, Gardens. Don't let Gardener touch the Turnips. Chief Cook of Manor has claimed enclosed garden behind Kitchens as their own secondary kingdom. Whatever they grow there is incorporated in fine cooking Kitchens produce. Some kitchen staff are convinced several foolish scullery maids have been murdered & buried in back, as fertilizer.
  95. Sewer Catchment: Infrastructure. “We all Float Down Here, Georgie”. Miles of rain-gutters, sink-drains, & indoor plumbing connect here. All that water from laundry’s got to go somewhere; into huge vaulted timber, stone, & iron septic tank underground before percolating into ground-water. Something has stashed at least 150gp of treasure inside.
  96. Fiery Furnace: Infrastructure; burns copious amounts of fuel, provides steam-heat for estate. Connected to coal-chute, wood-storage area, or fuel-tank filled w/ bunker-fuel. Infrastructure.
  97. Dumb-waiter: Infrastructure. One of several, also chute for Laundry. Used for sending food & drink up & down from stores, cellar, kitchen, etc. Not an elevator, but staff & drunken partiers often use it as such, occasionally get stuck, become laughingstocks.
  98. Chief Cook: Overly portly, overly fond of pepper, loud & runs Kitchens like some sort of hyper-militant dictator. Could have even served in military in past.
  99. Wheeze the Lost Groundskeeper: just like the polo field, a young groundskeeper who manicured the pitch was left behind. "We'll be back after a quick lunch!" They said, "just trim sidelines & clean the bleachers please!" & so he did... for decades. They never came back; his tools rusted long ago. His name is long forgotten; grasp on common language tenuous at best. Only companions feral equines that roam this place; they too know what it's like to be abandoned like so many playthings. He is one of them, one of them now, more horse than man, some might say. (u/Win5get1free)
  100. Garden Hermit: Crazed guy who, for some reason, lives in shack in secluded area of Estate, & is never bothered. Hermit never leaves place, or holds conversation w/ anyone for at least the last seven years! During that time they've neither washed, nor cleansed themselves in any way whatsoever, letting their hair & nails on hands & feet, grow as long as nature permits them. Used to be a hit at fancy parties, when previous Lord would show them off to party-guests as a prank!
  101. Eldritch Hobb: Pile of filthy rags in corner of Laundry. Laundry Urchin steers well clear of it & & any drainage catchments, complaining of “red eyes glowing” & alternatively “face of dead sibling”, “red balloon filled w/ blood”, or “harlequin w/ painted face”. IT has taste for nicking shiny jewelry, there is well over 150gp worth in catchment, & Lady of House’s prized earrings were found hidden under pile of rags, years ago; footman was blamed for it & sacked. (u/mr_earthman)
  102. Mad Muckbang: Finias Arquist Muckbang is youngest son of Knight that had been in the Lord's service decades ago. No one bothers him much these days. Alchemist & Inventor, rents use of cave on the Estate for sometimes dangerous experiments. (OwenMcCauley)
  103. Father Ted: Local priest, lives in Vicar's Cottage. Secretly views this posting as punishment for misusing church funds, although such knowledge isn't widely known.
  104. Game-keeper: Ghost particularly reported around Old Vegetable Garden; elderly gentleman in old-fashioned clothing carrying flintlock or blunderbuss; seen late in evening during October; vanishes if approached. Linked to Gamekeeper wrongly executed for murder of a servant to former Lord.
  105. Gardener Wyllet: Getting on in years, losing their sight, hearing, & barely able to swing scythe or turn hoe in order to keep Grounds from turning to weeds; still has knack for finding & tending to medicinal herbs. Mostly found in Gardener's cottage these days.
  106. Laundress & Urchin: Short, powerful, arms likely to bend steel bars, & fists like iron. Shrill voice & accent that can peel paint. Skin & face red & peeling from caustic soda, she’s only 24, but “ain’t got time for suitors or no guff like that -- she has Laundry book to finish before sunset, thank you very much.” She, her 10 yr old urchin cousin, & whatever housestaff she can wrangle away from other duties, crew Laundry from dawn till dusk; for only 25p/day plus food & lodgings in Manor. Urchin is somehow terrified of pile of filthy rags in corner & walks well clear of drains & catchments, foolishly complaining of glowing red eyes within.
  107. Lost Maiden: Haunts Estate; often spotted standing alone in corridors, rooms, or wherever w/ a confused look upon her face. Wears fine, but dated, gown w/ silver lacing. Sometimes only seen in corner of one's eye, other times right in view. However; whenever anyone tries to communicate w/ her, she steps out of sight & is gone! It is said that on occasion, she may look right at you. When she does, you suddenly find yourself, too, lost for just moment before World seems to bounce back into place. (u/Rigaudon21)
  108. Nurse Trunchible: Nasty, strict, & hates children. Doses laudanum & arsenic to get 'em to sleep & to keep that healthy waxy pallor. Sleeps in set of v. small rooms off Nursery & Children's Quarters. Has feud going w/ Head Housekeeper or Butler.
  109. The Twins: Pair of gangly youths, one deaf, one mute; children of an Estate Widow. Rapidly outgrown their rough clothes; aim to serve Estate, in order to survive. Live in Widow Row.
  110. Younger Wyllet: Gardener's niece or nephew. Too young to do much work, even though they try to take up slack for far-too-old-to-be-working relative, Gardener. V. precocious; studying herbology & plans to be master arborist one day. When they aren't trying to weed garden, can be found in Gardener's Cottage.
  111. Unfortunate Son: “Deformed”, or “Mad” Lunatic trapped up in the Attic Garret. “Fresh” slop bucket twice a week. Chained, or straight-jacketed, and basically ignored.
submitted by MaxSizeIs to d100 [link] [comments]

