Montreal Gambling Age -

montreal casino gambling age

montreal casino gambling age - win

3 AM in Montreal

3 AM in Montreal, Quebec. Felt nice reading these posts knowing I am not alone. 10 years ago when I turned 18 (legal age here to gamble) my friends brought me to the casino in Montreal just for fun. Even though I was iffy about it and had a bad feeling about this place, I went to check it out and played $5 for the heck of it. Second time, went back with some close friends and hit that $125 "jackpot" at War and that was it. It turned the switch in my head. So many wins and losses mostly losses. Changed to blackjack one day when my brother taught me the game and lucky me had won about $1500. Followed by more losses. Some big wins (7-8k) then lost it all. Fast forward 10 years with so often on and offs, digging holes, getting back up and so on. My ex at that time left me and I don't blame her. Got myself a second pizza delivery job to pay some of it off. 2017 got a new gf, told her about some of my problems and promised to not do it again very supportive and helped me pay it off when i got a new job at the bank. 2019 when things were going, I gambled again and maxed all my credit after having it cleared after years that really fd me up, so I turned to making quick money to fix this. 2019 ending, got fired from my job. Mentally fd me up even more so I turned to gambling. Luckilly found a decent job in finance and decided to never gamble again. Everything once again going well with maybe only 15k in the deep from gambling (very fixable). Started trading stocks in March through August. Little did I know my gambling nature would impact my trading decision started taking big risks and thought of big WINS. During that time while losing in stock, friend showed me bet 365, was just betting small amounts for the fun of it. September 2020, I had ordered a ring for that same gf who supported me soo much and looking at my finances, stocks not soo good. So this one day in September I played a round of online blackjack after being free from card gambling for almost 10 months. I made 7k which would cover my gfs ring and told myself im going to take time off and not go back. September to October 26th while I kept telling myself I wont go back I was on my hottest winning streak of net $50k. I had lost my head, my whole life was uphill, I was living the life. I had enough to pay all my debts, my car , my motorcycle and still have a little left. Heck Come Ocober 27th, overnight I lost it all. Then it had hit me, I needed change, self excluded myself right away on bet 365. Started applying to new jobs and stayed busy with the interview process. December 24th, got an offer for a job but I was still unhappy about having lost all that money which could have given me a different life. Told my fiancée it was through stock trading and I would not do it again. During the holidays I saw an ad on, couldn't resist the thought of having that same streak on bet365 and fixing all my problems. Made 8k wow was feeling great. Nope, 2 days later all gone and another 15k on cc maxed out on top. Went through depression for the 10000th time. Told myself new job pays well and ill get a second part time job which to my luck oncd again a local mikes needed a driver and schedule works good. On last Thursday got an email, after self excluding from stupid, from casino tropez. I am so fked financially about 40k deep and supposed to get married in June, told myself IF ONLY I can make it back. These fkrs took another 2K of money I needed and have had to borrow. 20 and 20 I have, machine gets 21 with 4 cards and followed with 3 blackjacks in a row. Just some examples. Anyway I self excluded from all these online sh1t sites and hoping to work hard and pay off this mess and live peacefully with my partner who deserves much more. I'm tired of being depressed, sad, anxious and stressed. I wish gambling were illegal. Anyway I don't think anybody will read this because it's long but felt good to share this here and for everyone going through this, there will be better days.
submitted by Hopingfortheb3st to problemgambling [link] [comments]

My dad has a crippling gambling problem and has been dragging my family down. Please help

I posted this in /personalfinance but though I'd post here as well as I'm from Ottawa and dad is from Montreal.
This is going to be a long post but thank you to all who has taken the time to listen. I've been wanting to post about this for a long time but was naive and optimistic that my dad would change but has not.
So to start off, my dad does not drink, do any drugs, cheats or sleeps with other people. He is generally a nice guy but his major issue is his gambling addiction (he also smokes like a chimney but that's a different issue). He is the only one on his side of the family that took care of my grandparents despite being over 1.5hrs away and my aunt lives 20mins away from them but refuses to take care of her parents or contribute. My mom and dad have separated over 8 years ago and they now live on opposite sides of the world but I know deep down my mom still loves my dad and still keeps in touch every now and then. He has likely been gambling before I was even born and has not ever stopped. When I was young, my parents tried to hide family problems from me but I was old enough to understand what was happening.
The first major problem was that he lost our entire proceeds of our house sale to the casino. The reason we sold our house was that he and his best friend at the time (now hates him with a passion) was going to split on buying a restaurant together but my parents did their part in selling our house and this other guy backed out last minute to partner up with someone else to buy a restaurant. So this guy screwed us over but with all the proceeds we got from the house, he lost it all at the casino. That was the first time I found out he had gambling problems.
Over many years, he has lost all the money we have and even declaring bankruptcy but it was only a couple years ago where I just couldn't take it anymore. When he went bankrupt, he was forced to see a counselor weekly to talk about his gambling addiction and aggressive smoking habit. GREAT! I've been wanting him to go to one for a long time and now he was forced to go. Nothing changed. When asked about these sessions he had, his response was that it was mandatory and he just needed to do them as required. He had no interest in ever quitting either addictions.
Last few years, he has been borrowing money from me and my mom and never returning any of it so it really isn't "borrowing" as we're just handing him money. He asks us when he cannot pay his rent, has no money for food, or when his car breaks down and he needs help paying for repairs (we live in an area where a car is almost a necessity to get around). The very last time I've given him money was because he took my grandma's old age retirement money and lost it all at the casino along with any money he made. Could not pay for rent, my grandma's nursing home fees, food, gas or phone bill. I told him it was the absolute last time I would ever give him money and he said he understood and he said that even if he asks me again, not to give any money.
So, he asked me for money again today. He said he hasn't paid rent in about 2 months and he will be evicted soon and will have nowhere to live and no money. I feel I cannot keep enabling him to do this because it's now been every few months where he asks for money. When I was still in college he would ask for my savings knowing that I had a huge student debt and no full-time job yet so his requests came in more infrequently. Now, that I have a decent paying full-time job and cleared off my student debts he's just been asking way more frequently. I don't know if he can ever change at this point and it's dragging both my mom, my grandma and I down. He even took my part of my grandma's "pre-death" money the whole family has saved up for my grandma funeral as she is ~93+ years ago as she's had several scares this year where the doctor in charge said she doesn't think she has much time.
My dad has no real friends, does not connect with family, has no passion for anything and the only thing he does after working is gambling or watching movies and browsing videos on youtube. I had told him to go back to him home country (Hong Kong), I would be able to sent him money if he goes and I'd pay for his one-way ticket back as well. He doesn't want to move back for whatever reason (and now with China terrorizing and attacking Hong Kong and innocent citizens I don't think it's the safest time either right now but these conversations have been happening over years).
