WHMIS Symbols Quiz Question Answers 2020 Online

what are the 10 whmis symbols

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New KotK Game-Mode - Zombie Roundup

Issue Tracker Submission ID: HZ-7679
Title: Zombie Roundup
Objective: Kill the highest number of zombies to win!
Player Count: 50+ (Maximum of 250)
Zombie Count: Maximum spawnable amount.
Summary: All players will parachute in, randomly, and upon landing, they will arm themselves and prepare for battle.
Starting at the beginning of the round, and every 300 seconds there-after, the maximum number of zombies that can be spawned will spawn randomly and evenly all over the map inside the current wave of the safe-zone.
In that 300 seconds, you must kill as many zombies as possible, loot as much as possible, and keep moving.
At the end of each 300 second period, all zombies will fall over dead and despawn, a safe-zone will appear, similar to normal BR, and you will have 180 seconds to reach this safe-zone.
All players not inside the safe-zone will get trapped inside the toxic gas and choke to death.
The gas effect will be amplified by double, making death very fast for those who don't make it into the safe-zone.
Gameplay: Each progressive 300 second period, the safe-zone will shrink, but the zombie count per wave will not. The zombies will continue to spawn within the remaining safe-zone, increasing in density as the area shrinks.
In order to win, you must kill the most number of zombies vs all other players, all the way until the last player falls to the zombies.
It is expected that by the time the safe-zone has shrunk 3 times, the density of the zombies will become so incredibly dense that players will be swarmed heavily, and the rate of player deaths will increase exponentially.
Your only salvation is to gear quickly and begin killing, always looting all ammo/guns you come across, while progressively looking for and teaming up with other players as you make your way to the safe-zones.
Teaming up of the entire pool of players and helping each other survive will be the most crucial element of this game-mode. Those who choose not to team up with the rest of the players will most certainly lose.
Looting strategically will also be a very crucial element of overall survival in this game-mode. Airdrops will also become extremely important as they are the only source of full-auto guns, as well as many other goodies.
See Below.
Loots: Normal spawned loot will include ONLY the following:
  1. M1911A1s, .44 Magnums, AR-15s, .308 Hunting Rifles, and Shotguns.
  2. Ammo will be available in the extreme (up to 10x normal), including .45s, .44s, .223s, .308s, and 12GA.
  3. 1000-Slot backpacks.
Shredding of backpacks and clothing for bandages will be disabled. Sorry folks, all crafting will be disabled. No meds for you! LoL!
Special Note: Not all loot-types listed above will be available at all spots!
  1. Some places will have only pistols.
  2. Some will have only long-barrel guns.
  3. Some will have only shotguns.
Ammo will correspond to the guns that appear at each given location.
Backpacks will spawn at all locations that have guns and ammo.
The actual spawns of all loots will be randomized, however the above special noted rule will apply regarding the loots at any one given location. This will prevent any one loot-spot from being known as 'the go-to spot' for any one specific gun-type.
This will be done on purpose, to add additional difficulty to the map and overall game-play.
Melee weapons will NEVER spawn in this game-mode!
Air-Drops: At 180 seconds into each wave, an air-drop will happen.
This airdrop will be a cluster of 6 crates containing:
  1. Crate 1: 10 Guns of each available type, including M9s & AK-47s, as well as all bow types & the crossbow.
  2. Crate 2: 10 Stacks of the maximum ammo stack-count of each ammo-type, including all arrow-types.
  3. Crate 3: 10 Assorted military backpacks, all skinned variants, random set of 10.
  4. Crate 4: 10 Waist packs.
  5. Crate 5: 10 Boxes of each of the available explosive-types and molotovs, condensed into packages of 10.
  6. Crate 6: 10 Stacks of all medical supply-types, including any item that has the property to heal, stacks of 10.
The crates will be labeled as below, so you never have to guess what crate contains what items:
  1. Gun Crate = Image of a gun, AR-15 seems likely the best choice.
  2. Ammo Crate = Image of a bullet, .223 seems likely the best choice.
  3. Backpack Crate = Image of a tan millitary backpack.
  4. Waist Pack Crate = Image of a waist pack.
  5. Explosives Crate = WHMIS symbol for explosive hazard.
  6. Medical Crate = Image of the Red Cross.
Full-Auto Weapons (M9, AK-47), Recurve Bows, and Crossbows will be most desirable, as will be explosives, meds, military backpacks, and waist packs.
Limited Supplies!!! First Come, First Served!!!
Ammo will be pretty much unlimited. Maximum stack-count = 9999/4545/1999, depending on per-bullet-bulk of 1/2/5.
Air-Strikes will also happen (same as KotK normal BR), making it even more deadly to survive.
Vehicles: There will not be any vehicles spawned in this mode!!!
That would make it too easy to rack up zombie kills super fast.
Dying: Those who die will be forced into Specator-Mode until the conclusion of the round. This will save their kill-count and allow them to continue following the action right to the very end, when the last person falls and the final winners are calculated, at which point the rewards will be handed out and the round will end.
For those who fall below the top-ten-kill-count, they will be given the option to return to the Main Menu, as they will certainly not be in the winning group, but they can also continue Specator-Mode and enjoy the show.
If you are below the top-ten when you die, Spectator-Mode can be ended at any point.
For those who are in the top-ten, you will not be able to exit the round or logout of the game. Spectator-Mode will continue until the round ends. This ensures that you will definitely get your reward when the round ends.
Winning: An internal check will track all player kills and display a running count of the top-ten zombie killers throughout the entire game.
At the end, the winners will be tabulated by total zombie-kill-count. This may not necessarily be the person that is the last man standing, so those who hide to outlive all others won't be able to claim victory.
Victory will go to those who engage in all-out war against the horde.
Numbers will count for everything.
Rewards: As yet defined vehicle skins and new clothing skins.
These will be made available on both game-types: KotK / JS, but earned only on KotK.
1st Place: A New Vehicle Skin and a Zombie Roundup Elite Clothing Skin Bag.
2nd and 3rd Place: Zombie Roundup Elite Clothing Skin Bag
4th - 10th Place: Zombie Roundup Clothing Skin Bag
I want classic cars and trucks, race cars and trucks, racing quads, some civilian vehicles such as ambulances and monster trucks/cars, custom hot-rods (real hand-built beasts), and military light vehicles such as jeeps and apcs.
Do you like it?
submitted by Thadius_Moor to h1z1 [link] [comments]

