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yakuza like a dragon chapter 15 grind

yakuza like a dragon chapter 15 grind - win

my long review of the entire main series

WELCOME TO MY LONG ASS REVIEW OF THE YAKUZA SEIRES! This will include a shortened version of all of my thoughts and feelings towards all 8 (*note: this review will only cover the main series, so no dead souls, ishin or other spinoff's (tho I might play them in the future)) games and some of their inner aspects. So not reading all of it is completely understandable I just wanted to share them with someone but sadly none of my friends played it so i have nowhere else to do so
one them suggested posting it here and tbh i have nothing better to do so here they are
TLDR; 10/10 franchise I really like the characters, stories, music and gameplay.with that being said, HERE WE GO!
(*note: like I said these are MY opinions and MY lists, if you think otherwise, youre welcome to write it down in the comments I would love to hear your thoughts :))(*note: this review might contain spoilers, with that being said I will try to hide everything that I think might be considered a major spoiler and will put it between [ ] so if you see these be careful)(*note: this review might be a bit scattered and not understandable at times, that's because of 3 reasons: 1.english is my second language, although I like to think im at least conversational, spelling and sentence building aren’t my strong suits. 2. Like I said this is a review of all 8 games so I might scramble stuff in the middle or forget something completely. 3. I first wrote this on word and after transfering it here i noticed there are problems with the spacing and enters, so if you see a lack of space when there should be most likely there was supposed to be a shift+enter, i tried fixing it multiple times but appreantly having every enter where it should be makes it over 4000000 characters long.) So forgive me for those)(*note: if for some reason you would like to see my opinion on something that I didn’t include, you're welcome to ask me to write it :) I might not be able to answer everything but ill do my best to check the comments every so often for a while)
first of all I would like to say that my entry to the series is that a friend of mine bought me a copy of yakuza 0 for pc, little did he know, that would evolve into a crippling yakuza addiction (I bought a ps4 off another friend just to play 3-6). (*note: I know I said "none of my friends play it" that was a tiny lie, I have 1 friend who for 2 years now "is in process" to 100% yakuza 0, so I have no one to talk to about 7/8 games of the series) I came into the series thinking what I believe almost every player thinks before they start playing "oh it looks similar to gta/saints row but Japanese" but, say it with me now! "YAKUZA IS NOT JAPANESE GTA!" what I discovered is a beat'em-up, tear-jerking-story based adventure game, lucky me these are some of my favorite genres! I feel like yakuza has a very sad story not because its actually like sad sad but because kiryu is human, you see him go through life having to go through all kinds of crisis's and problems and its kinda feels like seeing a child grow? Idk, at least for me it sometimes does
now for my top 8 yakuza games (*note: the scores I give them out of 10 and their place on the top 8 might seem weird and "incorrect" because I give some games of lower place higher score then stuff of higher place. That's because when I decide their place on the top 8 I only consider how much I enjoyed it overall. when I give them a score out of 10 I try to give them what I think is a more objective score that includes everything of how fun it was, how much I liked the characters, the mechanics, the story, ect….)
(*note: if I don’t include a character in my reviews that doesn’t necessarily mean that I hate them, it just means that I generally don’t have too much to say about them. Overall I like basically all the main and side cast)
1.Yakuza kiwami 9/10
Lets start with the story,
Imma be real with ya chiefs, I have a pretty small smooth brain. That's why I like simple-semi complicated stories
And here we have a very basic story to follow, 10000000 yen missing, parent of this child missing, find them both. I love that simple, short and to the point but still interesting enough that I spent half my playthrough on the edge of my sit
This game also has the best side-quests of the entire series which are easily pocket circuit & majima everywhere
from the gameplay and mechanic side I also feel it’s the most fun and tight, nothing feels slow, every punch packs a punch and I actually really love (and prefer) the 4 fighting styles and was really sad to find out they were only in 0&kiwami. It has my favorite level up system (I will also include my top 7 level up systems later)
And now for some character reviews
Kiryu-CHAN!- he's by far my favorite character in the entire series, until now I only saw him as a brooding, badass, powerhouse that fucking breaks, shoots, and destroys (god forbid kills nothing like that here) but this was the first time I got to see that he actually has a soft side too and it’s the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen in my entire life. It was the first time I realized yakuza is one of those series that can make me sound like a kettle when I "aawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" seeing his interactions with haruka, yumi, nishiki and others was almost heart melting. Speaking of which
Majima-I have what I think is a very controversial opinion, which is I don’t like majima in 0 (and I will get to that later). So I really didn’t expect much considering I came to this series blind. And OH BOY! Majima quickly became one of my favourite characters and its really sad for me that I believe they kinda toned him down in later games. [half of my playthrough was running around looking for him and doing all of his stuff, having to fight him as a cop, zombie, idol, hostes in all sorts of different situations was one of the best things about this game]
nishiki-*ahem*,Im gonna fucking cry.
Like I said I came from 0, seeing the journey he went through from #1 jobro (which he will forever be btw) to head of a family he has no idea what to do with, to madness, to evil mastermind was one of the saddest stories of this series. Every head of the nishikiyama family after him only brought shame to his name. [every scene that contained both him and kiryu in the same room made me want to cry. From the moment he declared they are not brothers anymore to the final scene when he shot the bomb]
Haruka-B A B Y
My first thought after seeing her was "ughhhhh fuck an annoying child character to take care of, that's not what a yakuza game should have" but what ended up being is that if anything happened to her I will ̶k̶i̶l̶l̶ hit everybody in this room very hard until all their bones break and leave them unconscious with no way of calling an ambulance or any kind of help and then do that to myself only to protect her.
She is precious, and if you for some twisted, evil, disgusting reason think otherwise you are wrong
[Yumi/mizuki- when Im writing this its been like a year since I played kiwami so I don’t remember every little detail about this character (not that there's too much to remember to begin with) if anything the twist at the end was pretty surprising and her backstory is kinda sad]
[rena/shinji-they both serve kind of the same role so I don’t have too much to say on them separately. Their death (by the hands of the most annoying boss in the series) is kinda sad and like anything else relating to nishiki in this game, rena's death speech about how she always really loved him and wanted to help him in any way possible made me want to cry]
2.yakuza4 7.8/10
This game could’ve easily been an 8.5/10 but there're some stuff that just annoy me a bit and makes me have to retract from its score, let me get into it
First of all,
Although at the start the story didn’t really make sense to me and I thought it was very confusing, now after I played everything and saw how stuff connected together, I realized how amazing it actually is
From akiyama's little relationship with lily
To kiryu helping a refugee
To a laid back cop who gets in to something bigger than himself
And finally back to the actual main character of this series
initially It was very annoying when I found out I only get to play as kiryu at the end of the game but I got over it
On the gameplay side
in the overworld everyone felt really slow to me,it didn’t feel like they were running (like their animation showed) it felt like they were always at the speed of a start of a jog but you kinda get used to it so its fine overall.In the combat side of thingsI really liked how akiyama, tanimura and kiryu controlled. Fast&strong which is why I really like the combat of this series to begin with (I also found it kinda funny that swords in this game are sometimes considered "blunt objects" for some reason so when you use a heat action with them you just smack an enemies head again and again with the blade)
I will use the fact I didn’t include saejima in the list of the gameplay I like as a perfecet Segway to my character reviews
Saejima-although his story really is interesting, kinda sad and heartwarming at times I grew to not like him just because his gameplay is sooooooooooooooooo slooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I don’t know why but I also felt that he was weaker than the rest of the characters? It kinda felt like when the rest of the crew took down 10 enemies in 1 second he took 1 enemy in 10 seconds
I get that hes supposed to be a tank and he has a lot of hp but usually tanks also do lots of damage to make up for their lack of speed
Here its just a "very healthy", slow and weak tank so its just annoying to play [if anything his sister is hot]
Akiyama- his gameplay is kinda like the "brawler" of the game, similar enough to kiryu's gameplay but different (because kicks) also his personality is cool, i would categorize it kinda like a happy go lucky guy but not really
His story is interesting about this mysterious girl named lily who apparently really looks like his ex and he has a picture from his past that shows her. Anyway she asks for 100000000 yen a̶n̶d̶ ̶b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶s̶i̶m̶p̶ and because he really wants to help her, he gives her a challenge.