Grout/Caulk/Weep holes - I'm confused and need clarification on standards

TL:DR at bottom
I have a full bathroom reno starting next month and have been doing tons of research everywhere I can to apply the right materials and methods. I do have a contractor coming to install everything and recently had a discussion on tiling the showeTub.
The plan is to use the wedi system behind the walls and wedi niche's to waterproof the walls. The contractor normally grouts everything, all the transitions (corners, niche's). Most of what I have read says to caulk these transitions and apply NO grout. Is this the general consensus, grab the matching silicon caulk from the manufacturer and use that in the corners? I have included a link to the grout and caulk I was considering buying, any other recommendations are welcome.
Floor and shower grout: https://www.lowes.com/pd/MAPEI-Ultracolor-Plus-FA-25-lb-Charcoal-All-in-One-Grout/1000127941
---I realize floor grout should be sanded but this claims to be ok for floors to. Also considered the keracolor sanded grout for the floors.
Matching caulk: https://www.lowes.com/pd/MAPEI-Mapesil-T-10-1-oz-Charcoal-Silicone-Caulk/1000138785
**Here's the bigger question, weep holes: Now I have been reading about folks installing weep holes so water can drain from behind the walls and prevent mold. Should we not be sealing the corners and all the transitions with caulk and include weep holes? Also read about folks grouting just the bottom to let water drain, I'm flat out just confused about this.
We have large shower tiles (https://www.lowes.com/pd/Anatolia-Tile-Hudson-Brilliant-White-Glossy-8-in-x-24-in-Glossy-Ceramic-Wall-Tile/1001038722) and hexagon floor tiles (https://www.tileshop.com/products/black-hex-porcelain-floor-tile-10-in-680185#product-detail-details1).
I planned on purchasing this mortar thinset for the shower and floor as well. (https://www.lowes.com/pd/MAPEI-Large-Format-Floor-and-Wall-50-lb-White-Powder-Thinset-Medium-Bed-Morta1000698138)
Any major objections to the thinset and using it for both walls/floor?
I genuinely appreciate any input. As a complete novice, I have been trying to read/research as much as I can to be knowledgeable. I understand the contractor is a resource but he generally says grout is grout, get what you want/prefer.
TL:DR: The tiles have been bought but I wanted to clear the other variables before purchasing the grout, thinset, caulk, and make sure the tile is installed correctly. Caulk and leave weep holes or just caulk? Avoid grout in the corners/niche's? wedi showerproofing behind tiles.
Thank you in advance.

Edit: forgot to ask about sealing the grout, seen mixed bag on this. Is it recommended to seal the grout even if it says you don't have to? Seems like its an easy enough thing to do for extra protection against discoloration/mold.
Update: contacted wedi through messenger. They said, TCNA guidelines call for 1/4” space between all change of planes, where tile meets tile. They are to be caulked, no weep. This included the built in niche as well.
submitted by mylifeiscoffee to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

Beauty & Elegance of Carrara Marble Tiles and Mosaics

Beauty & Elegance of Carrara Marble Tiles and Mosaics
Elegance, luxury and timeless! That is what comes to minds of design professionals when they think about Carrara marble. The most popular Italian marble named after its region. Carrara has a light grey background and light bluish grey veining with a pattern usually soft and feathery which makes it looks so rich and prestigious. Its neutral tones are what makes it so universal and can add life to any space by its presence.

Truly Timeless

One of the most popular marble yet classic, that never goes out of style. Carrara marble tiles speaks pure elegance and comes in many different styles to meet everyone’s needs. Due to its durability and timeless beauty, it still exists and keeps adding to it’s range from tiles of all sizes 12x12, 18x18 and even large formats. The marble mosaic patterns and styles are endless, because of the dense characteristics of a marble, waterjet designs are easy to create, with blends of other marble and metal inserts. Carrara tiles does not limit itself to any style, it adds its beauty to all kinds of homes whether your home is traditional, modern, contemporary, transitional or mid-century.

Same yet different

Carrara marble gives place a stylish look. But due to its numerous kinds of patterns and textures from polish to matte to honed or satin finishes it brings things to life. It also comes in various shapes Arabesque, Herringbone, Subway, Hexagon, Penny round, and modern waterjet designs with insets of other material like metal and other naturals stone tile material. The diverse range is impressive and overwhelming. This sleek marble just not limit itself to tiles a wide variety of mosaics tiles available can be customized to fit the look you are going for and feel of your home.

Bright white and versatile

The Gorgeous white marble adds brightness to any place. It’s monochromatic colors can trick eyes and enlarge spaces visually while the bluish grey veins still maintains the interest. This light color marble is perfectly suitable for tight spaces as it creates an illusion and makes the area looks open and large. The Carrara marble tiles with glossy finish are reflective and allow light to bounce around the room to give the radiant timeless look.


A great choice for both wall tiles and floor tiles. The Carrara tiles are not limited to any application, from fireplace surrounds to shower surrounds it is very versatile. The decorator Carrara tile patterns can be used for both wall and floor tiles. Care needs to be taken about high traffic areas and the care of maintenance of the tiles.
Browse the wide variety of Carrara marble Mosaic Tiles that will bring your imaginations to life at this Wholesale discount tile outlet and factory direct prices.
submitted by james412309 to u/james412309 [link] [comments]

Can I glue wood to a concrete floor?

Is there a good way to adhere a piece of wood, about 1ft by 3ft, to concrete? It would be in a doorway as a decorative transition, and I don't want any holes/screws/nails in it.
Full story (plus a couple more questions):
I'm turning a small basement cold room (about 5' x 5') into a wine closet. I've insulated the walls and ceiling, but I'm keeping the floor uninsulated to be a heat sink.
I have 2 inch hex shaped tiles that will go right against the concrete floor.
Extra Question: Is that a reasonable choice? Is tiling directly on the concrete a terrible idea? I want the least insulation possible there, and I fugured that it's a small enough patch of floor that it would be ok...?
There reason for the wood is mostly aesthetic, cutting the hex tile flat against the doorway is easy but just won't look good to me. I wanted to make a point of interest. There will be a flat side against the door, and a half-hex cutout side against the tile.
Extra Question: Is that a reasonable choice? For the appearance, I think there has to be a transition in the doorway. And... how else would you transition from a hexagon tile floor? I really don't want to have a cut tile edge.
I figured if I used a hardwood, sealed/lacquered it, it should be durable enough to live a long time stuck to concrete?
submitted by JamesCMLucas to DIYHome [link] [comments]

Hexagon Tile to Engineered Hardwood Organic Transition

In the process of switching out flooring and my spouse is in love with the organic transition from hexagon tiles to hardwood. I'm not sure if this is the correct term but it is when the tile aren't in a straight line or cut but rather the hardwood is cut using a jigsaw to fit the tile. I live in the desert so no humidity and concrete foundation. For the hardwood, can I float them or do I have nail or glue?
submitted by lotsofstufftodo to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

LVP to tile transition ideas?

We are getting ready to lay our 3/16 inch thick LVP flooring, but we are trying to figure out what we are going to do in front of the fireplace. There was tile before, we planned on putting new tile there, however it’s going to be so much higher than the LVP.
We wanted to do hexagonal tiles that “bleeds” into the LVP. But I don’t think I’ll be able to find tile thin enough to line up flush with the LVP. I really want to avoid a tall transition.
Any ideas?
submitted by PropofLOL to DIY [link] [comments]

Looking for guidance on stone selection (xpost)

Hey guys! I am in the middle of a bathroom remodel and have turned myself around with a few stone options, and am interested in your opinions!
The floor and walls of my bathroom will be carrara marble, with hexagons on the floor and rectangles on the wall.
Last minute we decided to add a bench and are debating what type of material to use. Originally I was going to get a piece of marble (slightly darker, because that's all I can find in a remnant). However when I went looking for my vanity stone I found a piece of Super White Quartzite , and the question was raised why not use that for both? I never considered using anything but marble for the bathroom, and am having a hard time wrapping my head around the look.
I also need to pick pieces (either marble or super white) for the threshold and transition pieces on the wall as well as the top and side of the wall by our toilet.
What would you do? Should I add the Super White as a color contrast to all these pieces, keep everything marble, a mix?
Your thoughts are really appreciated.
submitted by bikeboy1360 to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