The last time I ever got truck-washing duty (xpost PettyRevenge)

So I used to work as a delivery driver for a furniture retailer, and it was actually a pretty okay job (if you like heavy lifting, of course). Except for my manager, BrownNoser. Now, BrownNoser (BN for short) was about 19, not all that bright, and got to his position as warehouse manager by kissing massive amounts of ass. I was a few months older than him, and had been there for a year or so. Maybe a bit less. But point is, I was one of the more senior guys on the delivery staff.
So, one fine day, my truck went out, did it's deliveries, and was back by about 1pm (We started at 8, and usually went to 4-5, for reference.) I was looking forward to going home a bit early, but BN had different plans for me. What's important to remember in what follows is that BN was a salaried worker, and I had an hourly wage.
I finish loading up my truck for the next day, and am just walking to the punch clock to punch out for the day, when I hear his nasally voice.
BN: Hey, Bedfellow, hold on a sec.
Me: What is it, BN?
BN: I need you to go out and wash your truck. It's dirty, and that doesn't reflect well on the company.
Me: youbestbejoking.png
BN: Come on, chop chop. I'm not paying you to stand around.
Me: You don't pay me shit. (I had no respect for this guy, and he and I both knew it. But, I got shit done, so the higher-ups weren't about to get rid of me.)
BN: Yeah, well, that can change if you don't do what I say. Here's what you'll need to wash it. The pressure washer is outside.
BN hands me things like company-made bottles of glass cleaner, leather polish (for the dashboard), industrial soap, you know, basic truck cleaning stuff)
Me: Whoah, whoah, hey now. I've never used this stuff before, and I've seen these WHMIS symbols before. I'm going to need to have a look at the MSDS sheets for all of these supplies.
BN: Dude, no. It's glass cleaner and soap. It's in literally every household. Just go do what I tell you.
Me: No. I have the right to refuse unsafe work and until I fully understand the hazards that these materials present, and have all the necessary PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) I don't feel safe using these products.
BN: Stop being dumb. Just go do it.
Me: This is in direct violation of Occupational Health & Safety guidelines, and if forced to proceed, I will be lodging a formal complaint both with OH&S, as well as BigBossMan.
At this point, BN knows he is defeated. But I'm still just warming up.
BN: Fine. The sheets are this way.
He takes me to the room with the MSDS sheets, where I spend the next 15 minutes perusing the sheets, asking inane questions just to make sure he doesn't leave. Remember, I'm getting paid by the hour. He isn't.
Me: Well, these supplies have the potential to cause skin and eye irritation, and this other cleaner needs to be used in a well-ventilated area. I'm going to require PPE to protect against these hazards.
Cue half an hour of BN and I rooting around the warehouse looking for rubber gloves that came past my elbows, a thick rubber apron, rubber boots, a plastic face shield, safety goggles, and a respirator. Pretty much this stuff, but it wasn't all in one convenient location like this.
I don all the safety gear. BN is visibly agitated.
BN: You look like an idiot. I hope you know that.
Me: I look like a safe idiot. I'm alright with that.
BN: Alright, NOW will you go wash the truck?
Me: I've never used the pressure washer before. I'm going to need to be fully trained on that before I operate it.
BN: There's an on button, three power settings, and a trigger. A 4 year old could work it.
Me: I don't feel safe using it until I've been properly trained in it's operation. I could hurt myself.
If looks could kill, I would be dead. But luckily I am protected from his acid gaze by my PPE. Seriously, I'm fucking immortal under all this shit.
We head out to the pressure washer, and I make him go over everything in excruciating detail. Again, I question everything. "If there's a kink in the hose, could the machine rupture? What if it ruptures? This is a gas-powered washer. What if gas spills? I'll need a fire extinguisher..." This takes almost 20 minutes. We also have to go find the aforementioned fire extinguisher. At this point, we're about an hour and fifteen minutes into this, and I haven't even started washing the truck.
Me: Oh hey, BN. Before you go, you'll need to show me how ot use all these chemical cleaners. I read the MSDS sheets, but I still don't know how to properly use them.
BN pretty much washes half the interior of the truck (no PPE of course) with me asking ever more questions.
Me: Alright. I think I feel ready to do this now.
BN: Finally. Asshole.
Me: I take my safety seriously, and you should too.
BN storms off, muttering under his breath.
I proceed to take 10 minutes wiping down the truck, and another 5 rinsing it clean. I go into BN's office.
Me: Alright, I'm done.
BN: That was fast.
Me: It was a pretty easy job. Here's all the PPE back. Thanks for being understanding concerning my safety.
I drop the PPE in a pile on his carpeted floor. It was covered in the mud from the exterior of the truck.
Me: I think I'm going to take off now. Have a good night, BN!
He didn't reply. He just looked like he wanted to cry.
I left a little after 3pm that day, having wasted almost 2 hours of BN's time. I found out the next day that he didn't leave til 7 that night.
I was never asked to wash the trucks again.
tl;dr: I take my safety seriously. Even more so when I'm getting paid by the hour and my cunt hair of a boss is salaried.
submitted by Strange_Bedfellow to ProRevenge [link] [comments]