Tanimura- the counter option was kinda cool ig. His character is cool enough and his story about wanting to find what happened to his father is kinda sweet
I don’t have too much to say about him because he's kinda forgettable in the sense that his story was kind of an open and shut case
He was definitely one of the playable characters of the series but that's honestly the most you can say about him
If anything its kinda sad they swapped him in yakuza 5 but understandable because his story is 100% finished and he has nothing to draw him back considering he isn’t really related in any way to the rest of the cast
Date-I like him but his character rarely changes. In the rest of the series it seems the story writers forgot he quit being a detective
[yasuko/lily-seeing her story unfold was kinda sad, all she wanted for the last 25 years was to see her brother again. At least she got to that 1 last time before she did the bullet walk thing this series lovesssss to do]
One last thing about this game that really annoyed me, the game ends with a happy ending, [saejima is proven innocent, kiryu seems to return to the tojo clan and they all live happily ever after]. When I saw it I thought "oh wow, I wander how they're gonna build upon this?" well, they didn’t, like at all.
This series has 1 annoying problem that the writers team usually completely forget how the previous game ended
3.yakuza3 7.4/10on the story side-
Kiryu only wants to keep his goddamn orphanage leave him alone ffs.BUT NOPE!It’s the yakuza series so every few years it’s always the same thing: something something TOJO something something MONEY something something BROTHER something something REVENGE, oh godly kiryu san mr.dragon of dojima please help me!
The gameplay in the remastered collection stays more or less the same throughout so I don’t really have anything to say here
The characters of this story are a weird bunch
The children of the orphanage- if anything happened to any of them I will ̶k̶i̶l̶l̶ hit everybody in this room very hard until all their bones break and leave them unconscious with no way of calling an ambulance or any kind of help and then do that to myself only to protect them.
rikiya- at the start of the game I thought he was just gonna be one of those bosses that you beat thrice throughout the game and never hear from them again afterwards, what ended up happening is that I discovered just a lovable, loyal, dork of a character [and when he got shot and kiryu started crying I was almost crying with him, definitely one of the saddest deaths in the series because it’s a very unexpected one]
4.yakuza 6 8/10
HOLY SHIT MY BABY HAD A BABY but who is the father? Let's go to Hiroshima to find out! [If only yuta put on a condom]
Jokes aside this is one of the most amazing stories the series ever told
I was originally dreading playing this game because I don’t really like the dragon engine that much (that might be because I played kiwami 2 right after 0&kiwami and was just kind of overwhelmed by it although the graphics of it are amazing, the gameplay feels a lot more wonky to me, I either feel very weak or too strong (usually weak) I got used to it but I actually prefer anything else in the series)
But man did the story really bump up its place in the top 8
Nagumo- im sorry but speaking by role-serving terms rikiya is just kinda the cooler Nagumo (or technically speaking Nagumo is the worse rikiya) he's just a hot headed simp who's the captain of the hirose family but also kind of sweet in a way
If anything he has one very memorable line "yesterday's enemy is today's aniki"
jokes aside I see why haruka chose him, one of the best character's in the series for sure
tho the twist where he's actually the father was kind of apparent from the start]
Kiyomi- she looks like sayama's mom. Like I was 200% sure it was her for like the entirety of the first chapter she was shown in
[Also the thing in the end about kiryu saying he considered daigo as a son is stupid and forced in as hell]
5.yakuza0 7/10
(*note: I think I got a little more to say about this game then the rest cause like I mentioned it was my entry to the series so this may be a little bit of a garbled mess)
So let's start by saying, hands down it has the best overall soundtrack (*note: I will get to my top 15 songs later) consistently very high quality while the rest of the games have like 1-3 outstanding songs in them this one has: the intro, judgement, the best version of baka mitai (*note: I only discovered that the meme originated in yakuza like half-way through its life span) (*note: I saw on here some time ago that one of the top posts is a screenshot of a tweet from kiryu's VA that says he's very pleased that people are singing his song and I find that very heart warming and wholesome), 24-cinderella and so, SO many more.
Now… from the story side of things…..
Im sorry to say this but I don’t really like majima's story in this game. Out of every other playable character in this series majima's story in this game felt the most like a filler to me. The first like 4 of his chapters could've easily been skipped with nothing of value to the overall story lost. Having to switch to him every 2 chapters was very annoying. Actually It annoyed me so much that in the middle of zero I kinda just dropped the game for like half a year+ because I just didn’t feel like playing as majima [it was after the cutscene where nishiki betrays kiryu but doesn’t want to shoot him]. Tho his relation-ship with makato is easily the saddest, most tragic thing to happen throughout the entire series. But like… idk I really preferred playing as kiryu 100% of the time
On the gameplay side of things tho
Definitely one of the better, like I said I really like the fighting styles so having 8 of them (well 6 technically since I basically didn’t touch the real estate nor the cabaret) was really fun
Brawlethug-very basic, close enough to the dragon fighting style if that's what youre looking for but very boring nonetheless
Rush/breaker-rush fucking sucks, on the other hand I find breaker to be very funny and I used it most of my time playing majima
beast/slugger-beast is easily the best fighting style in the game, it’s a tiny bit slow but it gives back by being a fucking powerhouse being able to lift giant object's and using them as very fast hard hitting weapons (*ahem* *ahem* thisiswhatsaejimashould'vebeen*ahem* ahem*) on the slugger side I only switched to it when I saw that I couldn’t just style on my enemy to win and had to actually "play the video game"
now for the character's
makoto- I A M G O I N G T O F U C K I N G C R Y
nishiki- [ kiwami spoilers>>R.I.P best jobro, once again im going to fucking cry everything in this game makes me want to cry], his relationship with kiryu is easily one of the best parts of this game, from the little comments he makes about kiryu's wardrobe to [him saying he's not interested in climbing up the ranks without kiryu] everything that makes him easily the best follower in the entire series.
majima- I didn’t know what was coming so I just assumed this was kind of his character.looking back at it im kinda disappointed they didn’t try to do something else with him and instead they just kinda made him a simp to the yakuza [also it was kinda stupid to me how they didn’t find a way to bridge him into the crackhead he is in the rest of the series (they totally could've btw) instead making him just choose to "live crazier than any of 'em" (but thinking about it again honestly I feel like making majima choose to be a crackhead just because he wants to kinda fits his character)]
kuze- *insert how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man meme*
6.yakuza LAD 8/10"YOU BITCHES EVER HEARD OF PERSONA 5?"was probably the first line shouted by the director of the series in the first boardroom meetingthe story of this game follows ichiban kasuga trying to prove his loyalty and powerand goddamn smashing those goalsits kinda weird because I feel like I have nothing yet so much to say
Gameplay wisefor some reason they decided to change it to an rpg probably after the director played P5R for too long because like I indirectly said… almost everything here is persona 5,the ui, combat, life skills and so on and so forth. There are even social links for crying out loud.
this game might've been a 9/10 if only there wasnt 2 giant grind moments in the latter half of it
[specifically before the majima&saejima boss fight and kiryu boss fight]
Character review
Ichiban- I saw a meme somewhere that said ichiban is "cooler nishiki", HELL NAHthose 2 are completely different characters each with their own reasons to make me depressed. Defiantly in the top 3 protagonists of the series which goes like 1.kiryu 2.majima 3.ichiban [before i started the game i was 200% sure he was gonna die, luckly he didnt, yet]
Adachi- before I started this game and only saw the art I was 100% sure it was the guy who taught slugger to majima in 0 (the weapon maker from the noodle shop).he's not.Good follower tho
[Joon-gi han- imma be real with ya chief, I forgot he died. And until kiryu said it was a double I was sure it was the same dude, he's not, still cool tho]
I feel like I should have more to say about the rest of the MC's, but I got nothing. I love all of them but I don’t have anything outstanding to say.
also this game has the top 3 best girls of the series which are: 1.seong-hui 2.sumire sawa 3.saeko mukoda don’t @ me
7.yakuza5 thekomakitigerdropisbrokenasallhell/10
Once again with 4 different character's, each with their own story that finally combines into one somehow
on the gameplay side
Like I said kiryu has the best moves in this game then the entire series
The counter allowed me to cheese out enemies I couldn’t really fight. And the komaki tiger drop allowed me to delete half a bosses health bar in one hit So usually a boss would last about 2-6 tiger drops
His story revolves around just being A NORMAL GODDAMN TAXI DRIVER LEAVE HIM ALONE FOR FUCK SAKES and going through a midlife crisis
Akiyama stays mostly the same
They did fix saejima a bit but still it was a drag to play him, not only that but the entire thing where he stayed in the small village for like a full chapter was very annoying and was clearly made just to drag out his story
HOLY SHIT MY BABY IS A PLAYABLE CHARACTER, when I originally saw haruka on the splash screen when you open the game she kinda has a fighting pose so I thought that she maybe learned a thing or two while watching kiryu
NOPE, I HOPE Y'ALL LIKE RYTHEM GAMES CAUSE THAT'S ALL SHE DOES!, personally im ok at them but not that good so I played only the stuff I had to do with her
[tho the twist at the end of her story about majima being park's ex husband, MAN I DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING]
And then there's shinada....