He had a female friend just a few years ago, he was still gambling but his demeanor and attitude was not as bad as it is now, he was even quite joyful when I went to see him. When my mom came down to visit, she had an argument with this lady and my dad stopped being in contact with her ever since. We didn't even care that he would have a new girlfriend, in fact we encourage it because he would at least have some sort of companionship but he keeps insisting that she is just a friend. Well my mom screwed that up for him.
Thing about our family is that we have history depression, 2 of my uncles on my dad's side of the family have committed suicide and I've contemplated it in the past. I don't know what my dad is going to do as he has hit rock bottom and he isn't doing anything to get better.
Has anyone else been in a similar situation? I'm interested to hear your story or even if not, any advice would be appreciated.
I'm not good at telling stories so apologies if my sentences don't sound very coherent.
I haven't the entire history of my dad losing all of our family's money because I could probably write a novel on it and I just summarized a few key points.
Thanks again for listening until the end.
submitted by gamblingaddictionhel to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ Nov. 10, 1997

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
PREVIOUS YEARS ARCHIVE: 199119921993199419951996
1-6-1997 1-13-1997 1-20-1997 1-27-1997
2-3-1997 2-10-1997 2-17-1997 2-24-1997
3-3-1997 3-10-1997 3-17-1997 3-24-1997
3-31-1997 4-7-1997 4-14-1997 4-21-1997
4-28-1997 5-5-1997 5-12-1997 5-19-1997
5-26-1997 6-2-1997 6-9-1997 6-16-1997
6-23-1997 6-30-1997 7-7-1997 7-14-1997
7-21-1997 7-28-1997 8-4-1997 8-11-1997
8-18-1997 8-25-1997 9-1-1997 9-8-1997
9-15-1997 9-22-1997 9-29-1997 10-6-1997
10-13-1997 10-20-1997 10-27-1997 11-3-1997
  • Bret Hart officially gave notice to WWF this week that he's leaving and has agreed to a 2-year deal with WCW. Hart has reportedly been unhappy with WWF's new, more crude direction and that, more than money, is reportedly why he chose to leave, but of course, money played a big part also. But Hart is reportedly so embarrassed by the current WWF direction that he doesn't even let his children watch the show and of course has been upset at having to deal with Shawn Michaels. Both Hart and WWF tried to keep the story under wraps until after Survivor Series but that's impossible these days. Once the story leaked, WWF released a statement admitting that they were giving Hart the opportunity to explore other options. On Nitro, Eric Bischoff teased that he would have a big announcement next week, which would be Hart coming to join the NWO (which would probably be turned into a storyline with him deciding if he's with WCW or NWO). For now, Bret is scheduled to work all his WWF booked events through the end of November and then one final PPV show in December. Hart and Bischoff have reportedly been negotiating for about 6 weeks, and very few people knew. They met in person 3 weeks ago and at that point, they were pretty sure Bret was coming to WCW but he didn't make the final decision until this weekend. During his WWF negotiations last year, Hart got Vince to agree to a clause in his 20-year contract that allows him to quit with 30 days notice and another clause that gives him creative control over his character during those final 30 days.
  • All that is known about Hart's WCW deal is that it's similar to the contract he turned down last year, although slightly less money because Hart insisted on working fewer dates (around 125-140 per year) due to a bad knee that never really healed last year and a wrist injury that he's long needed surgery on. It also has the same deals with Hart getting movie roles for Turner. Bret will likely be used to help prop up the new Thursday TBS show as well as help WCW grow in Canada. Dave recaps the last year, saying Bret quickly became unhappy in WWF after signing his new deal, and pretty much came up with his own angle for the double-turn with Steve Austin and with forming the Hart Foundation. He also has well-known heat with Shawn Michaels dating back to last year but got much more heated this year with Shawn's "Sunny days" comment followed by a legit backstage fight that led to Shawn walking out of the company. Neither man was punished for the fight and in fact, WWF basically begged Shawn to return. Eventually they agreed to co-exist and leave personal lives and families out of their promos, but Shawn then did an interview talking about Stu Hart. Shawn later apologized for that one, saying he got carried away in a promo. Shawn has been on a self-destructive path the last year and his immaturity and antics on TV are seemingly encouraged by Vince McMahon, which upset Bret. And the final straw appears to be Vince deciding that Bret will drop the title to Shawn at Survivor Series.
  • There's been speculation that Vince McMahon actually wants Bret to leave because he doesn't want to honor the 20-year contract that Bret has because he has buyer's remorse. McMahon fought hard to keep Bret from WCW last year and many think he was only thinking in the short-term when he made the deal. Long-term, it's a very expensive contract that doesn't make good economic sense for WWF which has led to people questioning whether or not Vince is actively trying to push Bret to leave. Asking him to drop the title to Shawn was sure to upset him and Vince knew it. Dave says no one knows exactly what will happen in Montreal at the PPV. Most people will expect Bret to drop the title, but they may try to swerve fans and do it at another time. But either way, Bret will have to drop the belt sometime very soon. As for guys like Owen Hart and Davey Boy Smith, they're both locked into 5 year contracts and it doesn't look like any of this will affect their status with the company.
  • And on a final note, just a few days ago, Bret Hart wrote a column in the Calgary Sun paper which is designed as a "letter" to Shawn Michaels that was meant to seem like a shoot in order to promote the Survivor Series match. But knowing what we know now, it takes on a whole new meaning (I'm sure Bret meant every word of this):
"Shawn Michaels, you are a disgrace to professional wrestling. It amazes me that there was a time I actually thought you'd be the guy who could come up behind me and carry the ball when my time comes to retire. Now when you're behind me, I have to make sure I don't bend over. I am a second generation wrestler. Like a lot of second generation wrestlers, I've paid my dues. The way you are degrading the business makes me sick and breaks my heart. That's not what Heartbreak Kid was supposed to mean. I told you, and Vince told you, to leave our families out of this. So you got on RAW and said that my father is dead. This time you're so far over the line that there's no coming back. Every so often, after you shoot off your mouth, you come to me backstage with a lame apology and a limp handshake. "Oh Bret, my mouth always gets me in trouble when I get goin' out there. You know I didn't mean nothin' by it."
Don't bother this time, I'm not buying it. I would not embarrass my father--who is not only very much alive but is still tougher today at 83 and more of a man than you will ever be--as you have embarrassed your father with your degenerate behavior. How humiliating for your poor mother to have to explain your lewd gestures to her friends. You don't respect anybody, do you? What does Jose Lothario think of how you've made pornography out of what he taught you? Shawn Michaels, you are nothing more than a whore for this business.
You called me a paper champion because it bothers you that my contract is worth more than you and the whole Degeneration X put together. You said I wrestle because I need the money, but you wrestle because this business needs you. You are a festering cancerous tumor in this business. After Wrestlemania XII, I went home for a while to give you the chance to become "the man" because as long as I'm around you'll never be "the man." You were so bad at being "the man" that the WWF and WCW had the biggest bidding war in wrestling history to get me to come back. You'd have the World championship belt. But you don't. What do you have, besides a big mouth and a bad attitude?