The last time I ever got truck-washing duty.

So I used to work as a delivery driver for a furniture retailer, and it was actually a pretty okay job (if you like heavy lifting, of course). Except for my manager, BrownNoser. Now, BrownNoser (BN for short) was about 19, not all that bright, and got to his position as warehouse manager by kissing massive amounts of ass. I was a few months older than him, and had been there for a year or so. Maybe a bit less. But point is, I was one of the more senior guys on the delivery staff.
So, one fine day, my truck went out, did it's deliveries, and was back by about 1pm (We started at 8, and usually went to 4-5, for reference.) I was looking forward to going home a bit early, but BN had different plans for me. What's important to remember in what follows is that BN was a salaried worker, and I had an hourly wage.
I finish loading up my truck for the next day, and am just walking to the punch clock to punch out for the day, when I hear his nasally voice.
BN: Hey, Bedfellow, hold on a sec.
Me: What is it, BN?
BN: I need you to go out and wash your truck. It's dirty, and that doesn't reflect well on the company.
Me: youbestbejoking.png
BN: Come on, chop chop. I'm not paying you to stand around.
Me: You don't pay me shit. (I had no respect for this guy, and he and I both knew it. But, I got shit done, so the higher-ups weren't about to get rid of me.)
BN: Yeah, well, that can change if you don't do what I say. Here's what you'll need to wash it. The pressure washer is outside.
BN hands me things like company-made bottles of glass cleaner, leather polish (for the dashboard), industrial soap, you know, basic truck cleaning stuff)
Me: Whoah, whoah, hey now. I've never used this stuff before, and I've seen these WHMIS symbols before. I'm going to need to have a look at the MSDS sheets for all of these supplies.
BN: Dude, no. It's glass cleaner and soap. It's in literally every household. Just go do what I tell you.
Me: No. I have the right to refuse unsafe work and until I fully understand the hazards that these materials present, and have all the necessary PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) I don't feel safe using these products.
BN: Stop being dumb. Just go do it.
Me: This is in direct violation of Occupational Health & Safety guidelines, and if forced to proceed, I will be lodging a formal complaint both with OH&S, as well as BigBossMan.
At this point, BN knows he is defeated. But I'm still just warming up.
BN: Fine. The sheets are this way.
He takes me to the room with the MSDS sheets, where I spend the next 15 minutes perusing the sheets, asking inane questions just to make sure he doesn't leave. Remember, I'm getting paid by the hour. He isn't.
Me: Well, these supplies have the potential to cause skin and eye irritation, and this other cleaner needs to be used in a well-ventilated area. I'm going to require PPE to protect against these hazards.
Cue half an hour of BN and I rooting around the warehouse looking for rubber gloves that came past my elbows, a thick rubber apron, rubber boots, a plastic face shield, safety goggles, and a respirator. Pretty much this stuff plus a respirator, but it wasn't all in one convenient location like this (of course :D).
I don all the safety gear. BN is visibly agitated.
BN: You look like an idiot. I hope you know that.
Me: I look like a safe idiot. I'm alright with that.
BN: Alright, NOW will you go wash the truck?
Me: I've never used the pressure washer before. I'm going to need to be fully trained on that before I operate it.
BN: There's an on button, three power settings, and a trigger. A 4 year old could work it.
Me: I don't feel safe using it until I've been properly trained in it's operation. I could hurt myself.
If looks could kill, I would be dead. But luckily I am protected from his acid gaze by my PPE. Seriously, I'm fucking immortal under all this shit.
We head out to the pressure washer, and I make him go over everything in excruciating detail. Again, I question everything. "If there's a kink in the hose, could the machine rupture? What if it ruptures? This is a gas-powered washer. What if gas spills? I'll need a fire extinguisher..." This takes almost 20 minutes. We also have to go find the aforementioned fire extinguisher. At this point, we're about an hour and fifteen minutes into this, and I haven't even started washing the truck.
Me: Oh hey, BN. Before you go, you'll need to show me how ot use all these chemical cleaners. I read the MSDS sheets, but I still don't know how to properly use them.
BN pretty much washes half the interior of the truck (no PPE of course) with me asking ever more questions.
Me: Alright. I think I feel ready to do this now.
BN: Finally. Asshole.
Me: I take my safety seriously, and you should too.
BN storms off, muttering under his breath.
I proceed to take 10 minutes wiping down the truck, and another 5 rinsing it clean. I go into BN's office.
Me: Alright, I'm done.
BN: That was fast.
Me: It was a pretty easy job. Here's all the PPE back. Thanks for being understanding concerning my safety.
I drop the PPE in a pile on his carpeted floor. It was covered in the mud from the exterior of the truck.
Me: I think I'm going to take off now. Have a good night, BN!
He didn't reply. He just looked like he wanted to cry.
I left a little after 3pm that day, having wasted almost 2 hours of BN's time. I found out the next day that he didn't leave til 7 that night.
I was never asked to wash the trucks again.
tl;dr: I take my safety seriously. Even more so when I'm getting paid by the hour and my cunt hair of a boss is salaried.
submitted by Strange_Bedfellow to pettyrevenge [link] [comments]