I honestly don’t know what to think about him.
He's an ok character overall but his story seems so unrelated it kinda seems to me like they just shoved him in there because they had some problem with having only 3 character that can fight. His gameplay is fine enough but sometimes it kinda felt weaker then it should be? Idk. His normal punch and grab combo is mediocre+ - ok- nothing more than that. His staff doh allowed me to cheese enemies and getting them into an infinite loop of being knocked down again and again
Another thing I can say about this game is that the character models eyes always look on the verge of tears and it seems very funny to me that at any given moment most of the cast looks like its about to cry cause im sitting here ready to do the same
8.yakuza kiwami 2 6.9/10
Man what a disappointment.
I came to this thinking its gonna be as good as 0/kiwami and my hopes were crushed
Like I said I don’t like the dragon engine that much so moving to it after the engine of the 2 previous games felt really weird
The story of this game although very heart warming at the moment youre playing it, is quickly forgotten about and basically un-canonized in the rest of the series [at the start of yakuza 3 sayama departs to America and never returns, in yakuza 6 it is mentioned that yumi is the only woman kiryu ever loved and that he never killed anyone (although ryuji goda died by his hands)]
Don’t get me wrong its still a very good game just not as good as the rest of the yakuzas
Now for the characters
Sayama- although story wise it seemed very sudden that they started dating, it was apparent from the start that something is gonna happen between them. Once again it was a sign that yakuza is one of those series that can make me sound like a kettle when I "aawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"
Ryuji- one of if not the best villain of this series. That's because he's not actually evil but he knows there can only be one dragon so hes gonna fight for it. He actually has honor and some sense of justice. [the ending tho where sayama is crying because she finally discovered she has a brother but now he and her lover need to fight is very depressing, good thing it was all forgotten amirite? (pleasekillme)]
Now for my top 7 level up system's because this series cant ever just stick to 1
1.yakuza kiwami
It’s the only one I managed to fully complete so I might be a bit biased, but I feel like the exp/level system that is different for each fighting style is perfect. Unlike in the rest of the series where there's only the dragon fighting style that separates into body, soul, heat and tech.
2.yakuza 3
it’s very simple and doesn’t really lock out any abilities that you really need
3.yakuza 4
it locks some stuff out on the start but you can get them pretty easily
4.yakuza 5
Kinda just a worse version of 4
5.yakuza LAD
I actually like the fact every battle upgrades everything at once and I don’t really have to think about if something is better than anotherthan again you can make the case that it removes any sense of choice from the game (at least speaking in level up terms)
6.yakuza 0
Although you get like 500000 yen per basic group of enemies, I still feel that money and levels shouldn’t corelate, especially when I need hundreds of millions for some of the side-quests (*ahem* *ahem* pocket circuit *ahem* *ahem*) also, tho it makes sense canonically, I feel like the trainer system of this game specifically is kinda stupid and annoying, never really bothered with it doh considering how much beast is a powerhouse even when its only upgraded with the stuff you don’t need to unlock
7.yakuza 6 & kiwami 2
Its too separated, having all those different exp points is stupid, I always had like 2 sections that were lagging behind the rest.
I would like now to give a quick shout-out to the top 4 side-quest's in the series1.pocket circuit 10/10
I got too addicted to it both in 0 & kiwami, 95% of all my early game money was either spent/saved for pocket circuit
[when I saw kiryu reminiscing on being kamurcho's fastest in kiwami's baka mitai I fucking died laughing]
2.majima everywhere 10/10
Basically doubled my playthrough's length because I always wondered what kinda whacky ass shit majima is gonna pull next. He's the best character in that game 100%
3.taxi racing 10/10
I did it all in the same game day so I like to think that in 1 night kiryu beat all the devil killers.
Shock that it reminds me of intial-d, who would've thought right? Jokes aside the car controls in this game are really fun
4.dragon kart 10/10
I would like to believe someone ran in the idea room and was like "GUYS, SO UNTIL NOW WE PLAYED PERSONA 5 100% OF THE TIME, GET THIS, WHAT IF, MARIO KART?!"and then everyone clapped
There's 1 aspect that I pretty much barely mentioned in this review and you might even be asking yourself where is it?
So without further ado
My top 15 songs from the yakuza series
Why 15? Cause that's how many songs I personally find to be fucking bops and the number of songs that I put in my playlist
(*note: don’t take it too much as if its in numerical order, I kinda tried to do it as such but that's kind of a lot of songs (the longest section in my playlist at least) and I really love all of them so it was hard to choose. Maybe try to look at it more of as a list then a top 15)
1.get over it-yakuza kiwami
It’s the only REALLY good song in this game (*note: not the only good one, the only REALLY good one)
Man that fucking guitar section in the middle, you know the one im talking about.I apologize for bringing jojo into this but I feel like if kiryu was a jojo this would easily be his theme (and that guitar section is like giorno piano)
2.destiny-yakuza 6
V I O L I Ncoming in in a VERY close second is destiny from yakuza 6I originally thought someya to be one of those bosses you just beat like 3-4 times throughout the events of the game then never hear from again and just remember him as that one asshole from that yakuza game. But MAN then this theme hits in his final fightand O O F[and right after the fight when he begs you to kill him to save kioymi, I have yet to actually cry during the events of this series but its really trying to make me do it and im 100% sure eventually I will]
3.machinegun kiss-yakuza4&5
I have a story with this song that the first couple of times that I listened to it I thought it was very mediocre, then one day I just got a vibe to listen to it 1 more time, at which point it got stuck in my head for about 3 weeks-month and it shoved its way up here.
4.judgement-yakuza 0
In case you haven’t noticed I really like buttrock
[I read a comment somewhere that said kiryu can no longer sing this after 0 because its not the same without nishiki, excuse me when I UGhhhHhHhHhhhhhhhHHhhhHHhhhHHhhHhhhhHhhhh]
5.clay doll on the cradle-yakuza 3
It has a pretty weak start but becomes really good really fast
6.comin'at ya, my girl-yakuza 5
As much as I don’t really like haruka's gameplay in 5, this is the best song in the game, sue me
  1. 24-hour cinderella-yakuza 0
Started listening to it because it’s a funny meme song
It got stuck in my head for 2 weeks
8.tears of a father-yakuza 3
When the credits hit after THAT cutscene and this song starts to play, "the father" is almost not the only one to shed tears
I only found out its called "tears of a father" while I looked it up after, and that was the point my heart had to get replaced because the previous one died
9.baka mitai-yakuza 0/kiwami/5
Do I really need to explain?
10.speed star-yakuza 4
A really pumped up default fight theme
11.intro-yakuza 0
I have a meme with some of my friends about the first 4 notes you have to hear before being able to skip it
12.infinite handcuffs-yakuza 4
Another pumped up normal battle theme
13.today is a diamond-yakuza 6
*insert funny kiryu thumbs up*this song seems so happy and upbeat until you realize that according to it the singer is singing it to his lover that is in a coma[kinda fitting doh]
14.Friday night-yakuza 0
Once again, started because of a meme, continued because it’s a bop
15.[majima construction anthem]-yakuza kiwami 2
All rise for our national anthem.