Shawn Michaels, you said that beating the Undertaker makes you an icon. Not taking anything away from 'Taker, but you weren't the first guy to beat him, you just did it too late. You said you're the only icon that can still go, not like the fossils. You're so beat up from taking completely overdone bumps like a Mexican jumping bean that you can't even work a full schedule like the older guys. You only wrestle about once a month and you're proud of that? Then people who think they know more about this business than they actually do, write about what a hard worker you are. Anyone can work hard once a month. You've barebacked your way to main event matches and they give you the best guys in the business to make you look good.
So you and your boyfriend, Hunter, think I'm too old. Hunter said he's bigger than me in more ways than one, and then you pointed at Hunter's crotch and said he could put an eye out with that thing. Thanks for admitting that you know what Hunter has in his pants. So how come I have four kids and all you two have is each other? I'm not the one shooting blanks. By the way, you both looked very comfortable eating bananas together on Raw. Lots of parents tell me they won't let their kids watch the shows anymore because of you and they don't watch either because you're such an asshole. People are shutting the show off because of you! It took so long to make wrestling into family entertainment. Thanks for setting the business back 50 years! You are the one who is confusing expansion and destruction, not me. You, Shawn, are the destruction of this business. You make me sick. You said you're the best sports entertainer in the world. Don't even think about saying you're a wrestler. What I do is an art form and what you do is...what do you do, anyway, cause it's not pro wrestling anymore?
You called the WWF world championship a "tin title" but you're only saying that because you don't have the belt. When you did have it, you treated it like garbage and then threw it away! So now you want to try to win the title at Survivor Series? You'd better reconsider that because when I get my hands on you it's going to make the beating I gave you in the locker room last June look like a warm up. After that little scuffle, you went running to Vince, complaining that the work conditions in the WWF are unsafe. The only thing unsafe about the working conditions in the WWF is you, Shawn. You've gotten in the ring so "pilled up" lately that you can't even talk straight on TV. You'd better shake the cob webs free before you get in the ring with me at SS. This business has been my mistress for my whole life and I love her. You are raping her and taking her dignity away. Don't count on my reputation for professionalism saving your ass at SS. You're the one who threw the rule book out the window. The 17 stitches you got at Hell in the Cell are nothing compared to what's coming at Misery in Montreal."
  • Ric Flair has also agreed to re-sign with WCW which is a win for them because WWF was very interested and Flair had strongly considered it for awhile. But he'll be staying with WCW.
  • The official cause of death for Brian Pillman has been released and the verdict is heart attack due to natural causes. Reportedly, after a month of tests, the coroner was stumped for a cause of the heart attack, although his heart did show an unusual amount of damage for someone his age. It could be hereditary or due to outside factors such as cocaine or steroids, both of which it's no secret that Pillman had used and abused during his career. Toxicology results didn't show any drugs in amounts that could have killed him. He had painkillers in his system but not at dangerous levels. No steroids or illegal drugs were found in his system, nor any alcohol. He had blood pressure medication in his system, which he didn't have a prescription for but again not at a dangerous amount. On a WCW internet radio show a couple of weeks ago, Gene Okerlund claimed to have an inside scoop with sources with the police in MN that cocaine was the cause of death, which got rumors going. But when toxicology showed no cocaine in his system, this naturally led to a ton of heat on Okerlund and upset a lot of people.
  • Gorilla Monsoon's condition improved over the weekend but he's still hospitalized and listed in serious condition. Monsoon was on a respirator and receiving kidney dialysis for most of the last week. Doctors are hoping to perform a bypass surgery on his heart soon, but it no longer looks as though he needs a transplant for now. Monsoon had been a top heel back in the day and was part owner of Capital Sports (parent company of the old WWWF) before selling his share of the company to Vince McMahon Jr. in 1982. Ever since then, he's remained with the company as an announcer, figurehead authority figure, and backstage office roles as well as giving time cues at TV tapings from the other side of the curtain.
  • NJPW "only" drew around 40,000 to their latest stadium show in the Fukuoka Dome, which is the smallest crowd ever for a NJPW stadium show. The number disappointed many, and it seems to be a reality check about the long-term future of NJPW, which has been the most successful promotion in the world for the last few years, but is starting to see the peak fading. Right now, they're being carried by the final retirement shows of Riki Choshu which are doing big business, but after he retires on Jan. 4th, NJPW doesn't really have anything exciting on the horizon for 1998, which has some in the company worried.
  • Two incidents with fans at wrestling shows made news this week and led to near riots. The first was at a Promo Azteca show in Tijuana. A bunch of wrestlers were in the ring having a big post-match brawl. Among them were Rey Misterio Jr., Psicosis, Konnan, and others when a fan hit the ring and did a dropkick on Misterio. Then another fan ran in and hit Mistero with a chair, but Misterio got the chair away from the fan. At this point, fans in the crowd all started throwing chairs at the ring and, sensing a riot about to break out, others in the crowd panicked and began running. All in all, it was a scary situation but nobody was hurt. For what it's worth, WCW doesn't want Misterio wrestling in Mexico anymore because they don't want him to get hurt, especially at a non-WCW show.
  • The other incident took place in (where else?)....ECW at a show in Plymouth, PA. This situation was different. According to several witnesses, a small group of fans showed up, all big tough looking guys, and they were there looking for trouble right from the beginning. They were harassing the wrestlers all night from the front row and during the first match, security came and told them to stop leaning over the rails and stop spitting at wrestlers, but the security guard was shouted down by the group. Why they weren't removed then and there, no one knows. The ECW wrestlers mostly tried to avoid wrestling near them. But then Axl Rotten, Balls Mahoney, John Kronus and (who else?) New Jack came to the ring for a match. And then trouble began. When Balls Mahoney got too close, 2 of the fans started punching him. Mahoney turned around and started throwing wild punches back and then the ECW locker room emptied as everyone ran out to join the brawl. "Reports are the Dudleys were going through the crowd like buzzsaws" and it took nearly 20 minutes to bring order back to the show. After it was over, several hundred fans were outside the building trying to escape the near-riot. Several fans were injured, although none seriously. 40 police officers, some in riot gear, and even a police dog showed up to the scene. The story made all the local news outlets. Balls Mahoney and New Jack were brought to the police station for questioning. The 2 fans who threw the initial punches were arrested and charged with assault, disorderly conduct, and harassment. New Jack surprisingly didn't do much during the fight because as soon as it started to break out, Paul Heyman ran out and pulled New Jack away from it because given the Mass Transit legal situation, Heyman didn't want him getting into more legal trouble that could reflect on the company.
  • Speaking of fans getting involved, WWF ran an angle on Raw with a "fan" getting into the ring who then started doing martial arts and kicking people's asses. He is former Stampede wrestler Steve Blackman and he's expected to officially debut in his first match at Survivor Series, replacing The Patriot on Team USA.