I Work at the Darabont County Archives - Part Six F History Section

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six A
Part Six B
Part Six C
Part Six D
Part Six E
Part Six F (Hunt Section)
Part Six G (History Section)
Part Six G (Hunt Section)
Part Six H
Sorry this one took so long to post, some really difficult work was put on my plate the last few weeks and the MILF wants at least one of the storerooms finished by November. This one is big so hopefully that makes up for it! This really is a huge entry so I had to break it up into 'History' and 'Hunt' sections.
To get from Morgan Hollows to Bleak Hill you have to take Route 12A North for about 20 minutes through a desolate stretch of flat open ground. Route 12A is itself a newer road, replacing Tractor Lane, and reaches straight North between Chatum and Lynchberg before splitting to head West to Precipice Bay and East towards Enfield. An odd stretch about halfway between the Hollows and Bleak Hill is the remains of Lowfield.
I’m not going to waste a lot of time researching Lowfield (at least with the rest of our itinerary to go) but the long and short of it is this: Lowfield was originally a group of 4 farmsteads with no name that slowly grew into a pop-up village when Bleak Hill was a prison in the 40s. Miss Angie says there’s nothing important about it, just an odd block of residential housing on either side of what used to be called The Warden’s Rows. When 12A was being constructed in the 80s Lowfield had already been abandoned for almost a decade so they just plowed straight through.
This unique circumstance makes the drive eerie. Almost like driving in the wake of a tornado. You essentially drive through the joined backyards and concrete-filled pools of the abandoned homes; looking in the large, glassless patio doors while passing rotted treehouses and severed sandboxes. The fact that the road is only used to access Bleak Hill makes it even more isolating since we didn’t pass a single car on the drive. Just silence and the gathering dark while you drive.
Bleak Hill Asylum, Lynchberg/Chatum town line
The Bleak Hill Asylum is an imposing structure made of large rough-hewn brownstone with sharp tarred roofs black as pitch. Vaguely rectangular with large rounded towers jutting from the walls like blisters, it sits atop Bleak Hill on the Lynchberg/Chatum line in the middle of the broad fields between the Southern Hollows State Forest that surrounds The Tall Men and the Northern Lamplighter Trail around Mount Brigham. The low plains run from the East, separating the two forests from Enfield to Precipice Bay. In the middle of that flat expanse is the hillock long called ‘bleak hill’ by the Abenaki, Micmac, Mohawk, and white settlers. The plains were once home to lush farmland, but the hill has forever been barren, devoid of anything save the hardiest weeds.
On April 3, 1878, ground broke on the foundation of the Hezekiah Litzinger Lunatic Asylum. Litzinger was a former Quaker, architect, and British ex-pat who firmly believed in moral treatment but held severe misgivings regarding the Kirkbride curative system. The Kirkbride architectural style (or Kirkbride Plan) extoled the virtues of sunlight and clean air circulation for curative effects on the mentally ill; this was accomplished by its distinctive ‘bat-wing’ design that left each ward’s central corridor open to sunlight and ventilation from either end. Danvers State Hospital in Massachusetts was built upon the Kirkbride Plan, as were the Trenton State Hospital, Worcester State Hospital, and Eastern State Hospital (I hope you’re seeing the pattern here). Such architecture has since grown a insidious reputation as many of the state hospitals ended up with notorious reputations for patient abuse and other such dark shenanigans.
Litzinger believed that rather than look to nature to cure the mentally ill, a religious approach was needed. Looking to esoteric religious texts, he developed an asylum layout based (loosely) upon the Jewish Kabbalah’s Sephirot. Litzinger’s theory adapted the Kirkbride’s ‘wings’ into large multi-floor buildings joined by corridors where the patients lived based upon their level of severity. I’ll see if I can dig up or draw out a rough layout but for the moment hopefully this explanation will do: Bleak Hill is an imposing brownstone hexagon divided up into 10 circular ‘towers’ each with a corresponding purpose based on the Sephirot and connected by crossed corridor ‘wards’ with guard walkways along the edges.
It is a fully enclosed system with no open-air areas, only huge skylights running along the center of the building from the entrance tower all the way to the administration clock tower and narrow windows lining the outer walls. A chain link fence runs from the clocktower out in a square to 3 tall guard towers, fully surrounding the main building, work fields, guardhouse, and graveyard. Oh yes, Bleak Hill has its own graveyard – an unfortunate result of the facility being so remote. Patients were taken outside for exercise and/or work detail in the fields cultivating vegetables, tubers, and some fruits to supplement the standard supplies. Barracks for the guards, a modest parking lot, a separate hospital/infirmary building, and the Physician-in-Chief’s residence are clustered outside the fence well away from the patient areas. Each tower of the main building has 3 floors with the connective walls are only 2 floors but it’s the basement areas that are really interesting…
As the area is known for heavy snowfalls and harsh winters, the basement of the asylum is connected to the outlying structures via a series of claustrophobic tunnels – ensuring that even in the harshest weather personnel would be able to access the barracks, infirmary, and PIC’s residence. The tunnels curve to ensure that in the event of a breakout or riot the access areas to outside buildings would be easily defensible. Despite the ‘enlightened’ attitude of its creator, the basement held larger communal cells for the most ‘irredeemable louts’ resistant to therapy.
Litzinger died of kidney failure due to gout complications before the asylum was completed on August 21, 1879. His close friend and fellow believer Dr. Norton Highwaist was the first physician-in-chief. Under Highwaist, the Asylum seemingly paid off on Litzinger’s beliefs as patient turnaround was above expectations and the rate of ‘full’ rehabilitation steadily grew. This success continued until 1886 when Highwaist left his position. The next PIC was one of the patriarchs of Precipice Bay, Dr. Joseph van der Voort. Van der Voort continued the upward swing and when he left the PIC position in 1898 the Asylum was well in the black and had started getting the state’s attention. Eustace Weatherall, PhD was appointed by the state to oversee the Asylum in 1899 following a transitional period where van der Voort’s deputy took over. Despite his name, Weatherall virtually sunk the Asylum in 3 years and necessitated its absorption it into the state system.
The newly rechristened Bleak Hill Asylum for the Criminally Insane opened its doors on March 13, 1902. Now run by the state, Bleak Hill’s wards were completely restructured to accommodate male and female patients and prisoners. The basement ‘looney’ rooms were modified into solitary confinement cells, the small infirmary floor of the intake tower was repurposed into a guard station (since the compound had a separate hospital building the infirmary was deemed superfluous), and the corridors leading into the administration tower were bricked up so there was only 1 straightforward access point.
In some ways it seemed that Bleak Hill was made to be a prison, from its imposing solid stone walls, to its remote location, and the neat little trick that the very barrenness of Bleak Hill made it impossible for escapees to avoid the eyes of the four guard towers. Nothing higher than crabgrass grew within a mile diameter of the hill providing absolutely no cover.
Bleak Hill continued as an asylum/prison from 1902-1919 until the Ferber Cuttle riot caused the facility to close for repairs. In those 17 years the facility went through 2 asylum head administrators and 1 prison warden. Now not much is verifiable regarding the riot since fire and water damage destroyed most of Bleak Hill’s records but here are the facts (with thanks to Mr. Berry!):
On February 6, 1919, New Stickney Constables Klein Alpert and Warren Goode responded to a disturbance on Fulton Ave. Fulton Ave was home to several flophouses and was a slum near the train station. At approximately 5 am, they passed a narrow alley running from Fulton Ave to Wilde St and investigated strange noises. They found Feber Cuttle (age 32) hunched over the remains of Anna Cascogne (age 21) with a sharpened piece of metal. Cascogne had a wide, fatal, cut running from her navel to her sternum – severing several lengths of her large intestine and liver – and Cuttle was pulling her organs out with his bare hands and “voraciously biting the viscera”. When confronted, he snarled and bit at the constables until breaking free with “superhuman strength born from sheer madness” and fled down Wilde St. He was captured 2 streets away by no less than 6 constables.