One of the best things to come out of this game.
Surprisingly enough there weren't any outstanding songs in lad

As a little conclusion, I would like to say I would've never imagined I would be as much in to this series as I am now, definitely one of the best game series's of all time and im really sad its not popular as it should be
Overall 10/10 series
So many good memories were formed and I can 100% see myself replaying it in the future
If you actually read all of it,
Holy shit thank you I wouldn’t be able to do that myself :)
And even if you just schemed through it and only looked at specific sections,
Thank you as well
Like I said if you wanna ask me about something I didn’t already write or wanna give your own opinion on one of my opinions youre 200% welcome to do so in the comments, ill try to answer most of the stuff i see
Well, I have nothing to add, see ya!
submitted by iluminubis to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

Finally Finished Dragon Quest Builder

One afternoon i was looking at my PS4 and I keep glancing at some games that are piling next to my console particularly i was looking at Yakuza 6 and Ni No Kuni 2 and I thought, "what do i feel like playing?"
Out of nowhere I thought hey why dont I play DQ Builders? I suspect it's because i read the news regarding the new DQ Builder 2 and also DQXI release date announcement got me excited to delve into something Dragon Questy-ish and trying to get into the mainline games can get awfully intimidating so i know i'll probably get some light hearted fun with the DQ Builders series.And that was it.... the beginning of something wonderful.
BOY What an experience it was!!!
I spend 5 days straight finishing Dragon Quest Builder and I wasn't even rushing. I took my sweet time doing my own thing with the town building while progressing the Quest bit by bit and exploring and strategizing and planning my approach to each chapter.I was completely engrossed.
Where do i even begin.This game is really underrated.It's easy to say " hey it's a Dragon Quest x Minecraft" spin off game. And to that i'd say it's totally a Dragon Quest game first and foremost and then the Minecraft part is just a backdrop that just happen to mesh well with the Dragon Quest lore and only serve to elevate the Dragon Quest experience one can get in a mainline game.
If there's one thing that totally stand out in this game is that all the character have their own personality. No one characters are alike and I totally feel like there's real bond with characters you meet along the way.I enjoy the interactions and even laugh alot in some of the scene presented even though there's no voice acting to deliver the lines but just from text alone and it shows a lot of personality.
So unlike the main line game there's no grinding for exp in this game.It's action based combat that's totally so not Dragon Quest-ish about this game.I didn't expect to enjoy it even but it eventually click and i recognize the enemy actually DO have pattern of attack which i can anticipate and follow up with a plan of attack.Of course you'll just be whacking away but mashing doesn't help because there's a rhythm that needs to be followed in order to beat the enemy. Now that i look back at it it's surprisingly deep and well thought out despite it's simple battle mechanics.it's really easy to take it for granted.If there's one part of combat i hate is that it can get awfully frustrating when the enemies gang up on you.Other than that i'd say they put alot of thought about what how each monster attack and it isn't all just about button mashing your way to defeat your enemy. Not at all.
They introduce new ways to dispose of the monster and it gets super OP even but that's what i love about it. You don't get stronger but you build better tool and weapons that makes you feel like a Legendary Builder and that is your Power, and you use it to your advantage.The power climb is very satisfying. Just when i thought a weapons is already too OP they even bring it to even greater heights which just blows my mind on how strong you can actually get in this game.I thought "WTF! what are you even doing, Game??"
And finally, the bosses.The boss fight is well crafted.None are the same for each chapter. Each boss have their own way of attacking and ways to encounter their attack.I thought initially this game has no right to even put out Boss fight that you'd find in actually top tier action RPG. But it did and that's what made it so memorable. Especially the last boss was EPIC AF.The game actually handhold you by way of providing clue as to what you need to do in the lower right corner of your screen in order to defeat the boss but once they got that out of the way you're on your way to deliver the necessary actions to tackle the boss for each chapter.I think that's really neat.
i'm very bad at action games. i guess one of the harder games i finished is probably Nier Automata on Normal and i still believe i suck at it even though i went to the trouble of going for Route A- E endings..thankfully DQ builder has it's moments that's pretty nerve wrecking due to being spammed a long range attack from multiple enemies and the inventory system for using healing item isn't helpful when you have more than 10-15 icons to toggle to before you get to your healing item to heal yourself.That's just bad design to put healing items along with the rest of your materials for building/ enemy drops.i wish it has its own set of menus or a type of hotkey. heck maybe L2/R2 to use the recovery item because i believe it's not even used at all.
On another note, the game is not afraid to be a bit naughty , the type of naughty you can expect from typical Japanese media targeted towards young adults/boys and I appreciate that.
One small nitpick though, i just wish it has like a checklist system for the Quest item that is currently being taken because sometimes i just forgot what i need to do and end up spending my time decorating my town/base not that i hate doing any of em.It's actually satisfying to make your town/base looks cool.I usually end up making private room for my Builder because I'm the builder and the most important person in town so i get to have cool ass looking room every damn time.
One last thing, Lyre of Slime Immemorial.Is.Awesome.
submitted by dahfa to dragonquest [link] [comments]

All of the MPAA/CARA-rated films of 2015 (out of the 9,846 films released worldwide that year.)

  1. A Horse Tale (Director: Brad Keller)
  2. All Creatures Big And Small (Directors: Toby Genkel + Sean McCormack)
  3. Curious George III: Back To The Jungle (Director: Phil Weinstein)
  4. The Clown (Director: Kalina de Moura)
  5. The Peanuts Movie (Director: Steve Martino)
  1. A Horse For Summer (Director: Nancy Criss)
  2. A Mouse Tale (Director: David Bisbano + Mychal Simka)
  3. A.C.O.R.N.S.: Operation Crackdown (Director: Ross Venokur)
  4. Air Bound (Directors: Tomohiro Kawamura + Yoshihiro Komori)
  5. Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Road Chip (Director: Walt Becker)
  6. April And The Extraordinary World (Directors: Christian Desmares + Franck Ekinci)
  7. Bark Ranger (Director: Duncan Christie)
  8. Beyond The Mask (Director: Chad Burns)
  9. Black Beauty (Director: Daniel Zirilli)
  10. Blinky Bill: The Movie (Directors: Deane Taylor, Noel Clear, Alexs Stadermann + Alex Wright)
  11. Capture The Flag (Director: Enrique Gato)
  12. Christmas Eve (Director: Mitch Davis)
  13. Cinderella (Director: Kenneth Branagh)
  14. Dancin’: It’s On! (Director: David Winters)
  15. David And Goliath (Director: Timothy A. Chey)
  16. Goosebumps (Director: Rob Letterman)
  17. Guardians Of Oz (Director: Alberto Mar)
  18. Home (Director: Tim Johnson)
  19. Hoovey (Director: Sean McNamara)