WATCH: Steve Blackman's WWF debut
  • Dave reviews a recent FMW show and says the show-stealer was Masato Tanaka vs. The Gladiator (Mike Awesome) and says usually they're both decent workers at best but they really clicked in this match. (Indeed they did. Those 2 had the best chemistry together and they went on to have legendary matches against each other in ECW and even revived the feud years later at the first WWECW One Night Stand PPV). Anyway, this FMW match even has their famous powerbomb-outside-the-ring spot at about the 18 minute mark.
WATCH: Masato Tanaka vs. The Gladiator (FMW)
  • The Dallas Sportatorium got a new lease on life after reports came out that it would be torn down. Enough die-hard wrestling fans who still attend the occasional indie show there made enough noise that they extended the lease on the building and it won't be torn down for now.
  • USWA is dead, but Jerry Lawler had a contract to run weekly shows at a casino in Mississippi, so he's continuing to run indie shows there each week so as to not to violate the contract. In Louisville, Ian Rotten's IWA is trying to take over the TV deal and arena dates that USWA had. And Bert Prentice's Music City Wrestling is trying to take over the Memphis and Nashville deals and they'll be running their first show in Memphis next week on the usual USWA date at the same building.
  • A few weeks ago, Billy Jack Haynes emerged from hiding (reportedly because he had some bad gambling debts and was kinda on the run) and tried to make amends with people he had screwed over. He admitted having a gambling problem but said it was all behind him now. He borrowed some money from a few people to get his life back in order.....but has instead disappeared again after borrowing the money.
  • The rap group Insane Clown Posse will be wrestling at a show called Stranglemania Live in Detroit next month. The show will also feature a women's thumbtack death match. (The video below is part one. Part 2, 3, 4, etc. should start automatically after you finish the previous one).
WATCH: Stranglemania Live 1997 - Pt. 1
  • ECW held a show in Stamford, CT on Halloween that sounds like it was a lot of fun. A lot of current ECW stars who used to work in WWF used their old WWF gimmicks since it was Halloween. Al Snow came out as Avatar, Justin Credible worked as Aldo Montoya, Jerry Lynn worked as Mr. J.L., Shane Douglas did his Dean Douglas gimmick and Chris Candido came out as Skip. Also on the show, Rob Van Dam dressed as Sabu. The BWO guys (Blue Meanie and Super Nova) wrestled as Big Daddy Fool and the Heartburn Kid, coming out to Shawn Michaels' music. Finally, Tommy Dreamer won a flag match and proclaimed Stamford as ECW country (no free video anywhere but apparently you can pay to watch it here on Highspots).
LINK: ECW Halloween Hell 97
  • Tickets for Sting vs. Hogan at Starrcade go on sale this week and it's almost certainly going to break every record in WCW history. The Halloween Havoc show last month did a big PPV buyrate also. Dave says a lot of people have talked about how terrible the Hogan/Piper "age in the cage" match was, and they're right, it was awful. But the job of the top stars is to sell tickets and when it comes to that, Hogan is still #1 in WCW, no matter how bad the match was. Even Hogan's new movie Assault on Devil's Island did a 4.2 rating, making it one of the most-watch made-for-TV movies ever on cable and they may be turning the movie into an ongoing TV series.
  • Dave thinks the political situation in WCW will be interesting in 1998. All of the top stars (Hogan, Sting, Flair, Piper, Savage, Hall, Nash, and soon, Bret Hart) will be under the same roof and all of them have or will have some measure of creative control in their contracts which is sure to lead to some problems. With WWF losing Bret Hart, that frees up a lot of money so don't be surprised to see some of those guys maybe looking to go back to WWF if things get too crowded at the top.
  • Raven cut a promo on Nitro and mentioned sitting next to a girl named Trisa Hayes in elementary school. That's an inside reference because Trisa Hayes is actually the real name of ECW's Beulah McGillicutty.
  • Perry Saturn won the TV title on Nitro, and because his knee is still not fully healed, he wrestled a totally different style, sorta similar to Taz with lots of suplexes and submissions. Taz got wind of this and was reportedly upset that Saturn was stealing his gimmick but Dave says they're different enough that he wouldn't really consider it the same.
  • WCW Injury Report: Bill Goldberg has a pulled groin and will miss a few shows. Syxx had an MRI on his neck and the results weren't good, as he had more damage than originally thought. He'll be out for awhile, no word how long. DDP had blood in his urine recently but didn't miss any matches. Marcus Bagwell will be out for a few weeks after having the meniscus in his knee removed. And even Kimberly Page knocked heads with another Nitro girl during a mistimed routine and was banged up.
  • Southern California indie wrestler Christopher Daniels is expected to get a WCW tryout soon.
  • WCW filed a lawsuit against WWF over them using the name Canadian Stampede for its PPV back in July because they claimed it was too similar to WCW's Spring Stampede PPV name. The case was settled out of court, but not for money. Part of the agreement is WWF wouldn't use the name Canadian Stampede in the future.
  • DDP raised about $1,000 for Brian Pillman's family through internet donations.
  • Steve Austin has been working 8-man tag matches on house shows and doing very little in the ring. Doctors are still giving him bad diagnosis but its hard for someone to stop and give up their career when they're at their peak like Austin is now (we're not even close to Austin's peak yet).
  • Doctors have told The Patriot he should retire due to his tricep tear because it seems to be a chronic problem. He's expected to get surgery and if he decides to return, it'll be in 3-6 months (he didn't return).
TOMORROW: The Montreal Screwjob.
submitted by daprice82 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

Toronto Vs. Hong Kong (my reflection, and opinion).

Hi /Toronto.
I have lived in Hong Kong for a year now, and before that, Toronto for 5 years (working, not studying). I'm born in Canada, but didn't grow up in Toronto (grew up elsewhere in Canada), I'm sure I'll be back though.
Here is a reflection on some things I miss about Toronto, and just some general things that Toronto could learn from HK.
Things I miss:
Generally clean environment.
Usually something to do on the weekend with some sort of cultural stuff going on, like busker fest, or whatever - especially in the summer time.
The restaurants, and the ethnic variety to choose from.
I especially miss the blue chip wagon (mr. tasty fries) poutine (Smokes is garbage by comparison... sorry).
Everyone says sorry for pretty much everything (lol).
Getting to watch movies at the North American premiere date.
TV Shows and schedule are better than in HK (for American stuff, of course... but I mean, I go online anyways).
Driving a car... man I miss that.
Shopping at Loblaws, and PC food in general (like the chocolate chip cookie... man, I miss that a lot).
working 9-5
Things I don't miss:
TTC, wow I hate that service with true passion, I mean it works - but dang, avoid it as much as possible.
No Cell phone/data service underground (I think it's on it's way at least).
Cold winter
The drunk people
The racists
Rob Ford (even though I voted for that poor guy... sorry, Toronto).
Sales Tax (and Canadian tax in general, actually).
Bell, Rogers, Telus... slow, expensive internet. and expensive cell smartphone bills.
Any of the sports teams (Argos, Leafs, Raps or Jays)
I'm probably forgetting some things for now. Toronto, like HK has a lot of dysfunction especially in the politics... but Toronto has added advantage that it is more transparent than here. HK is free, but its slowly becoming messed up.