Incarcerated in New Stickney’s constable office, he reportedly bashed against the bars of his free-standing cell until his hands and head were bloody and wood planks had to be fitted against the sides of the cage to prevent his violent actions from freeing him. He raved and screamed but formed no articulate words. Several constables, Alpert and Goode among them, were treated for scratches and bites. Cuttle was the bastard son of Irish/Welsh parents and had a long record in the county from Brahms to Birkinsfield, mostly petty thievery and public indecency with several fugues of madness in the past 8 years. To the constables it was clear that Cuttle’s madness had finally gotten the better of him to the detriment of Anna Cascogne. The magistrate declared him mad in short order and the horrific murder of Cascogne the result of spurred advances; Feber was processed and sent to Bleak Hill under heavy guard.
The wagon arrived at Bleak Hill on the morning of February 7, ushered in by a late winter rainstorm that pelted the region with hail and sleet off and on for the next 2 weeks. The Warden at that time, Christopher Meekus (the longest serving head in the facility’s history at 17 years) was present during the transfer, as was the head administrator of the asylum staff, Dr. Topher Callahan. Cuttle was moved into the basement ward for solitary confinement, cage and all.
Callahan was eager to begin treatment but was forestalled by Meekus, who (rightfully) warned that Cuttle was a dangerous murderer driven into a frenzy by the trip and should be sequestered until he calmed. Meekus posted extra guards in the basement and forbade Callahan or his staff from any contact for at least 48 hours.
Callahan ended up waiting until Monday, February 10. As soon as the day shift began, Callahan and his second, Dr. Thomas Kader, ordered Cuttle chained and brought up to the main ward for interview. Orderlies entered the cell and quickly contacted Meekus. Meekus, bolstered by 6 guards, met the 2 orderlies in the basement along with Kader.
Cuttle had been busy over the weekend. Six food trays sat untouched and/or overturned near the slot at the bottom of the door. The man himself was a horror. According to one of the guards he had bitten off and eaten his lips, leaving a horrific red smirk, and gnawed off his fingertips to the bone. Crazed, he attacked the group until being beaten down and succumbed to liberal doses of ether. By some accounts the orderlies just threw the ether bottles into the cell.
Cuttle was transferred to the hospital building under constant guard and fitted with thick rubber gloves chained to his clothes behind his back. A rubber surgical mask was fitted over the ruin of his mouth to stop his near-constant biting. Meekus suggested letting him expire in solitary, an idea that Callahan overruled, but following a day in the hospital he was released back to his cell.
Callahan continued attempting to treat the lunatic through the bars of his cell for the next 3 days. Meekus washed his hands of the situation and turned his attention back to his prison duties. Unfortunately, not much is known of the events that led to the riot that erupted on Thursday, February 13 (coincidentally a full moon).
The events of the riot itself were well reported, however, and roughly are as follows:
By 4 pm the riot had ended and the fires were put out. The final body count was 47 prisoners, 8 guards, 4 hospital nurses, 2 hospital doctors, 6 administrative staff (including Callahan), and 31 asylum patients. The hospital building and the left side of the main facility were the most damaged due to chemical explosions, but the basement was beginning to flood due to several broken pipes and virtually every window and pane of glass had been shattered. Cuttle’s emulators from the atrium, all prisoners in the beginning, were moved to the secure mental ward and restrained.
Cuttle himself was locked in irons, fitted with crude metal gloves, straightjacketed, and had a steel muzzle locked over his face. He was unable to move or speak.
The sheer enormity of the destruction was enough to give Meekus a mental breakdown. The state immediately transferred the prisoners and patients to other facilities and the deputy warden, Dagan Poole, was given control over what remained of Bleak Hill. It was Poole who took the raving Cuttle to Dr. Friedrich Guehring at the Weiland-Guehring Institute and the state was all too happy to shuttle Cuttle to the private sector.
Bleak Hill reopened on August 15, 1920 as a state penitentiary and functioned as one until 1956. The prison was a great source of income for the county in the beginning, resulting in the creation of Lowfield, but following World War II the state had other concerns and the budgets became smaller and smaller. There is little to say other than the prison went through 7 wardens during those 36 years.
Miss Angie said that it was the isolation of the facility and the sense of hopelessness that contributed to the high turnaround. She has a very narrow view of Bleak Hill but that is mainly due to more recent events. Eventually, plummeting arrest counts and skyrocketing costs led to the state closing the penitentiary for good and switching the entirety into a state mental hospital.
Rechristened ‘Bald Hill State Hospital’, it was in operation from May 1957 to December 1972. If the term ‘State Hospital’ makes your skin crawl you’d be correct in your assumption that horrible things happened during those 15 years.
With funding cut to the absolute bone and the system in various states of denial regarding adequate care for the mentally ill, Bald Hill became a house of horrors. If you’ve seen Titicut Follies you’ve got some idea of the squalor and depravity that occurred before the facility closed in 1972. Horror stories about the facility abound but Miss Angie gave me some first-hand accounts from the end of the 60s:
It turns out that Miss Angie’s mother, Camella, was committed to Bald Hill in 1966. Just to clear the air as well: I vastly overestimated Miss Angie’s age when I started posting my experiences. She’s had a…hard life…and she looks older than she is (thank god she isn’t going to be reading any of this!) – she’s actually only 62! I obliquely asked her age when she was telling me about her mother since it didn’t seem like she could be as young as she claimed in 1966. Anyway…
Miss Angie’s full name is Angela and she has 2 siblings, an older sister, Laura, and a younger brother, Joseph. Her father – he who disowned her following a party at the Glory Whole – played little role in his children’s lives by all accounts. Her mother was committed to Bald Hill in 1966 after she tried to down Joseph in the bathtub. As Joseph struggled, Camella slipped on the bathroom tile and smashed the back of her head into the porcelain sink.
Whatever happened, whether it was psychological or purely physical, left her a hollow shell of a person virtually catatonic. She was ruled mentally incompetent and sent off to Bald Hill in the winter of 1966. Miss Angie was 9 years old. Her father, Malcolm, was by all accounts a bit of a bastard and routinely left his three children at the hospital during summer days to ‘visit’ Camella.
Miss Angie’s entire attitude changes when she talks about the hospital. Her normally happy expression draws down into a stormy scowl and her voice gets a gravelly rasp.
“I was only a child, mind you, but I think my memories of those visits are as clear as my memory of what I had for lunch today. I can’t even remember the names of my elementary school teachers, but I remember the names of the staff there: Constance Bauer, Mary Stein, Morton Goode, Taylor Hampstead – these names are burned into my memory forever. I’ll never forgive them for what they did. Now I’m not going to go window-dressing it or giving in to bastardization – I don’t have enough time or hatred in my heart for that – but I’ll tell you about my ma and what happened.
“My mama wasn’t a dangerous sort, so she was allowed to sit outside in her wheelchair. That’s how we spent most of our summers for 2 years, Laura shielding Joey from the worst of it while I sat beside my mama as she shit and pissed herself. The staff were no good, not any of them, and there isn’t any amount of window-dressing you can put on the stories out of that place to make it any worse than it truly was…we were children, yes, but even then I knew that place was hell.
“Constance was the ward nurse at the time and used any excuse she could to have us removed from the building. The head doctor at the time was Hampstead and he was a crooked as a wooden nickel and twice as useless. He had some kind of deal with my pa and overruled Constance’s decisions about us enough that her resentment grew to the point I think she deliberately stopped caring for my ma. No evidence, mind you, but I remember enough of the sullen glances and angry twist of her puckered lips to know she had something to do with ma’s death.