  20. Hotel Transylvania II (Director: Genndy Tartakovsky)
  21. Inside Out (Directors: Pete Docter + Ronnie Del Carmen)
  22. Ithaca (Director: Meg Ryan)
  23. Jack Of The Red Hearts (Director: Janet Grillo)
  24. Jem And The Holograms (Director: Jon M. Chu)
  25. Long Way North (Director: Rémi Chayé)
  26. Madea’s Tough Love (Director: Frank Marino)
  27. Max (Director: Boaz Yakin)
  28. McFarland, USA (Director: Niki Caro)
  29. Minions (Directors: Kyle Balda + Pierre Coffin)
  30. Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism (Director: Christopher N. Rowley)
  31. Monkey King: Hero Is Back (Director: Tian Xiao Peng)
  32. Mr. Holmes (Director: Bill Condon)
  33. My All-American (Director: Angelo Pizzo)
  34. Once I Was A Beehive (Director: Maclain Nelson)
  35. Only God Can (Director: Randall Owens)
  36. Our Little Sister (Director: Hirokazu Koreeda)
  37. Pan (Director: Joe Wright)
  38. Paul Blart: Mall Cop II (Director: Andy Fickman)
  39. Phantom Boy (Directors: Jean-Loup Felicioli + Alain Gagnol)
  40. Pitching Love And Catching Faith (Directors: Randolph Sternberg + Rebecca Sternberg)
  41. Pixies (Director: Sean Patrick O’Reilly)
  42. Pups United (Director: Guy Distad)
  43. Russell Madness (Director: Robert Vince)
  44. Salvation Street (Director: Ralph E. Portillo)
  45. Shaun The Sheep Movie (Directors: Mark Burton + Richard Starzak)
  46. Snowtime! (Directors: Jean-François Pouliot + François Brisson)
  47. Strange Magic (Director: Gary Rydstrom)
  48. The Adventures of Pepper and Paula (Directors: Robin Conly + Kevin Nations)
  49. The Dog Who Saved Summer (Director: Sean Olson)
  50. The Good Dinosaur (Director: Peter Sohn)
  51. The Great Gilly Hopkins (Director: Stephen Herek)
  52. The Laws Of The Universe Part 0 (Director: Isamu Imakake)
  53. The Little Prince (Director: Mark Osborne)
  54. The Magician’s Son (Director: Saravut Frank Sopapunta)
  55. The Playbook (Director: Darran Scott)
  56. The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (Director: John Madden)
  57. The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water (Directors: Paul Tibbitt + Mike Mitchell)
  58. The Square Root Of 2 (Directors Harold Reitman + Bernard Salzmann)
  59. The Walk (Director: Robert Zemeckis)
  60. Tomorrowland (Director: Brad Bird)
  61. Top Cat Begins (Director: Andrés Couturier)
  62. Underdog Kids (Director: Phillip Rhee)
  63. Walt Before Mickey (Director: Khoa Le)
  64. War Room (Director: Alex Kendrick)
  65. Woodlawn (Directors: Andrew Erwin + Jon Erwin)
  66. Yellow Day (Directors: Carl Lauten)
  1. 411 (Director: Valentine)
  2. 90 Minutes In Heaven (Director: Michael Polish)
  3. A Girl Like Her (Director: Amy S. Weber)
  4. A Man Called Ove (Director: Hannes Holm)
  5. A Month Of Sundays (Director: Matthew Saville)
  6. A Royal Night Out (Director: Julian Jarrold)
  7. A Tale Of Love And Darkness (Director: Natalie Portman)
  8. Al la mala (Director: Pedro Pablo Ibarra)
  9. Air (Director: Christian Cantamessa)
  10. Aliens: Zone-X (Director: Thomas R. Dickens)
  11. Al Roads Lead To Rome (Director: Ella Lemhagen)
  12. Aloha (Director: Cameron Crowe)
  13. Ant-Man (Director: Peyton Reed)
  14. Avengers: Age Of Ultron (Director: Joss Whedon)
  15. Barely Lethal (Director: Kyle Newman)
  16. Battle For Skyark (Director: Simon Hung)
  17. Beyond The Farthest Star (Director: Andrew Librizzi)
  18. Bilal: A New Breed Of Hero (Directors: Khurram H. Alavi + Ayman Jamal)
  19. Bridge Of Spies (Director: Steven Spielberg)
  20. Brooklyn (Director: John Crowley)
  21. Captive (Director: Jerry Jameson)
  22. Carter High (Director: Arthur Muhammad)
  23. Chloe & Theo (Director: Ezna Sands)
  24. Coming Through The Rye (Director: James Steven Sadwith)
  25. Concussion (Director: Peter Landesman)
  26. Creed (Director: Ryan Coogler)
  27. Daddy’s Home (Director: Sean Anders)
  28. Dial A Prayer (Director: Maggie Kiley)
  29. Do You Believe? (Director: Jon Gunn)
  30. Don Verdean (Director: Jared Hess)
  31. Equals (Director: Drake Doremus)
  32. Everest (Director: Baltasar Kormákur)
  33. Experimenter (Director: Michael Almereyda)
  34. Faith Of Our Fathers (Director: Carey Scott)
  35. Fantastic Four (Director: Josh Trank)
  36. Far From The Madding Crowd (Director: Thomas Vinterberg)
  37. Field Of Lost Shoes (Director: Sean McNamara)
  38. Four Warriors (Director: Phil Hawkins)
  39. Freeheld (Director: Peter Sollett)
  40. Freetown (Director: Garrett Batty)
  41. Furious 7 (Director: James Wan)
  42. Growing Up Smith (Director: Frank Lotito)
  43. Heroes Of Dirt (Director: Eric Bugbee)
  44. Hot Pursuit (Director: Anne Fletcher)
  45. Housekeeping (Director: Jennifer Harrington)
  46. Huevos: Little Rooster’s Egg-cellent Adventure (Directors: Gabriel Riva Palacio Alatriste + Rodolfo Riva-Palacio Alatriste)
  47. I’ll See You In My Dreams (Director: Brett Haley)
  48. In The Heart Of The Sea (Director: Ron Howard)
  49. Insidious: Chapter III (Director: Leigh Whannell)
  50. Insurgent (Director: Robert Schwentke)
  51. Ip Man III (Director: Wilson Yip)
  52. Jackie Chan presents “Amnesia” (Director: Ynxi Song)
  53. Jenny’s Wedding (Director: Mary Agnes Donoghue)
  54. Joy (Director: David O. Russell)
  55. Jupiter Ascending (Directors: Lana Wachowski + Lilly Wachowski)
  56. Jurassic World (Director: Colin Trevorrow)
  57. Just Let Go (Directors: Christopher S. Clark + Patrick henry Parker)
  58. Krampus (Director: Michael Dougherty)
  59. Ladrones (Director: Joe Menendez)
  60. Last Days In The Desert (Director: Rodrigo García)
  61. Lazer Team (Director: Matt Hullum)
  62. Little Boy (Director: Alejandro Monteverde)
  63. Love The Coopers (Director: Jessie Nelson)
  64. Maggie (Director: Henry Hobson)
  65. Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (Director: Wes Ball)
  66. Me And Earl And The Dying Girl (Director: Alfonso Gomez-Rejon)
  67. Miss Hokusai (Directors: Keiichi Hara, Stephanie Sheh + Michael Sinterniklaas)
  68. Miss You Already (Director: Catherine Hardwicke)
  69. Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (Director: Christopher McQuarrie)
  70. Mustang (Director: Deniz Gamze Ergüven)
  71. Paper Towns (Director: Jake Schreier)
  72. Pitch Perfect II (Director: Elizabeth Banks)
  73. Pixels (Director: Chris Columbus)
  74. Point Break (Director: Ericson Core)
  75. Poltergeist (Director: Gil Kenan)
  76. Project Almanac (Director: Dean Israelite)
  77. Queen Of The Desert (Director: Werner Herzog)
  78. Ricki And The Flash (Director: Jonathan Demme)
  79. Ride The Thunder (Director: Fred Koster)
  80. Romantic Schemer (Director: Valentine)
  81. San Andreas (Director: Brad Peyton)
  82. Secret In Their Eyes (Director: Billy Ray)
  83. Self/less (Director: Tarsem Singh)
  84. Septembers Of Shiraz (Director: Wayne Blair)
  85. Smosh: The Movie (Director: Alex Winter)
  86. Spare Parts (Director: Sean McNamara)
  87. Spectre (Director: Sam Mendes)
  88. Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Director: J.J. Abrams)
  89. Street (Director: Bradford May)
  90. Suffragette (Director: Sarah Gavron)
  91. Superfast! (Directors: Jason Friedberg + Aaron Seltzer)
  92. Survivor (Director: James McTeigue)
  93. Tainted Love (Director: Rachel Anderson)
  94. Terminator: Genisys (Director: Alan Taylor)
  95. The 33 (Director: Patricia Riggen)
  96. The Age Of Adaline (Director: Lee Toland Krieger)
  97. The Boy And The Beast (Director: Mamoru Hosoda)
  98. The Challenger (Director: Kent Moran)
  99. The Cokeville Miracle (Director: T.C. Christensen)
  100. The DUFF (Director: Ari Sandel)
  101. The Dog Wedding (Director: James Lefkowitz)
  102. The Final Girls (Director: Todd Strauss-Schulson)
  103. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay (Pt. II) (Director: Francis Lawrence)