Some opinions...
TTC really needs some serious overhaul. It works, but only kind of, and Torontonians are either woefully ashamed of it, or incredibly proud that it is able scrape by with it's 'next to nothing' funding. I am personally in the "very ashamed camp"... and seriously, the proud ones, gotta open up your eyes. TTC sucks, and bad. Countless delays, ridiculous fare pricing, and still using tokens?!?!, signal problems, streetcars getting stuck because of an idiot left turning car, dirty dirty dirty (ban food and drink from the subway, and you will get a lot of money from fines, and help pay for the cleaning staff). It's so utterly disappointing to see how far in the dark ages Toronto is with public transit. I get it though, Toronto is a car city. Here in HK (where something like 3% of the population own a car), the subway system, Bus system, and street car system (yah HK has a streetcar! err here they call them Ding Dings, haha!), are all separate entities that are privately operated (like a utility company I guess). A lot of lefties are gonna cry foul for private this and that, but somehow it works in HK. No idea why, but Toronto should seriously examine other systems and find out ways to adapt it.
OK, I also really don't like Winter. With the exception of snowboarding, I don't miss the Toronto winter at all. It's mild, compared to say, Ottawa or Montreal, but it's just a straight up nuisance. Blue Mountain also, sucks... But HK has no snow whatsoever.
Toronto has a serious infrastructure issue - I can't believe Toronto doesn't have the money to just maintain its roads properly, build new railways, and other tings like like bike lanes. Its embarrassing that the city is the richest, most populous in the country, and yet the Gardiner and DVP are a complete disaster and Torontonians just politely put up with it, and debate forever. Bike lanes, there are some, but Toronto needs more of them. HK has none.
Working 9-5 or 9-6, Definitely like that about Toronto. The work culture is great, and people are awesome. I like Toronto people for their awesomeness. You have time for a life outside of the office or job... which is great.
Surprisingly, Toronto food service is good at sit down restaurants. Here in HK, it sucks - big time. Here it's fast, but rushed... and cramped. In Toronto, on average... it's better. And you've got some good variety too if you enjoy other culture's food. Pho in Toronto, totally whoops HK Pho's ass.
You got sports teams, and that's awesome. But I don't care for them...
Toronto is talking about getting a Casino - don't do it, man. Let Niagara keep the trash there. If Toronto builds one, you should make every Torontonian $50 entry fee... and let only tourists in for free. That way, Torontonians hopefully will have less incentive to become a degenerate. Don't get me wrong, gambling can be fun... but mostly it's a BAD IDEA.
Last thing. I totally miss Toronto... awesome city. Best city in Canada... The worst thing about Toronto is the TTC. The best thing about Toronto, is everything else.
TLDR. Toronto and HK are both awesome, in their own ways.
submitted by torontoexpat to toronto [link] [comments]

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[Table] IAmA: We are THE BURIED LIFE. Torri was born without a hand and we surprised her with new bionic arm. She's here. AMA!

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Date: 2014-05-08
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Questions Answers
Was Barack dirty on the b-ball court? They had sniper rifles trained on us the whole time so it was kinda hard to push too hard, lol. -jonnie.
He's pretty smooth and he's a lefty. tip for when you play him: he's got a low release, if u want to block the prez. - ben.
Duncan, Did you ever get that date with Taylor Swift? If so how was it? Did you get any songs written about you? Do you guys keep in touch? Take it easy guys! Get back on tv soon! Yes, I did end up going on a date with T. She's a very sweet, nice gal. I donno about songs I haven't read enough lyrics but yes we stayed in touch. Thx. - Duncan.
Thats awesome man! If you guys are ever in NC and need anything let me know dude! Duncan, can I have Taylor Swift's #? - ben.
When will you guys be back on TV? I loved the show. Hopefully soon! Thank you very much. - Duncan
I know I'm late to the party but I just want you to know that the Buried Life is one of the greatest shows I've ever seen. So glad to hear that it's not over. You guys are great! Thanks for the laughs and feels. Cheers jbird, appreciate it. -ben.
Is Dave still married? No. they got it annulled the day afterwards and then dated for 6 months. they do still see each other time to time though. she is a good friend of ours now. (backstory: Dave got married in Vegas to a girl he'd know for 24 hours. it was #91 on the list: Link to -jonnie.
Was the plan to get it annulled right after from the beginning? No, we left it up to dave, it's his life. his mom wasn't too happy about it.
Also, good to see you again giraffe boner. -ben.
Funny thing is I was in that episode and you two were talking right behind me at the pool. I must of been pretty hungover because I had no clue we were being filmed. I must have been hungover too, i don't remember being in that episode either. -ben.
What do you look forward to crossing off your list? And has it been harder to accomplish these tasks without MTV's help? MTV actually never helped us cross anything off, that was part of our deal with them. We wanted it to be like we'd been doing it the 3 years prior, 4 regular dudes. Cause what's the point if MTV's making all that stuff happen... we wanted it to be real. - ben.
What has been the strangest request for help that you've received? Someone wanted to have a 3some while skydiving. - Dp.
Also, a guy wanted to start a real Jurassic Park.
Is that going to be on the next episode? Haha. Yes. We're partnering with Icy Mike.
Has there ever been a situation where you weren't able to help someone? Or something went wrong in the process? We met a old man who wanted to reconnect with his long lost love, a woman named Joyce Hook, they lost touch in their 20s. We searched for 2 years but couldn't find any trace of her. - Duncan
ACTIVATE REDDIT SEARCH POWERS. Sadly, Bob, the elderly man who searched for her, has since past. He never gave up though. If you find the one, #takethechance -jonnie.
What's your favorite thing you have done so far that has helped someone? I'd say it's different for all of us. For me (jonnie) it was helping Lucas in DC who wanted to get a home for his dad, who became homeless after a fractious divorce. He's a good kid.
For me, it's the first person we ever helped in Kelowna, BC. we helped a guy that used to be homeless get a truck for his new business. i still talk to him on fb 7 yrs later. he's in the first vid we ever made: Link to -ben.
I've been a huge fan of you guys since Season 1 and you guys inspired me to start up a fundraiser to purchase Bio-fuel conversion systems for a School/Orphanage in Tanzania, Africa. I've always wondered what inspired you guys to actually break the mold and set off for the adventure? This is so cool. Thank you for asking. It inspires me to hear that.
What motivated me to set off when we started in 2006 was a) I wanted to work with my brother b) I couldn't figure out why more people our age weren't protesting and c) I was unhappy with my life. It felt like we had all these problems in the world that weren't being addressed. Things like global warming that were too complex for any single leader to conquer. I thought to myself, how do I help? At the time my brother had lost one of his best friends to a drowning accident in British Columbia and it made me think a lot about death. I realized that mortality is a (maybe, the) most powerful motivator for our species. Then I thought, I wonder what people want to do before they die? Then, what do I want to do before I die? And I decided from there that I wanted to ask people and to learn what they had to say. I thought the soberness of it might help the conversation. It helps put all the bullshit to rest. That's kinda also why we called this The Buried Life. It felt like we get buried by day-to-day stuff that makes us forget what's truly important in life.