“When Constance wasn’t on duty it was Mary – a nice enough woman but as flimsy as snotty Kleenex. She’d sneak us pudding and sandwiches when we were in the ward. Morton, “Goody” we called him, was an orderly who pushed the patients in and out. He was a nice enough guy, as far as I remember, but he only took care of ma when he had to move her, otherwise she just sat in filth until it was time to go somewhere. She couldn’t speak and never moved, so to them I guess she was just a vegetable but how would you like it visiting your mama and finding her covered in piss and shit overnight?
“And it wasn’t just mama like that, the whole place stank of bleach and shit all the time. Big rooms, the sunrooms they used to call them, just had filthy naked screaming people stumbling around at all hours. We preferred when it wasn’t raining and we could sit outside…those sounds they made were inhuman. I’ll never forget the noise. Papa just dropped us off so he could work and trusted we would fend for ourselves. Not a good way to grow up, not at all, and I still can’t believe little Joey is as well-adjusted as he is with that kind of childhood…
“Mama died in ’68 from a stroke – if you can believe it – but I know she probably died from starvation. A lot of long-term patients died like that. Papa sued the state for negligence, but it didn’t get far before the state just paid us off…a lot of money for a carpenter back then even with 3 kids. Pa took the money and we never talked about it again, especially since he married Jennie the next year. Laura blocked it all out, probably for the best, and Joey refuses to talk about it; I’m the only one who remembers mama now for the husk she was at the end, rather than the vibrant woman who’d tried to drown Joey in our bathtub.”
Following Massachusetts State’s attempts to block the film Titicut Follies and their equally rapid attempt to clean-up the hospital cesspools it should come as no surprise that Vermont followed suit. From 1970-1972 all patients were transported to other facilities, even incoming people were swiftly diagnosed and sent to other institutions, and Bald Hill closed before any public inquiries could be made.
One horrible story to come out of the place from that last period dovetails nicely (or morbidly) with other tales from Darabont County. It was related by a nurse named Marcus Joslin to the Enfield Bulletin in 1971 before the state sued him out of existence.
In the spring of 1971, Bald Hill suffered higher-than-normal rainfall that resulted in what officials stated was minor flooding. Joslin says the flooding was anything but minor. The basement solitary cells from the building’s prison days had been converted into 1 large steel-caged looney bin affectionately referred to as ‘The Pit’ where the staff threw all the mentally unstable, disabled, or problem patients.
Joslin stated that the staff didn’t oversee The Pit, just put food through the bars and ushered the patients out weekly to hose down the room. Apparently the flooding was worst in The Pit and about 12 patients were left there over a weekend. What occurred reminds me of a tale from Newgate Prison in London except here there are traceable names and news accounts.
According to Joslin’s statement, given to the Sherriff’s Department and printed in The Bulletin, all 12 patients were violent, disorderly, ‘retarded’, and incurable. Staff (including Joslin) were told to leave them in The Pit without food or water over the weekend to see if hunger and thirst could be used to control their behavior. The weekend staff reported shouts and screams from The Pit on Friday night into Saturday morning but virtually no sound thereafter.
Joslin was on the morning shift that Monday and took 3 orderlies with him down to The Pit for a deep clean. When the elevator descended into the fluorescent-lit space it showed them a view from hell.
“The smell was what hit us first,” Joslin was quoted in the article, “it was shit – that was expected – but also blood and a sour smell like wet beef jerky. Everywhere was red, the floor was covered in it and the walls as well with little clean stripes where splashes had hit the bars. It looked like when you spray paint stencils. It was easier to see where the walls weren’t red than where they were, you know?”
Flooding had been enough to put about 5 inches of standing water across the basement and it was blood red. Inside the cage were what remained of the 12 patients. Viscera and strips of skin floated on the surface of the water along with other unsavory bodily excretions. Everything was quiet and nothing was moving. In the middle of The Pit, clustered around a large drainage grate were lumps of misshapen flesh unrecognizable as humans.
Of the 12 patients left down there that lonely weekend, only 7 were identifiable: Joseph ‘Norty’ Northern, Joe Beals, Tom Christopher, Alan Levy, Mike Thompson, Marty Clearwater, and Creedence Shea. There were no records kept of who went in or out of The Pit and the bookkeeping in general of the hospital was spotty at best. The rest of the patients, those 5 unknown souls, were just obliterated into shards of bone and bites of flesh in the gory soup.
It became clear to Joslin as they reached the larger pieces that the patients had cannibalized each other and then themselves rather than starve (although rational humans can live without food for a far extended period of time these were not rational humans). Pieces of human flesh were found in the stomachs of all 7 identified bodies. Joslin also believed – although it was impossible to prove – that the patients performed necrophilia during their insane bacchanal. Of the 12, four had been females, and given the sexually naïve or depraved behavior of the 7 identified it was not outside the realm of possibility that Joslin was right…
Joslin’s interview hit the final nail into Bald Hill’s coffin and the court of public opinion found the state and administrators guilty. The hospital closed within a year.
Miss Angie doesn’t find Joslin’s story too outlandish.
“The place was a mess, even back when Mama was alive, you’d see naked men jerking themselves in the halls and furious couples going at it in alcoves. The nurses and staff didn’t do anything about it, I mean why would they care, right? I remember Laura had some crazy man ejaculate on her in the days before Mama died…can you blame her for blocking out everything from those 2 years?”
The hospital closed on January 11, 1972, although the state dragged their feet transferring their records, so activity was still going on until March but then the building was shuttered and the county tried to forget it ever existed.
There were bids to demolish the building but despite its dark reputation it was a historic landmark of the state and that status ensured that the state controlled who went in or out. Miss Angie says there was some bad business in the late 90s where some teens (we’d call them urban explorers today) snuck in and were found dead some three days later but she was scanty with details. Mr. Berry couldn’t find anything about that so it either didn’t happen (unlikely given who Miss Angie is) or the state/press didn’t report on the deaths (more than likely). Aside from that Bald Hill State Hospital simply sat and rotted away.
Until, that is, 2012, when an enterprising man named Gunner Racerock purchased the land for several million dollars. Racerock was born Gunner Thorson in Flåm, Norway. Flåm is a little village around the center of Norway among the fjords with a population in the double digits. Thorson left Norway for France in his university years and quickly became quite popular as a musician and DJ – whereupon he legally changed his name to Racerock. Obsessed with ghosts and the paranormal, he took the name of a supposedly haunted lighthouse in New York state, Race Rock Light, and moved to the US in 2001.
He invested wisely, unlike some other DJs and entertainers who fritter away their paychecks almost as soon as they get them and is worth somewhere around 120 million dollars at present. In other words, Racerock has money and a fondness for the paranormal. This fondness drove him to purchase Bald Hill in 2012 and renovate it back into its original incarnation – that of Bleak Hill.
The Bleak Hill Museum and Ghost Tour opened to grand fanfare on February 13, 2012. Along with the full renovations and historical tours, the big draw are the ghost tours that take place every night from 4 pm to 12 am. Not that the ghost section of the tour takes the full 8 hours, guests get the normal historical tour from 4-6, followed by dinner and cocktails from 6-8, then ghost hunting from 8-12.
For a small fee, ghost tour members can sleep in the guard barracks following the tour, but we weren’t going to take advantage of that since Precipice Bay is only 30 minutes away. Several ghost hunting TV shows have visited Bleak Hill and have caught some startling evidence, including shadow people, noises, doors slamming shut, voices, and orbs. Since the building is a historical site all amateur ghost hunting must be done as part of the tour and the costs of renting the site for an overnight hunt are astronomically high.
submitted by JenniKinoShimatta to nosleep [link] [comments]