  104. The Intern (Director: Nancy Meyers)
  105. The Intruders (Director: Adam Massey)
  106. The Lady In The Van (Director: Nicholas Hytner)
  107. The Last Witch Hunter (Director: Breck Eisner)
  108. The Lazarus Effect (Director: David Gelb)
  109. The Longest Ride (Director: George Tillman, Jr.)
  110. The Man Who Knew Infinity (Director: Matt Brown)
  111. The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (Director: Guy Ritchie)
  112. The Martian (Director: Ridley Scott)
  113. The Meddler (Director: Lorene Scafaria)
  114. The Perfect Guy (Director: David M. Rosenthal)
  115. The Price (Director: Kim Hughes)
  116. The Right Eye II (Director: Lawrence Xu)
  117. The Sea Of Trees (Director: Gus Van Sant)
  118. The Squeeze (Director: Terry Jastrow)
  119. The Transporter: Refueled (Director: Camille Delamarre)
  120. The Vatican Tapes (Director: Mark Neveldine)
  121. The Visit (Director: M. Night Shyamalan)
  122. Tracers (Director: Daniel Benmayor)
  123. Unlimited (Director: Nathan Frankowski)
  124. Victor (Director: Brandon Dickerson)
  125. Victor Frankenstein (Director: Paul McGuigan)
  126. Voiceless (Director: Pat Necerato)
  127. Welcome To Happiness (Director: Oliver Thompson)
  128. Wolf Totem (Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud)
  129. Woman In Gold (Director: Simon Curtis)
  130. Z For Zachariah (Director: Craig Zobel)
  1. 10 Days In A Madhouse (Director: Timothy Hines)
  2. 10,000 Saints (Directors: Shari Springer Berman + Robert Pulcini)
  3. 12 Rounds III: Lockdown (Director: Stephen Reynolds)
  4. 13 Minutes (Director: Oliver Hirschbiegel)
  5. 3 Generations (Director: Gaby Dellal)
  6. 45 Years (Director: Andrew Haigh)
  7. 600 Miles (Director: Gabriel Ripstein)
  8. A Beautiful Now (Director: Daniela Amavia)
  9. A Bigger Splash (Director: Luca Guadagnino)
  10. A Light Beneath Their Feet (Director: Valerie Weiss)
  11. A Perfect Day (Director: Fearnando León de Aranoa)
  12. A Walk In The Woods (Director: Ken Kwapis)
  13. A War (Director: Tobias Lindholm)
  14. AWOL-72 (Director: Christian Sesma)
  15. Absolutely Anything (Director: Terry Jones)
  16. Absolution (Mercenary: Absolution) (Director: Keoni Waxman)
  17. Accidental Love (Nailed) (Director: "Stephen Greene")
  18. Always Watching: A Marble Hornets Story (Director: James Moran)
  19. American Bad Boy (Director: Obba Babatundé)
  20. American Ultra (Director: Nima Nourizadeh)
  21. Andron (Director: Francesco Cinquemani)
  22. Anesthesia (Director: Tim Blake Nelson)
  23. Anomalisa (Directors: Duke Johnson + Charlie Kaufman)
  24. Area 51 (Director: Oren Peli)
  25. Ashby (Director: Tony McNamara)
  26. Assassin’s Game (Director: Anoop Rangi)
  27. Ava’s Possessions (Director: Jordan Galland)
  28. Awaken (Director: Mark Atkins)
  29. Baby, Baby, Baby (Director: Brian Klugman)
  30. Backtrack (Director: Michael Petroni)
  31. Bad Ass 3: Bad Asses on the Bayou (Director: Craig Moss)
  32. Bastard (Directors: Powell Robinson + Patrick Robert Young)
  33. Bedlam (Director: Chew Barker)
  34. Being Charlie (Director: Rob Reiner)
  35. Black Mass (Director: Scott Cooper)
  36. Blackhat (Director: Michael Mann)
  37. Blackway (Director: Daniel Alfredson)
  38. Blue (Director: Charles Huddleston)
  39. Body Of Deceit (Director: Alessandro Capone)
  40. Born To Be Blue (Director: Robert Budreau)
  41. Bravetown (Director: Daniel Duran)
  42. Broken Horses (Director: Vidhu Vinod Chopra)
  43. Brotherly Love (Director: Jamal Hill)
  44. Burning Bodhi (Director: Matthew McDuffie)
  45. Burnt (Director: John Wells)
  46. By The Sea (Director: Angelica Jolie)
  47. Careful What You Wish Fore (Director: Elizabeth Allen Rosenbaum)
  48. Carol (Director: Todd Haynes)
  49. Chain Of Command (Director: Kevin Carraway)
  50. Chappie (Director: Neill Blomkamp)
  51. Chapter & Verse (Director: Jamal Joseph)
  52. Chi-Raq (Director: Spike Lee)
  53. Child 44 (Director: Daniel Espinoza)
  54. Chocolate City (Director: Jean-Claude La Marre)
  55. Chronic (Director: Michel Franco)
  56. Club Life (Director: Fabrizio Conte)
  57. Come What May (Director: Christian Carion)
  58. Cop Car (Director: Jon Watts)
  59. Creative Control (Director: Benjamin Dickinson)
  60. Crimson Peak (Director: Guillermo del Toro)
  61. Curve (Director: Iain Softley)
  62. Danny Collins (Director: Dan Fogelman)
  63. Dark Places D(irector: Gilles Paquet-Brenner)
  64. Deer Season (Director: Raymond Dussault)
  65. Demolition (Director: Jean-Marc Vallée)
  66. Demon (Director: Marcin Wrona)
  67. Demonic (Director: Will Canon)
  68. Desierto (Director: Jonás Cuarón)
  69. Dheepan (Director: Jacques Audiard)
  70. Diablo (Director: Lawrence Roeck)
  71. Diamond Ruff (Director: Alec Asten)
  72. Digging For Fire (Director: Joe Swanberg)
  73. Don’t Worry Baby (Director: Julian Branciforte)
  74. Dope (Director: Rick Famuyiwa)
  75. Dragon Blade (Director: Daniel Lee)
  76. Drunk Wedding (Director: Nick Weiss)
  77. Eaters (Director: Johnny Tabor)
  78. Echoes Of War (Director: Kane Senes)
  79. El Jeremías (Director: Anwar Safa)
  80. Entertainment (Director: Rick Alverson)
  81. Entourage: The Movie (Director: Doug Ellin)
  82. Exeter (Director: Marcus Nispel)
  83. Extinction (Director: Miguel Ángel Vivas)
  84. Extraction (Director: Steven C. Miller)
  85. Extremely Used Cars: There Is No Hope (Director: Craig Richards
  86. Eye In The Sky (Director: Gavin Hood)
  87. Fathers & Daughters (Director: Gabriele Muccino)
  88. Fifty Shades Of Grey (Director: Sam Taylor-Johnson)
  89. Final Girl (Director: Tyler Shields)
  90. Focus (Directors: Glenn Ficarra + John Requa)
  91. Forever (Director: Tatia Pileva)
  92. Forgiveness (Director: Hakim Khalfani)
  93. Forsaken (Director: Jon Cassar)
  94. Frank And Cindy (Director: G.J. Echternkamp)
  95. Frankenstein (Director: Bernard Rose)
  96. Freaks Of Nature (Director: Robbie Pickering)
  97. Get Hard (Director: Etan Cohen)
  98. Gnome Alone (Directors: Timothy Woodward, Jr. + John Michael Elfers
  99. Grandma (Director: Paul Weitz)
  100. Green Room (Director: Jeremy Saulnier)
  101. Gridlocked (Director: Allan Ungar)
  102. Guns For Hire (Director: Donna Robinson)
  103. Harbinger Down (Director: Alec Gillis)
  104. Hardcore Henry (Director: Ilya Naishuller)
  105. Hayride II (Director: Terron R. Parsons)
  106. He Never Died (Director: Jason Krawczyk)
  107. Heist (Director: Scott Mann)
  108. Hell And Back (Director: Tom Gianas + Ross Shuman)
  109. Hello, My Name Is Doris (Director: Michael Showalter)
  110. Heneral Luna (Director: Jerrold Tarog)
  111. Hidden (Director: Matt Duffer & Ross Duffer)
  112. High-Rise (Director: Ben Wheatley)
  113. Hitman: Agent 47 (Director: Aleksander Bach)
  114. Home Sweet Hell (Director: Anthony Burns)
  115. Honeyglue (Director: James Bird)
  116. Hostile Border (Directors: Michael Dwyer + Kaitlin McLaughlin)
  117. Hot Tub Time Machine II (Director: Steve Pink)
  118. Hyena Road (Director: Paul Gross)