Then we decided to go after our list of 100 things (Link to and to help a stranger each time we got one done. The name specifically I should add is courtesy of an 1852 poem called The Buried Life by Matthew Arnold. -jonnie.
Torri, your story is incredible, and you obviously have great people in your life. What has been the most positive or unexpected change in your life since receiving your new arm? Becoming more confident in myself, i feel like i can do anything now -Torri.
What is the list item that will be the hardest to cross off? The one you're scared may never happen? Grow a moustache.
#95: Play Basketball with the President. That was tough. #100 Go To Space will be hard too, but we've been having some conversations with people about it.
The idea of never crossing off #78: Fall in Love used to scare me, but less so as I get older. I'm beginning to realize that love is all around you, you just need to be open to it. I hope that doesn't come off too cheesy. -jonnie.
Grow a moustache.
Talk to Hanger Clinic. Bionic Moustache. That's my favorite comment. -ben.
If the video gets to 2 million views Hanger Clinics will donate a bionic moustache to Torri. Tor, I'm sorry. -jp.
What was the craziest/ most daring thing that you guys have done? Probably streak a field. We got arrested but it was fun while it lasted. Thanks. - Dp.
Def streak: Link to
Hey guys! I remember watching one of your shows when you tried to make a million dollars. If you could redo that episode, what would you do differently? Probably taken our time with it. Gambling was a quick chance to make 1Million but if we really wanted to make it, it would have been better to slowly build. Maybe use the money made on investing and keep slowly building. Thanks. - Duncan.
Just don't go to the horse tracks. those horses are stupid. -ben.
Hey guys, have you added anything to the list since you made it? Yes we add and remove things. The list changes and evolves with us. We really want to lower the suicide rate in North America, so we added that to our list last year. - Duncan
Did you ever end up actually getting to play basketball with Obama? Yes, we were actually surprised on the white house courts by Obama last year. He's got a good 3.
Here's a pic: Link to
When do you guys expect to have your bucket list complete? Never! No.. people ask us all the time, "What are you going to do when you finish your list of 100 things to do before you die?" Die, we tell them. Die! -jonnie.
THE BURIED LIFE. There's a name i haven't heard in a long time. Glad to see you're still at it with a vengeance. I'm in a band that absolutely loves doing charity work and helping others. Any chance you guys need a theme song? Cheers. send tracks to [email protected] we're making a lot of different stuff right now and would love to check it out. -ben.
We would love to donate one to your cause. We can't offer much other than our music, but it's yours if you want it. That'd be great, we're working on a lot of stuff and could use some music. send us an email at [email protected] -ben.
What is your advice to those who are suffering with depression? Hey johnny. first remember that depression doesn't last forever and everyone goes through things like this, so you're not alone. one thing that may help is to try to do little things that make you happy, take small steps. when i was feeling depressed after high school, even though it was hard, i tried to stay active, force myself to hang out with people that i loved and made me smile, eat things that i liked, etc. sometimes it's good to do things that push u out of your comfort zone, even if you don't feel like it because it brings you out of your head. important thing, as i said before, is to remember that you're not along. a lot of people struggle with this, and you will get through it. a great site to check out is To Write Love On Her Arms: Link to stay with it mate.
Do you expect to ever have a TV show again? We hope to have a show again but only if it makes sense. we were executive producers of our last show and were involved in every aspect of making it so it's important that we have a say in what it looks like. regardless, we'll still be putting out videos like Torri's online and helping people do things they want to do before they die. The Buried Life started in 2006 as a documentary project, long before the tv show, and we're just going to keep doing it. - Ben.
Are there any things you were unable to air that you would like to tell us about? Yeah we played basketball with Obama, finally, on the white house courts, we weren't allowed to film but we snuck a camera in anyways. We now have footage but aren't allowed to air it. We will one day ;) - Duncan.
Big fan! Can't wait to see more of you guys! How did you feel after loosing so much money as the casino? Thanks, mik. Like idiots.. haha. In the end though the casino did donate a good portion of it to charity. (Backstory: we lost 250k on one roulette spin while attempting #71: Make a Million Dollars. It's been called 'the biggest roulette spin in vegas history')
P.s. not sure what music you're into, but this flight facilities decades mix is really good: Link to
Not good! Although we did get the record for the single biggest roulette spin in Vegas history which was nice. - Duncan.
I feel good about it, it was a rip!! -ben.
You guys are honestly the best. What inspired you to start The Buried Life? Also, what's your go-to happy song? We just had a desire for more from life, we were bored. Buried Life came from wanting to prove to ourselves and our friends that anything was possible. Thx for watching it! - Duncan.
Go to happy song: Link to
Did Jonnie ever kiss Ben's sister at the prom? So curious! Jonnie? - Duncan.
No. No make out. We're just friends. -jp.
Damn straight. -ben.
What's the most inspiring story that you guys have heard from someone you've met along your travels? We met a woman named Trudy who was just diagnosed w breast cancer and was told she had 6 months to live. when we asked if there was anything she wanted to do before she died, she said yes but not for her, she wanted to help kids born w cancer - cause she had had 52 great years of life. we linked up w a group of kids under 12 with different types of cancer and took them on a shopping spree. trudy was one of those woman who had awesome energy, lit up a room when she walked in. she was very cool. here's shot of the kids: Link to
This question is 4 TORRI BIDDLE: are u wearing 2 pairs of pants? yes or no? i must know, I MUST KNOW. Well no i am not sam -Torri
Ok thanks bring two pairs on saturday. Ok mate peace love applesauce.
I hate giraffes. They think they're all high and mighty with their long necks and such. Who the hell do they think they are?! What's your take on this issue? I hate them, takes them so long to swallow their pride.
If you weren't doing The Buried Life, what would each of you be doing now? Dave would be a stuntman, Jonnie would be doing political activism/filmmaking, Duncan would be hiking mountains and Ben would running a wee pie shop deep in the Himalayans named "Mountains of Joy"
Also what unusual advice would you have for a college student today? I know you guys decided to start your adventure around this time in your lives. Best advice would be if you have an idea or dream you want to go after. Don't think about it as a dream, think about it as project. Dreams have a way of staying dreams but projects get accomplished. And dont ever give up! Delaware and Arkansas are surprisingly beautiful. We toured the country in a big purple bus named Penelope which changed the way I saw places. I'll never forget the part from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance where talks about how seeing cities from a motorcycle means seeing them without a frame around them. You're "in" the city, as opposed to being outside looking in. Being in that bus for years on end has been similar, for me, in a way because we would cruise with the windows open and be able to walk around in it as we drove. It would also attract the attention of the locals wherever we went. It's a 1968 GMC Diesel Pusher, the same model as in the movie Speed (except it can't go over 50miles/hour). I'm off on a tangent. The point is, Delaware and Arkansas took my breath away. They were just so quiet and beautiful and American. EDIT: you said cities. I love Berlin and Montreal. They are places that remind you that anything is possible. You can live in downtown Montreal for $400 a month. That changes the dynamics of a city. It means artists and political thinkers can survive on a basic wage and commit deeply to their craft. In a time when many student's ambitions are being extinguished by debt, it's these cities I think we can turn to for leadership and innovation. There are many cities I haven't visited though. On the debt issue, which came up in another thread, I met with Peter Ludlow, a professor at UCLA, last month and he said the reason college kids don't protest like they did in the 60s is because of student debt. They can't afford to. He said his students run around in fear of one misstep. The way the economy has changed has made it even harder to get a second shot if god forbid you fall off the wagon at any point. To make matters worse, student debt is the only debt in the country that you can't default on. So.. you're hooked. It's a shame. I don't know what the solution is but I do hope it changes.