Whill Ci Test Drive Report

I had the chance to spend four days trying out the new-in-2018 Whill Ci "ultra-portable personal electric vehicle." The manufacturer is not seeking FDA approval, so in the U.S., it's not a "power wheelchair." It is a customizable seat atop four wheels controlled by a joystick. A lithium-ion battery powers the two rear-wheel drive motors.
Whill Model Ci is a sleek, Z-form-factor device with padded seat & back cushions. The center of the Z is formed from left and right side seating supports, rising from the back wheel to the front of the seat at a 45° angle. The base of the Z connects the front and drive wheels. Triangular arms that adjust on the support members form the top of the Z.
This is the Japanese company Whill's third version of "let's reinvent the power wheelchair." More at their site about two other devices: the it’s-actually-FDA-approved Model M power wheelchair and the initial Model A “personal mobility device.” All of them have won design awards, and it's clear they've consulted with actual wheelchair users in some of the excellent details.
Quick Specs
Nifty Things
Hexagonal omni wheel comprises six pairs of spool-like resilient wheels. Six smaller spools nestle between each set of larger ones. All these wheels spin perpendicular to path of travel. Each spool has six contact surfaces: one thick outer ring and two thinner rings bridging a metal spoke.
Things I Didn't Like
Wow, Intriguing.
Final Thoughts
submitted by TwoSmiles to wheelchairs [link] [comments]