  119. I Really Hate My Ex (Director: Troy Byer)
  120. I Saw The Light (Director: Marc Abraham)
  121. I Smile Back (Director: Adam Salky)
  122. Identicals (Director: Simon Pummell)
  123. Infini (Director: Shane Abbess)
  124. Into The Forest (Director: Patricia Rozema)
  125. Into The Grizzly Maze (Director: David Hackl)
  126. Intruders (Director: Adam Schindler)
  127. Irrational Man (Director: Woody Allen)
  128. Isolation (Director: Shane Dax Taylor)
  129. It Had To Be You (Director: Sasha Gordon)
  130. James White (Director: Josh Mond)
  131. Jane Got A Gun (Director: Gavin O’Connor)
  132. Jane Wants A Boyfriend (Director: William Sullivan)
  133. Jeruzalem (Directors: Doron Paz + Yoav Paz)
  134. Kidnapping Mr. Heineken (Director: Daniel Alfredson)
  135. Klown Forever (Director: Mikkel Nørgaard)
  136. Knight Of Cups (Director: Terrence Malick)
  137. Knock Knock (Director: Eli Roth)
  138. Krisha (Director: Trey Edward Shults)
  139. Ktown Cowboys (Director: Daniel Park)
  140. L.A. Slasher (Director: Martin Owen)
  141. Lamb (Director: Ross Partridge)
  142. Land Of Mine (Director: Martin Zandvliet)
  143. Larry Gaye: Renegade Male Flight Attendant (Director: Sam Friedlander)
  144. Last Knights (Director: Kazuaki Kiriya)
  145. Legend (Director: Brian Helgeland)
  146. Les Cowboys (Director: Thomas Bidegain)
  147. Life (Director: Anton Corbijn)
  148. Life On The Line (Director: David Hackl)
  149. Lila & Eve (Director: Charles Stone III)
  150. Louder Than Bombs (Director: Joachim Trier)
  151. Lumberjack Man (Director: Josh Bear)
  152. MI-5 (Director: Bharat Nalluri)
  153. Ma Ma (Director: Julio Medem)
  154. Macbeth (Director: Justin Kurzel)
  155. Mad Max: Fury Road (Director: George Miller)
  156. Maggie’s Plan (Director: Rebecca Miller)
  157. Magic Mike XXL (Director: Gregory Jacobs)
  158. Man Down (Director: Dito Montiel)
  159. Man Up (Director: Ben Palmer)
  160. Marguerite (Director: Xavier Giannoli)
  161. Meadowland (Director: Reed Morano)
  162. Memoria (Director: Vladimir de Fontenay + Nina Ljeti)
  163. Mi America (Director: Robert Fontaine)
  164. Mia Madre (Director: Nanni Moretti)
  165. Microbe & Gasoline (Director: Michel Gondry)
  166. Miles Ahead (Director: Don Cheadle)
  167. MindGamers (Director: Andrew Goth)
  168. Missing Child (Director: Luke Sabis)
  169. Mississippi Grind (Directors: Anna Boden + Ryan Fleck)
  170. Mistress America (Director: Noah Baumbach)
  171. Mojave (Director: William Monahan)
  172. Moonwalkers (Director: Antoine Bardou-Jacquet)
  173. Mortdecai (Director: David Koepp)
  174. Mr. Right (Director: Paco Cabezas)
  175. My Golden Days (Director: Arnaud Desplechin)
  176. Nasty Baby (Director: Sebastián Silva)
  177. Never Let Go (Director: Howard J. Ford)
  178. Night Owls (Director: Charles Hood)
  179. Nightlight (Directors: Scott Beck + Bryan Woods)
  180. Nina Forever (Directors: Ben Blaine + Chris Blaine)
  181. No Escape (Director: John Erick Dowdle)
  182. No Stranger Than Love (Director: Nick Wernham)
  183. No Way Jose (Director: Adam Goldberg)
  184. Our Brand Is Crisis (Director: David Gordon Green)
  185. Ovation (Director: Henry Jaglom)
  186. Papa Hemingway In Cuba (Director: Bob Yari)
  187. Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (Director: Gregory Plotkin)
  188. People Places Things (Director: Jim Strouse)
  189. Pocket Listing (Director: Conor Allyn)
  190. Pod (Director: Mickey Keating)
  191. Pound Of Flesh (Director: Ernie Barbarash)
  192. Pressure (Director: Ron Scalpello)
  193. Puerto Ricans In Paris (Director: Ian Edelman)
  194. Queen Of Carthage (Director: Mardana M. Mayginnes)
  195. Quitters (Director: Noah Pritzker)
  196. Rams (Director: Grímur Hákonarson)
  197. Ratter (Director: Branden Kramer)
  198. Re-Kill (Director: Valeri Milev)
  199. Reborn (Director: Carlos Alba)
  200. Regression (Director: Alejandro Amenábar)
  201. Remember (Director: Atom Egoyan)
  202. Results (Director: Andrew Bujalski)
  203. Rock The Kasbah (Director: Barry Levinson)
  204. Room (Director: Lenny Abrahamson)
  205. Run All Night (Director: Jaume Collet-Serra)
  206. Safelight (Director: Tony Aloupis)
  207. Scouts Guide To The Zombie Apocalypse (Director: Christopher Landon)
  208. See You In Valhalla (Director: Jarret Tarnol)
  209. Sex, Death And Bowling (Director: Ally Walker)
  210. Sicario (Director: Denis Villeneuve)
  211. Sinister II (Director: Ciarán Foy)
  212. Sister Code (Director: Corey Grant)
  213. Sisters (Director: Jason Moore)
  214. Skin Traffik (Director: Ara Paiaya)
  215. Sleeping With Other People (Director: Leslye Headland)
  216. Slow West (Director: John Maclean)
  217. Solace (Director: Alfonso Poyart)
  218. Son Of Saul (Director: László Nemes)
  219. Southbound (Directors: Roxanne Benjamin, David Bruckner, Patrick Horvath + Radio Silence)
  220. Southpaw (Director: Antoine Fuqua)
  221. Spotlight (Director: Tom McCarthy)
  222. Spy (Director: Paul Feig)
  223. Standing Tall (Director: Emmanuelle Bercot)
  224. Staten Island Summer (Director: Rhys Thomas)
  225. Stealing Cars (Director: Bradley Kaplan)
  226. Steve Jobs (Director: Danny Boyle)
  227. Stonewall (Director: Roland Emmerich)
  228. Straight Outta Compton (Director: F. Gary Gray)
  229. Strangerland (Director: Kim Farrant)
  230. Street Level (Director: David Labrava)
  231. Subconscious (Director: Georgia Hilton)
  232. Summer Camp (Director: Alberto Marini)
  233. Sunset Song (Director: Terence Davies)
  234. Suspension (Dead Of Night) (Director: Jeffery Scott Lando)
  235. Synchronicity (Director: Jacob Gentry)
  236. Tale Of Tales (Director: Matteo Garrone)
  237. Tales Of Halloween (Directors: Darren Lynn Bousman, Axelle Carolyn, Adam Gierasch, Andrew Kasch, Neil Marshall, Lucky McKee, Mike Mendez, Dave Parker, Ryan Schifrin, John Skipp + Paul Solet)
  238. Tangerine (Director: Sean Baker)
  239. Ted II (Director: Seth MacFarlane)
  240. Terminus (Director: Marc Furmie)
  241. The Adderall Diaries (Director: Pamela Romanowsky)
  242. The Big Short (Director: Adam McKay)
  243. The Blackburn Asylum (Director: Lauro Chartrand)
  244. The Blackcoat’s Daughter (Director: Oz Perkins)
  245. The Boy Next Door (Director: Rob Cohen)
  246. The Bronze (Director: Bryan Buckley)
  247. The Clan (Director: Pablo Trapero)
  248. The Colony (Director: Florian Gallenberger)
  249. The D Train (Directors: Andrew Mogel + Jarrad Paul)
  250. The Dalhia Knights (Director: Milos Twilight)
  251. The Danish Girl (Director: Tom Hooper)
  252. The Diary Of A Teenage Girl (Director: Marielle Heller)
  253. The Dressmaker (Director: Jocelyn Moorhouse)
  254. The Driftless Area (Director: Zachary Sluser)
  255. The End Of The Tour (Director: James Ponsoldt)
  256. The Family Fang (Director: Jason Bateman)
  257. The Funhouse Massacre (Director: Andy Palmer)
  258. The Gallows (Directors: Travis Cluff + Chris Lofing)
  259. The Gift (Director: Joel Edgerton)
  260. The Girl In The Photographs (Director: Nick Simon)