Do you have any advice as to what I can do to make sure I live life to the fullest and help other people as much as possible? Yeah, we put a lot of time into writing this article for Tim Ferriss' blog, you should check it out: 6 Steps to Crossing Anything Off Your List: Link to
What's the next big thing on the horizon for you guys? #100: Go to Space and #26: Tell a judge, "You want the truth, you can't handle the truth!"
To be honest, for me personally, my latest goal has been to direct the first feature length film with a 360 degree camera. I've been into this oculus rift stuff and have been working with a company called Centre Cam (Kickstarter Page: Link to It's a game changer. VR just opens whole new realms of possibility for story telling. -jonnie.
I am a very big fan! and I love everything you guys do. What was your favorite thing to crossed off your list? I think it's different for everyone but for me it was probably 'Streaking a Field'. My favourite help story was when we reunited a father with his son after 17 years. Thanks - Duncan
When was/is the deadline for submitting an entry for the #5thmember contest? We're picking them tomorrow, u can enter as many times as you want.
Finally made a reddit account just for this! You guys are great- can't wait to see more of your accomplishments. Right around the same time as your show began, my friend Matt and I had a similar list with similar goals of traveling the world and doing amazing stuff. At first we were pissed because you beat us to the punch, but after years of seeing your show, we're glad you guys made it and can inspire so many people to be great, ourselves included. What was your first official cross off, or first thing you put on your list? That's great. Thanks, tvafi. The first one we crossed off was #34: Be a Knight for a Day. We traded beer for a restaurant voucher for a suit of armor rental at a costume shop (it's the only way we could afford to do it). Then we told the press in our town to come see it and kick off our "tour" To our surprise/horror.. they showed up. The next day it was on the front page of the newspaper and that was the 2nd thing off our list. There's a story somewhere out there you can see. +1 point if you can find it. The newspaper was the Times Colonist in Victoria, BC Canada. -jonnie.
What inspired you guys to start looking for a 5th member in Italy? We partnered with Contiki Tours (who do travel trips for young people across the world). They said they would help us help fans cross off list items in Italy so we came up with @5thmember. You can still sign up: Link to
Where's Dave?! He's diving for giant pearls in Afghanistan.
No I heard he was air ballooning in Mongolia rehabilitating wingless camels. - DP
Hi Torri! Hows life? Also, would you rather fight 1 horse sized duck, or 100 duck sized horses? Hello and life is great -Torri.
And i would fight 100 duck sized horses lolz -Torri.
Me too! We could fight them together Tor. - Duncan.
I'll be fighting the duck's side guys, can't help you. sorry. -Ben
How did you guys find the courage to stray from "normal life" and follow your dreams? I'm searching for that same type of courage right now. It helped that we started it with our friends, it's always good to work with people you like. they pick you up when you're down. and honestly, we didn't think about it too much, we just took a road trip and starting crossing off list items and helping people and it grew from there. if you just start doing it, taking small steps, you'll figure it out. good luck and have fun. -ben.
If someone doesn't win the contest, can they still come and cross off something from their bucket list with you guys in Italy? Huge fan. Are you in Italy? Yeah come meet us why not. ; ) - Duncan.
Are you guys going to start touring Canada again? We love Canada, we go back a lot. Where are you from? - Duncan.
Waterloo. Awesome, looking forward to it! Love Waterloo, have friends at school out there. Whats up Canada!?
Yeah, if you guys could come to Edmonton soon, that'd be great... Duncan and I grew up in Edmonton. Butter Dome!
Not sure about @cwadden, but I'm from Victoria :) Do you head home often? Visiting with your moms this weekend? Jonnie and I were just back last weekend for our Mom's bday. We love Vic! - Duncan
Hey guys, can I get a shout-out to my sister? She is a huge fan of yours and is currently living her dream of traveling around Europe. Whats her name? Does she have twitter?
Her name is Kelsey--it's @KelseyHeath14 and I think she has like 10 tweets. I am so getting best sister of the year award for this. 12 tweets actually. We are friends now. - DP.
It looks like it is the same, but does it feel different to have a bionic arm to a normal arm? I don't really think so it might be heavier than a normal arm but it's not to bad- Torri.
What are you guys currently working on? We started a production company and have been creating new tv shows, living and working in Venice, CA. we're going to Italy tomorrow and bringing someone with us (Link to we're doing a lot of speaking at colleges, helping ppl and making vids like the one we made with Torri. we're working on #100: Go To Space. i'm working on my biceps, a little bit of tricep work, but mainly biceps. -ben.
Right now we're about to fly to Italy and are surprising someone who has a dream in Italy, bringing them with us.
We launched a production company recently and have been developing new concepts for television - some of them related to Buried Life, some of them new.
We speak at colleges and businesses, encouraging people to go after the things they want to do before they die and talk about our book.
Ride bikes around venice beach.
Still going after our list and helping others do the same.
If this video gets 1 million views Hanger Clinics will donate another bionic arm to a deserving teenager: Link to Link to
Would you guys be down to have a guest (like me) travel with you this summer and help out people in need? I love what you guys do and I would love to be on your team! Actually yeah we are doing a contest right now to take a #5thMember on the road with us. Come on down
Duncan, you planning on getting the new Smash Bros? If so, make your way back to Victoria and we'll have another match. (HSkey) Congrats on all your amazing success. HSkey, haha. Lets do it! Good to hear from you old boy! Hope things are great for you. - Duncan
I ordered a copy of your book when you said you were signing the preorders but when it showed up it wasn't signed. Who do I call crying to? Thank you so much, would love to meet.
Any good tips on how to travel in Europe for cheap? I'm from U.S. and have never been. Love the show and love telling people about your adventures! Yes come to Italy with us and Contiki Tours. We are bringing one person along to cross off list items. Link to
Any advice for asking t swift out? I've written songs about my exes so I guess I've got that going for me. Become a fake country music star.
How does the bionic arm feel like, Torri? At first it was really heavy because i was not use to the weight but now it's fine- Torri.