[OC] The Year After Next - part 18

The Year After Next - part 18 - Modifications
Synopsis: Humans are smarter than your average bear alien, and wind up proving it.
Table Of Contents.
“Close the door,” FBI Agent In Charge Regina Goldburg muttered to Boyard Nicles and his partner. The two agents looked at each other, shrugged, and did as instructed before sitting down in the matching chairs in front of her desk.
The ticking of the clock matched the cadence of AIC Goldburg’s typing on her keyboard as she kept her eyes focused on the computer screen and the report she was writing, refusing to speak further to the two agents sitting in their respective chairs as she worked, the room simmering with her barely restrained anger.
However, the two had been called into the principal's office far too many times for this intimidation tactic to work any more, and they bore the non-verbal hostility with practiced ease, each sitting relaxed and apparently slightly bored, which only served to further irritate AIC Goldburg as she continued typing.
The final keypress that finished the report she had been typing was followed by her turning her head to glare at the men. “You two are the biggest pain in the ass that I have, biggest pain indeed. Impersonating Department of Natural Resources officers without clearance, unauthorized equipment usage, psychological warfare, threatening to blow up a suspect, violating his civil rights, unwarranted search and seizure, using his forehead to play video games - and that’s just the top of the list. Justice is having a cow with figuring out what charges they can file against you, because they have too many to choose from!
Boyard started to say something in his defense, but stopped before he could form the words by the sun-like glare from AIC Goldburg. She went on with, “I told you two cowboys to wait until we had more intel on the suspect, and run down the owner of the land he was on so we could make an informed decision, but no, as always, you two knew better. Did you idiots actually have a plan, or were you just winging it as usual? That wasn’t a question,” she declared, glaring at Boyard.
“No plan, no backup, nothing but your big shiny brass balls. How sure were you that Neil Gramage was alone? Or that he might have access to something more than the obvious rifle? Ever stop to consider he might want to take one or both of you out with him? Tell me, what was your plan - bluff your way out of trouble? Or knock out the guards again? Still not a question, Agent Nicles.” The glare was now at super-nova level, and Boyard closed his mouth so fast he was sure he chipped a tooth.
“You two are good agents, I will give you that, but you can’t keep running off on these half-assed spur-of-the-moment operations - eventually you’re going to get a bystander killed, and the next bullet might not be a near miss.” The latter was directed at Boyard’s partner, who rubbed his leg at the memory.
“So. Homeland Security has taken custody of Neil Gramage, and some of the information he has given up in return for protection has been useful, very useful indeed.” Goldburg held up a hand to forestall any objection from the two. “They have ownership now, let them deal with it. They have more room to maneuver legally than we do, so accept it and move on. Be happy you still have a job.”
Opening a drawer and pulling out a case file, she pushed it over the desk towards the two. “Since it’s going to take even more favors than usual to deal with the mess you made this time, I’m sending you away for a while until Justice figures that the results matter more than how those results were achieved, and things cool off.”
Boyard picked up the case file and opened it. “A drunk violated his supervised probation? Seriously? Isn’t this a case for the locals?” His partner took it from him and started reading through it, grunting “hmph” as he did so.
“Seriously,” mocked AIC Goldburg. “He’s been missing for weeks, and they have nothing. They’re frustrated enough to ask for some assistance from the FBI, so we’re sending two of our very best agents to help out,” she said with a shark-like grin.
“What makes this guy so special?” Boyard complained. His partner flipped over the folder and showed him the arrest report. Boyard’s raised one eyebrow as he scanned the text. “Well, that would do it.”
“This place is like a science-fair project made from old parts and put together by a madman,” complained Samuel. “I canna make heads or tails out of any of this.”
The two of them were standing in the middle of the still-intact records room that they had discovered below the destroyed bridge of the Jewel, and the Scotsman was scowling at the complicated flight recording equipment.
“I think the impact damaged some of it. Most of the lights are either burned out or broken, the filaments failing from the sudden shock,” Daniela informed him from behind one of the cabinets. “So unless we can figure things out enough to where we can connect our own equipment, there is no way to tell if anything is actually working or not.”
“Well I think this is a reel-to-reel system, and the tape goes here, and then loops over there,” Samuel muttered. “But then what does this do? It looks like some sort of tensioner pully, but nothing seems to go it.”
“Hang on, let me… dammit,” Daniela cursed, as the lever she had just experimentally pushed caused part of the system to suddenly began to whir and unspool the metal tape that had been loaded, along with a spring flying out and bouncing off her visor before ricocheting away somewhere, the sound of the impact on her helmet echoing through their suit’s com system.
Coming out from where she had been poking at the equipment, she asked Samuel who was now covered in loops of silver metal tape, “did I manage to crack it?”
Shaking off the tape, Samuel clicked on his flashlight and shone it at an angle to the glass of her visor as he inspected it. “Nay, not even a scratch.” Putting the light away, he remarked, “I can see why Ruxzcon didn’t want to get involved and said we were on our own. I think the devil himself designed this, and sacrificed a goat in the process.”
Tugging at the tape that was still caught in the equipment, Daniela agreed. “I don’t think they have ever heard of ‘ease of maintenance’. Just as long as it works and gets the job done is their motto, no matter how cumbersome it is.” Her constant tugging resulted in tripping some sort of rewind mechanism, pulling the loops of tape from her hand and the floor back into the equipment, until it tried to consume a tangled ball of it and stopped, the gears protesting.
Cursing, she gave up and commented, “Sixteen years of schooling and I can’t figure out a stupid alien tape deck. I think we’re doing more harm than good. Let’s just pack everything up we can find and put it in a box for later, maybe the scientists on the ground can figure it out.” Samuel grunted in agreement, and the two of them began to pick up the area and move things around, packing anything that looked interesting, which mostly consisted of spindles of silvery metal tape.
“Think we can actually get them back home?” he asked her, the silence being too much for him to deal with.
“I hope so. Nobody knows where to put them for right now, and I heard that the U.N. is debating if they qualify as refugees or guests. As if that matters.”
“Aye. Well, lots of places in Scotland for them if they want to settle down and raise some wee ones.”
Daniela stopped packing for a moment and turned to him. “That’s the other thing. How fast do they reproduce? And can the Earth support two species competing for resources?”
“That may not be an issue any more, lassy,” Samuel said, slowly winding up some tape that had come loose, the silvery metal sliding out from under the tangled loops. “The solar system is now open for business, what with the quantum power units and MPD drives. And when we get their gravity system figured out, we’ll be able to put colonies anywhere.”
“As long as someone doesn’t turn it into a weapon first,” the Brazilian muttered darkly.
Commander Amanda Mosely was sitting in the cockpit of one of the shuttles as Vega Maldonado ran her through the controls that had been put together by Kuba and Yasuo, with Peter finally getting the hang of the 3d printer enough to produce a passable “W” shaped control column that they then outfitted with sensors and wired into the new flight system, all of it being controlled through a repurposed tablet, which acted as the flight computer system and display screen.
“This is your forward thrust, single engine. Same basic engine type as the big ones on the Jewel, but obviously smaller. Combined with the anti-grav lifters you’ll have plenty of thrust, even fully loaded. Speaking of lifters, these are here,” he indicated a set of sliders arranged in a stretched out hexagon pattern. “We finally figured out how they arrange them, so by using these, you can ‘slip’ the craft by making it more or less heavy in one direction. Properly balanced, it floats. In space, it will try to push against any other gravity field, natural or artificial, so leave it off once outside of the bay unless you like being tossed around.”
“This is going to drive the aeronautical engineers at Boeing nuts,” Amanda observed.
Kuba piped up over the com channel from the second shuttle, where he and the other two were busy installing the new controls and power supplies, “They’ve been bugging us about it for days, even after we sent them what info we have. But without samples of the material, nobody knows for sure how it works. They keep talking about bow-sons, asking us to tear apart things and take pictures.”
“Higgs Bosons, you ignorant load of bollocks, they think it might generate gravitons. Didn’t they teach you anything? And how the bloody hell do you get out of here? I’m wedged in tighter than my grandmother’s-” Kuba cut him off with a promise of help, as Amanda and Vega resumed their quick flight training.
“So during space transit, keep the lifting field off and use the orbital maneuvering units we’ve mounted on the outside to orientate the craft. Remember, no friction - objects in motion stay in motion. Once in atmosphere, the lifting body shape should become effective. There is not much in the way of proper control surfaces, and the engine only has a few degrees of thrust vectoring, so plan ahead.”
“How aerodynamic is it?” Amanda asked, flexing the control console experimentally, her feet trying to find the rudder controls that weren’t there.
“Not very. 3d laser scanning of the shuttle and computer modeling shows that you will have enough flight authority so that you won’t lose control, but don’t expect to do any acrobatics. We modified the two prototypes into simulators, and have some software loaded that should help us with getting a feel for it before we take one of these out for a test drive.”
Tapping the screen of the tablet that had been glued to the original console surface with epoxy, he brought it to life. “This shows your power levels to the lift system, separate from the lower-wattage mains. Gyroscopic indicator, horizon line, direction finder, GPS. Obviously these only work once you have deorbited. Speaking of which, keep it slow and steady. Let the lifters do the work, we don’t know how good the patch job on the tiles is, and would rather not find out the hard way by trying to get to the ground quicker.”
“Where’s the radar?”
“No radar, sonar, laser range finder, nothing. Mark one eyeball out the window. We’ll be patched into the ground and air traffic control, and they will relay information to the software on the tablet, which will display everything for you. As long as they can see it, you’ll see it. Your own personal control tower.”
“So cabin gravity still works, even with the lift system engaged?”
Vega nodded. “Yes, they are running inverse of each other. You’ll still be subjected to inertia, so any sharp turns or changes in velocity will affect you just like you were in an airplane. Just think of this as a really big fat and slow cargo jet, and you’ll be fine.”
Amanda practiced manipulating the controls, pretending to actually be flying the craft, getting a feel for the layout. After a while, she asked Vega, “how safe is it to practice in the bay?”
“Not very; you can slide the ship around pretty easily if you unbalance the lifting field, and the walls come up really fast. If you’re ready, we can go to the simulators and start there. Let Kuba and the rest finish their prep work on the shuttles, and in a week or so we can take them out for a spin.”
Amanda shifted in her seat, and pushed and pulled on thing, reaching for the various buttons. Nodding, she started to get up, saying as she did so, “sounds like a plan. But can they put in better seats? This one is pinching my ass.”
Continued in comments… 
submitted by j1xwnbsr to HFY [link] [comments]