what are the 10 whmis symbols video

What is WHMIS? WHMIS Labels WHMIS instructional video - short film Newcomers and the Workplace: Workplace Hazards and the ... Chem 20: Grade 10 Review: WHMIS - YouTube Ag 10 video # 5 whmis symbols - YouTube

While these jurisdictions based their WHMIS regulations on the common model, small variations between jurisdictions may exist in how they adopted WHMIS 2015. Suppliers and employers must use and follow the WHMIS 2015 requirements for labels and safety data sheets (SDSs) for hazardous products sold, distributed, or imported into Canada. Try this amazing WHMIS Hazard Symbols Quiz quiz which has been attempted 1424 times by avid quiz takers. Also explore over 13 similar quizzes in this category. Whmis Symbols 2016; Michela M. • 10 cards. Acute toxicity - (harmful), Skin and Eye Irritation, Skin Sensitization, Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure. Hazardous to the aquatic enviroment. Gases under pressure (compressed gas) Self reactive substances and mixtures, organic WHMIS Symbols are symbols representing the different hazard category in the Canadian standard (WHMIS 2015 regulation) used in the classification and labelling of chemicals. What is WHMIS WHMIS which represents (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) is an hazardous product regulation system which helps identify the hazards of WHMIS 2015/GHS Symbols & Their Meanings. By December 1st all workplaces will need to ensure their hazard labelling are in accordance with WHMIS 2015/GHS. This is made in effort to bring consistency between labelling systems across the world. Canada’s Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) has had some changes to align with This Guide to WHMIS Symbols 2020 will showcase the most recent symbols (pictograms) and provide you with resources to help you study for upcoming training! Preparing to take your WHMIS certification training? Here are 10 popular WHMIS practice test questions you need to know the answers to. Learn more now! Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Symbols Quiz Question Answers Online 2020: Practice test your WHMIS course final exam symbols matching quiz answers for free. WHMIS Canada 2015, 2019 symbol quiz answers. There is no true/false question instead of this test is consist of full multiple-choice question WHMIS Symbols. WHMIS Pictograms/ Symbols. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) was introduced in Canada in 1988 so that workers could receive information about the hazardous products they may use.. The WHMIS Pictograms/ Symbols are graphic images that immediately show you what type of hazard a hazardous product presents. About This Quiz & Worksheet. You can easily measure what you know about WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) symbols by answering the questions found in this quiz/worksheet

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