It can be amazing for hitting around. I suppose. Right? Haha yes-Torri.
For anyone who doesn't know it, the song is We Dont Eat. His latest album, Post Tropical, came out in January. I like Cavalier, Red Dust, and Gold. Adventure Club did a dubstep remix of We Don't Eat. All credit to @jaysalbert for the song choice. He helped edit it all together too.
If they made a movie about your life, who would play you (other than yourself)? Morgan Freeman. - Duncan.
Jonnie: harry potter duncan: james dean dave: anyone from a Sunny D commercial ben: amy adams
I love you guys so much, and I love what you do and how you're teaching people to live life to the fullest. But what about when you WANT to die? What are your tips for struggling with finding meaning to life? Emily, thank you for this. There's an article by Camus (a philosopher) who asks if suicide is the only truly serious philosophical problem. You can see the link below. I think the answer to your question is a deeply personal one for each person, but for me the answer may be that you cannot 'find' meaning in life, you have to make it. It is the process of discovering what makes you happy that makes you happy, even if your search begins with humble joys like laughing or enjoying a good meal. If the feelings that you're having disrupt your daily life and prevent you from ever feeling happy, I'd encourage you to check out the help of professionals. But that's up to you. We work with a group called
Each of us have struggled with depression in our lives (and probably will in some capacity until we die) but it's the process of searching out joy that makes us happy. Starting a life-list can help :) Thanks for sharing. -jonnie.
Link: Link to
P.s. duncan often says, "happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know." You might just be exceptionally bright :)
Hi Torri. 6 weeks ago our daughter Isla was born with a shortened ulna and a severely under developed hand, but she is absolutely perfect in every way. Do you have any advice for us on how to be the parents she will need us to be? What my parents did for me that helped the most is that they didn't treat me differently than my brother and sister. Being raised that way it helped a lot, and just be positive! :) -Torri.
What is your favorite joke to tell? Knock knock...
Hey! I've been a huge fan of the entire concept! You guys inspried me to go to Burning Man this year! Have fun. burning man may be my favourite place on earth. -ben.
Do you guys think you'll ever come out to Arizona? we have some big mountains you can climb to check of your list (#51).. also Im a huge fan of your work and would love to meet you guy! hope your show comes back on Tv soon! Nothing better than a solid mountain climb. Also, great name FannyPackBen. Ben loves fanny packs.
Hey Torri, how easy/complicated is your bionic arm to use? I have a similar arm, but it looks like you've better reach. I've been looking into them but they seem odd to me. Proof, I guess: Link to Yeah for me its really not that hard to use with me not having a right hand before but it really depends on the person using each person has a different level of difficulty -Torri.
Hi guys, what do you like on your pizza? Jonnie- hawaiian Ben- veggie Duncan- pepperoni Dave- whatever the waitress recommends. Dave has put more thought into meals than he has into major life decisions. just the way he is.
What is the hardest thing you had to overcome for the list? I love the show and you've inspired me to do so much, I hope it comes back soon! #53 Make a TV Show was a doozie. We started TBL in our parents garage and it took 3 years to cross that one off.
Hey! Love you guys! How easy is it to just be in places you have no business in being there? I get it it's for a tv show, but still you have to be a little uncomfortable, right? Oh god yes. I had to sit in a bathroom stall for 3 hours after sneaking into the premiere of Transformers 2 to try and get Ben a date with Megan Fox (#59 on the list). I would say I was shitting my pants but that wouldn't be necessary. I had the stall.
Can I be the fifth man? Yes. Link to
Hey Tony here! I love what you guys do! Any advice for a man with a bucketlist on a budget? I'd love to do a lot of the things you guys have done! How did you guys get enough money to take all of these trips? Link to
How many bucket list items do you have left to cross off on your list of 100? Is there an updated list somewhere that shows which ones are left? We have crossed off around 84 things. Here's our list but it's not completely updated. Link to
Hey Ben, we talked on the phone after your speech in Indianapolis. I couldnt attend because of the disaster in the Philippines and my line of work. You said "Talk to you soon." How long is soon?! How bout now? haaayyy - ben.
What was it like sitting in a cake for 6+ hours? It was hot and I had to piss.
Should I buy a moped? Yes, for sure. But be careful.
Any plans to do more episodes of the show with MTV? Proud of all you guys are doing... making Canada proud! Thanks. Yeah would always consider a comeback season!
How soon is now? NOW.
How many items have you guys managed to scratch off the list at the moment? You guys are incredible. Around 86.
Last updated: 2014-05-12 16:00 UTC
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Casino de Montreal, Montreal: "What is the legal gambling age to play slots at..." Check out 16 answers, plus see 929 reviews, articles, and 196 photos of Casino de Montreal, ranked No.67 on Tripadvisor among 1,299 attractions in Montreal. euro play casino online Montreal Gambling Age mobile casino bonus casino sales akron. 18:40. How we use cookies. Cookies help us provide, protect and improve our services. We also use cookies to verify your financial information and identity and for fraud prevention purposes. Third parties use ... Deposit bonuses are cash rewards you receive when you put money into a a USA online casino. Normally this is a Gambling Age In Montreal percentage of the amount you Gambling Age In Montreal deposit and could be 100% or Gambling Age In Montreal more. Thus if you Gambling Age In Montreal deposit €/£/$500 and are given a 100% deposit bonus, you will actually receive €/£/$1,000 in your account. Montreal Gambling Age. montreal gambling age Gambling age chart.Jun 22, 2008 in British Columbia the drinking age is 19 (not sure about the gambling, either 18 or 19). in Alberta the drinking age is 18 and so is the gambling.The legal gambling age in Canada varies by jurisdiction (Province).Casino de Montreal, Montreal: What is the legal gambling age to play slots at... Check out 16 answers ... In Montreal, it's 18. Bring ID, because they check anyone who looks anything close to 18. In any place in Canada with casinos, the gaming age is the same as the drinking age so in most places it's... Casino de Montréal’s online gaming site is legal, reliable and secure. Québec players have access to games in both demo and real play mode, in English and French. Minimum Age to Gamble in United States of America. Below you will find the minimum legal age to gamble in various locations around the U.S., Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. In the 50 American states, some times you'll see a variance, this usually is due to Indian casinos having different age requirements in their casinos than state regulated ... The minimum age for gambling in the US varies between 18 and 21 depending on the state. If you want to find a casino near you, check out the map below to see every state’s minimum gambling age ... eCOGRA is Casino Age In Montreal an international testing agency that accredits and regulates the world of online gambling. It checks to see whether online casinos are honest, fair and safe. eCOGRA is the word on responsible gambling and protects players against unfair practices. Start Playing on. 21 Casino read review. montreal gambling age Home USA Casinos Legal Gambling Age Minimum Age to Gamble in United States of America Below you will find the minimum legal age to gamble in various …The Montreal Casino (French: Casino de Montréal) is a casino on the Notre Dame Island in the borough of Ville-Marie in Montreal, Quebec, and is the largest casino in Canada.

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