QUESTION - Is 3/4 inch plywood subflooring enough for marble floor tile (3/8 inch thick)?

I know that most code and standard practice say 2 layers of subfloor, min 1 1/8 inch combined thickness for stone tile, but my question is why??
My situation -- sturdy 3/4 inch plywood subfloor (might even be hardwood/old house). Floor joists 16 on center.
Going to use ditra below 3/8-inch thick, 1-inch wide, hexagon marble tiles.
Where I am installing a clawfoot cast iron tub, I am DEFINITELY going to add another 3/8 plywood below it. It makes sense to me how the tubfeet will exact A LOT of weight on the flooring.
But what I can't wrap my mind around is why -- even though stone is significantly heavier than ceramic -- would you need to add another layer of plywood when the weight will already be evenly distributed and contraction/expansion managed by the Ditra??
(There are floor transition issues between rooms that are causing me to be stubborn and not shut up and stick to standard practices. So I'd greatly appreciate a logical explanation that will either shame me into doing it the "right" way or embolden me to keep it at 3/4 inch.)
Thanks in advance!
submitted by uncrumpledpaper to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

hexagon tile floor transition video

VINYL PLANK TRANSITION TO A THICK TILE - YouTube 70 Tile To Wood Transition Ideas - YouTube Installing TILE FLOOR for the FIRST TIME 🛠 How To Lay Tile ... Cement Tile - Making Hexagonal Patterned Tile How to Tile a Floor: Step by Step Instructions - YouTube Hardwood to Tile Flooring Transition DIY - Part 1 - YouTube How to Make Tile Flush with Hardwood Floor - YouTube Installing a Hexagonal tile floor. - YouTube

Hexagon Tiles Transition Into Wood Flooring Inside This Cafe In Greece. December 6, 2016 Photography by Kostas Spathis . NORMLESS Architecture Studio have designed the most recently opened Cups Nine, a cafe and patisserie in Trikala, Greece. Photography by Kostas Spathis. Located on the corner of one of the most popular city squares, Cups Nine aims to reintroduce the street to coffee shops ... It is much easier to install the flooring runs starting from the hexagon tile and working your back towards a wall. Placing wedges between the cut piece and the hexagon tile. This will allow you to maintain a proper gap while tapping in the remaining flooring in that run. Hexagon tiles mixed with hardwood floors. a slight curb to transition out of the bathroom might work really well (via @garnerwoodworking) Make An Accent Border Between The Floors. An accent thin border will be a cool idea for any space, it will help to mix two different types of floors perfectly. The border line may be made in the same material as one of the floors but more often it’s made ... 33+ Wonderful Gray Floor Design Ideas That Inspire. 27+ Hexagon Bathroom Tile Ideas to Make You Throw Some Shapes. soldbyremaxsteve id8designstudio arcflydesign Susan McGowan Tarkett.com Tradectory istoria_by_jordan_andrews clayimports emilyanneinteriordesign janeljoppiedesigner. How do you transition floors? There are many ways in which you can transition floors. The main ones are as follows ... Transitional flooring, also known as tile transitioning, is a new design trend that features flushed tile and hardwood in the same room, and it's taking over Pinterest. The treatment does away with segmented spaces and instead allows the two flooring materials to meet and even mingle, according to My Domaine. No hard-and-fast flooring rules here! Hexagon Tile How To Make an Organic Transition to Hardwood Floor buildxyz loop video or see full youtube channel statistics, revenue calculation or use sub count online to uncover growth on diagrams. Jul 21, 2018 - Hexagon Tile Floor Transition Entrance - The hottest new way to update your entryway floor is here! You won't believe how much he does in just 1 day! Tile Floor Transition To Wood Posted by Flooring Ideas July 15, 2020 18:45 0 views I plan to simply sand down the wood to meet the height of the tile and apply a finish to match, then fill the gap with a sanded flexible grout. Hexagon Tile To Hardwood Floor Transition Youtube Hexagon Tiles Transition Into Wood Flooring Inside This Cafe In How Do I Replace This Tile Marble Transition In A Tiled Bathroom When To Use Transition Strips Carolina Flooring Services 15 Fabulous Transition Between Tile And Hardwood Floor Unique Organic Transition Wood To Tile Fine Homebuilding Hardwood To Tile Transition Flooring Contractor ... The 14" hexagon tiles offer the look of distressed wood with the long-lasting wear of porcelain - they're a perfect wall accent to add geometric details to your home decor, or a stunning rustic-look flooring that will offer minimal maintenance.

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How to install flooring transition between Tile Floor and Hardwood / Laminate / Engineered flooring - WITHOUT transition molding.This is the finishing part o... Want to See the World's Best Tile To Wood Transition ideas? Click here to visit our Gallery: http://nextluxury.com/home-design/tile-to-wood-floor-transition-... Hexagon Tile to Hardwood Floor Transition - Duration: 4:26. buildxyz 100,847 views. 4:26. Woodturning - The Organised Chaos Torus - Duration: 17:22. Andy Phillip Recommended for you. I've completed my first tile floor installation and I put together this video to show you all of the tips and tricks I found along the way. Learn how to lay ... this will show how to install a vinyl plank transition to a thick tile even when the tile is 3/4 of an inch thickhttps://www.thefloorsbysouthernboys.com/ Hi! Im on the next step to my bathroom remodel "How to tile a floor". Its a lot like tiling a shower. Im using a white porcelain tile with a little bit of ta... http://www.michaelbronco.wordpress.com Learn how to do projects around the house, get in shape, eat better and become successful doing what you love. Hexagon shaped tiles were very popular years ago, but faded from use for quite a long time, except for mosaic hex tiles. Today it seem hexagonal tiles are co...

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