  261. The Gunman (Director: Pierre Morel)
  262. The Hateful Eight (Director: Quentin Tarantino)
  263. The Hive (Director: David Yarovesky)
  264. The Lobster (Director: Yorgos Lanthimos)
  265. The Man In 3B (Director: Trey Haley)
  266. The Night Before (Director: Jonathan Levine)
  267. The Ones Below (Director: David Farr)
  268. The Overnight (Director: Patrick Brice)
  269. The People vs. Fritz Bauer (Director: Lars Kraume)
  270. The Preppie Connection (Director: Joseph Castelo)
  271. The Program (Director: Stephen Frears)
  272. The Revenant (Director: Alejandro González Iñárritu)
  273. The Rise Of The Krays (Director: Zackary Adler)
  274. The Runner (Director: Austin Stark)
  275. The Sabbatical (Director: Brian Stockton)
  276. The Second Mother (Director: Anna Muylaert)
  277. The Stanford Prison Experiment (Director: Kyle Patrick Alvarez)
  278. The Steps (Director: Andrew Currie)
  279. The Walking Deceased (Director: Scott Dow)
  280. The Wannabe (Director: Nick Sandow)
  281. The Wave (Director: Roar Uthaug)
  282. The Wedding Ringer (Director: Jeremy Garelick)
  283. The Wicked Within (Director: Jay Alaimo)
  284. The VVitch (Director: Robert Eggers)
  285. The World Made Straight (Director: David Burris)
  286. Tiger House (Director: Thomas Daley)
  287. To Have And To Hold (Director: Ray Bengston)
  288. Tooken (Director: John Asher)
  289. Touched By Fire (Director: Paul Dalio)
  290. Trainwreck (Director: Judd Apatow)
  291. True Story (Director: Rupert Goold)
  292. Trumbo (Director: Jay Roach)
  293. Truth (Director: James Vanderbilt)
  294. Tumbledown (Director: Sean Mewshaw)
  295. Unexpected (Director: Kris Swanberg)
  296. Unfinished Business (Director: Ken Scott)
  297. Unnatural (Director: Hank Braxtan)
  298. Vacation (Directors: John Francis Daley + Jonathan Goldstein)
  299. Vendetta (Directors: Jen Soska + Sylvia Soska)
  300. Vice (Director: Brian A. Miller)
  301. Visions (Director: Kevin Greutert)
  302. Viva (Director: Paddy Breathnach)
  303. War Pigs (Director: Ryan Little)
  304. We Are Your Friends (Director: Max Joseph)
  305. What Lola Wants (Director: Rupert Glasson)
  306. Wild Card (Director: Simon West)
  307. Wild Horses (Director: Robert Duvall)
  308. Wind Talkers (Director: Russell Friedenberg)
  309. Wingman, Inc. (Director: Choice Skinner)
  310. Yakuza Apocalypse (Director: Takashi Miike)
  311. Yosemite (Director: Gabrielle Demeestere)
  312. Youth (Director: Paolo Sorrentino)
  313. Zero Tolerance (2 Guns: Zero Tolerance) (Director: Wych Kaosayananda)
  314. Zipper (Director: Mora Stephens)
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yakuza like a dragon chapter 15 grind video

DisBearity Plays - Yakuza: Like A Dragon - Chapter 15 ... Yakuza Like A Dragon - Ending pt. 1 (Chapter 15 To The ... Yakuza Like a Dragon 👊🏻 CHAPTER 15 Ending Final Boss ... Yakuza: Like A Dragon Chapter 15 - YouTube Yakuza Like a Dragon PC - Chapter 15 Final complete ... Yakuza Like a Dragon 15 Yakuza: Like A Dragon Walkthrough Gameplay Part 15 Chapter ...

Yakuza: Like a Dragon Leveling in the game has a few distinct timeframes where it makes sense to grind a bit, the law of diminishing returns comes; but only becomes obvious after repeated playthroughs. With your main battle class at level 15 and one or two growth jobs at level 9 you should be able to run through all the story missions I'm in chapter 15 but grinding money and rank for the true tower. I guess I can move ahead a little for now, but I'll wait for everyone to be 99 then grind the jobs after this tower. The Underground maze dungeon unlocked in chapter 7 has rare hobo enemy spawns that give ludicrous amounts of XP and cash. You can easily grind dozens of levels on them very quickly and completely break the game in half if you wish Outside of that, the arena in chapter 12 and the chapter 15 dungeon are the best places to max out your characters A guide on how to raise Charisma (Personality Stat) in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Included are all the activities, Vocational School Exams, Part-time Hero Challenges, and items that increase Charisma, benefits, and elements that require a certain level of Charisma to unlock. When you reach chapter 12, there will be a battle arena that gives a lot of exp per battle as well and when you reach chapter 15, you will find the Kamurocho dungeon which is harder than the rest. Don't forget to upgrade your weapons, there are some specific ones that you can upgrade a lot like for example the Hero Bat for Ichiban. This Yakuza Like a Dragon Farming Guide will help you find all the best experience and money farming locations in Yakuza Like a Dragon. If you’re playing Yakuza Like a Dragon, eventually you’re going to feel the need to grind money and experience.For money, you need tons of cash to upgrade your weapons to their final form, roughly 100,000,000 yen apiece. Yakuza: Like a dragon, becoming a turn-based JRPG makes a big departure from the series. This means that character-based leveling is central to gameplay, and enemy difficulty is also level-based (that is, enemies are 10 levels higher) if low-level enemies are particularly resistant to certain attacks. Yakuza: Like a Dragon – Where to find/purchase items? Posted on November 14, 2020 November 22, 2020 by MrsChappie Below is a master list of all the items that each store, restaurant and gaming center have! Sengoku Coffees increase your Yakuza Like a Dragon money reward from battle by 50%, and they stack with the crowns, bringing your total money multiplier on each fight up to 2.1x. You can carry 5 coffees, just enough to use one on each fight every time you run through floors 26-30. A guide on how to level up fast in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Included are the best methods to farm experience fast, quick leveling tips and strategies, best meal combos for leveling, best equipment for leveling, and best areas to farm in the early, middle, and late game stages.

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DisBearity Plays - Yakuza: Like A Dragon - Chapter 15 ...

#YakuzaLikeADragon #Yakuza7 #SEGAhttps://store.playstation.com/#!/tid=CUSA00572_00 Yakuza Like a Dragon Walkthrough on PCThanks for watching #YakuzaLikeaDragon#Gameplay#Walkthrough#PC Yakuza Like a DragonOriginal Air Date: Winter 2021MY INFOThings You Should Know: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSdOsWtlobdBlQQqZNf1wtQSecond String Genera... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Yakuza: Like A Dragon Walkthrough Gameplay Part 15 Chapter 5: The Liumang Man PS4 Featuring HD (High Definition) gameplay/walkthrough, preview/highlight, g... #Yakuza #Yakuza7 #LikeADragon Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/DisBearityGaming📺 Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/DisBearity🕊️ Twitter https://www.twi...

yakuza like a dragon chapter 15 grind

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